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  1. As many of you may not be aware, of much about AutoIt's humble beginnings, and aspects related to the first GUI version of AutoIt, I thought it might be nice to create a historical reference here for all the many GUI creators that have been created by various people over the years. NOTE - While one could argue, that this topic might be better placed in one of the Chat forums, I would argue, that it links to heaps of good code. While much may be redundant in that code, it is still interesting and forms a great perspective. Many are bound to find useful elements at the very least. Koda, is no doubt the most well-known GUI creator now, but there was a time, when CyberSlug's legendary GUIBuilder (first known as AutoBuilder) ruled the roost, and AutoIt coder's saw it as a Godsend. AutoIt coding was much simpler back then of course. Below, will be a timeline, of any AutoIt GUI creators listed in forum pages. It will be added to by myself as I find them or as others here find them and place a link in a subsequent post ... PLEASE HELP! Comments welcome too. (Also note, that this is also intended to include updates, branches etc by others) Apr 20 2004 - AutoBuilder by CyberSlug. Sep 27 2004 - An interesting topic, where CyberSlug talks about the future of AutoBuilder (etc) and renaming to GUIBuilder and you see the first mentions and links to updates by others (including myself & livewire). Nov 05 2004 - A topic where lookfar is working on a SciTE replacement, talks about starting a Form Designer. Aug 10 2005 - GuiBuilder first update by TheSaint. Sep 26 2005 - GUIBuilder updates by livewire (he also talks about transferring his efforts to Koda). Nov 02 2005 - KODA FormDesigner v1.3 by lookfar Nov 03 2005 - Seemingly interesting topic about forms by tonedeaf Dec 26 2005 - AutoIt Studio(beta) by BillLuvsU Jan 09 2006 - AutoBuilder update (or branch) by _^__darkbytez (livewire also posts). Feb 19 2006 - Koda v1.5 by lookfar Sep 07 2006 - Koda v1.7.3.0 by Lazycat Jan 07 2007 - Form/GUI Builder by FlintBrenick Jun 10 2007 - Gorganizer by _Kurt (more of an assister than actual GUI maker) Jun 27 2007 - Basic GUI Designer by Mast3rpyr0 May 03 2008 - Autoit Programmer's Desktop (APD) by Ealric Jul 11 2008 - Gui Designer by Alek Aug 11 2008 - Gorganizer update by _Kurt Jun 19 2009 - Easy GUI by Mat Aug 13 2009 - GUI Script Creator by Pandemic (not sure this qualifies, but it made me think of templates) Aug 16 2010 - Creation Gui by AZJIO Jan 22 2012 - ISN AutoIt Studio by ISI360 (includes ISN Form Studio 2, a GUI editor) Mar 19 2012 - Arduino GUI Programmer by nikosliapis (creates a specific type of GUI) Aug 01 2012 - GuiBuilder Resurrected update/branch to GUIBuilder by baroquebob Dec 01 2012 - Form Builder beta (v1.0.6) by BuckMaster Jan 12 2015 - GUIBuilderNxt update by jaberwacky of GUIBuilder v0.8 (as a new prototype, modified to work with latest AutoIt) (not a update to the Resurrected version) Aug 12 2016 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, Jan 17 2017 - GUIBuilder Project by TheSaint (a work in progress based on CyberSlug's original ... and later versions, updated by Roy, TheSaint & others). May 29 2019 - The GuiBuilder Return by DFerrato as an update to GUIBuilder, His new and improved version. May 9 2022 - GuiBuilderPlus by kurtykurtyboy as an update to GUIBuilder. A new an improved version with more to come. There are a significant number of creators/designers that have been started and never completed. +++++ STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION +++++ P.S. Well that's it from me tonight. I know of at least one other major creator, but cannot recall it's name or the name of the coder, though I think it starts with 'L'. Bound to be a few I've missed, and some I cannot seem to find their first appearance here (Koda, Form Builder, etc), but there may be an obvious reason for that. Will probably rely on feedback from others now that I've got the ball rolling. NOTE - If anyone wants to discuss any of these programs above or give some background history, then by all means do so. I will cross-reference (link to) any important comments.
  2. This is an update to GuiBuilder (CyberSlug, Roy, TheSaint, and many others) to run on the latest AutoIt Beta release. For a chronological history of GuiBuilder and other GUI designers see: >AutoIt GUI Creators (Designers). The seed of this effort is >here. Note: This is early stage software. Please help by reporting issues. ----------------------------------------------------- Now for the latest exciting installment! Tabs are now available! One tab can be added to the GUI. Move it, resize it, and right click to add a new tab item! More context menu items on the way. Also upcoming is the ability to be able to add controls to each tab item. --------------------------------------------------------- GUIBuilderNxt - Reboot.zip - Exe included. dl: 4286 Changelog: New Features and fixes: 1) Show or hide control while moving or resizing control. *Currently bugged out* 2) Option to show controls which have had their state set to hidden. 3) Properties window for each control as they are selected. This makes fine tuning a control easier. 4) A button which will resize a control's width to fit the text. Uses Melba23's _StringSize library. 5) Remembers settings from the last session. 6) GuiOnEvent mode. CyberSlug made mention of wanting to do this in the early days of GuiBuilder. 7) Maps rather than multidimensional arrays. 8) Consistent control naming, (i.e., instead of Group1, Button2, Button3, Radio4 it would now be Group1, Button1, Button2, Radio1). 9) Restructured the menubar layout per GuiBuilder Resurrected. 10) Hotkeys switched to accelerators. 11) Option to wipe the gui clear to the Edit menu. 12) Select and move multiple controls at once by holding down Ctrl or using a selection rectangle. 13) Copy, Paste and Delete multiple controls at once. 14) Solid grid background that now resizes to fit the GUI. Roadmap: 1) Get the Tab control to work correctly. *Still in progress* 2) Finish adding properties settings to the control properties window. 3) Make the code generation produce code with a better layout. 4) Common GUI templates. Ability to make your own templates too. 5) Select multiple controls and use arrow keys (or other method?) to snap the selected controls to align to the chosen edge. 6) Visual hints to tell you when you're within so many pixels from the edge of the window or control. Mimics the gui designer of Visual Basic. 7) Double click a control to edit the text. 8) Visual hints to indicate selected controls, etc. 9) Ability to create and store custom controls. Known issues: 1)Many!
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