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  1. Good morning everyone I'm trying to build, and, first of all, understand, how a Virtual ListView works. By now, I've already downloaded all the samples from Virtual List View samples provided by @LarsJ, but I still don't understand few things. What I understood by now, is that the Virtual ListView doesn't need to be filled by object like Items, because it use directly the source to display the data. I've already understood that the $LVN_ODCACHEHINT Notification Code does provide the range of the items to be displayed, but I don't understand how to fill $iFrom and $iTo which are in the $NMLVCACHEHINT, or who fill them. And, "finally", I understood that the $LVN_GETDISPINFO is used to fill the ListView with "items". Can someone please explain to me how do these Virtual ListView controls work? Thanks in advance. Best Regards.
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