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Found 3 results

  1. When ever you hover your mouse over a native function, user defined function, or an AutoItObject method then you will see the calltip for that function. Click "Like This" if you found this useful! To use this just place the following lua file in the "...AutoIt3\SciTE\lua" directory. MouseHoverCallTips.zip downloads:741 After you have done that then open SciTE and click 'Options' --> 'Open Lua Startup Script' and paste this line after the other lines (may require administrative rights): LoadLuaFile("MouseHoverCallTips.lua") Updates and changes:
  2. Hi, I'd like to know how to change the calltip behavior back to the former one. The current version shows the calltip for the first objected typed, and ignores everything after it, and it does not show any IntelliSense box. How do I revert this to the old behavior?
  3. Just a quick snippet I created to parse UDF headers into the format used by SciTE for calltips and properties. This came about as I was constantly having to mess around with the files for >ResourcesEx UDF and overtime it became quite laborious. #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> Local $sFileOpenDialog = FileOpenDialog('Select an Au3 script file with headers.', @ScriptDir & '\', 'Au3 Script (*.au3)', $FD_FILEMUSTEXIST) If Not @error Then Local $sOutput = ParseHeadersToSciTE($sFileOpenDialog) ConsoleWrite($sOutput) ClipPut($sOutput) EndIf Func ParseHeadersToSciTE($sFilePath) Local Enum $PARAMS_FUNCTIONNAME, $PARAMS_DESCRIPTION, $PARAMS_PARAMSIGNATURE Local $sReturn = '' Local $aSRE = StringRegExp(FileRead($sFilePath), '(?is:\R;\hName\h\.+:\h(\w+)\h*\R;\hDescription\h\.+:\h(.+?)\R;\hSyntax\h\.+:\h(\1.+?)(?=\R;\hParameters\h\.))', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If Not @error Then Local $iFuncCount = 0, _ $sCallTips = '', $sProperties = '', $sUDFName = _WinAPI_PathStripPath($sFilePath) For $i = 0 To UBound($aSRE) - 1 Step 3 $iFuncCount += 1 $sCallTips &= StringRegExpReplace($aSRE[$i + $PARAMS_PARAMSIGNATURE], '\h*\R;\h+', '') & ' ' & $aSRE[$i + $PARAMS_DESCRIPTION] & ' (Requires: #include <' & $sUDFName & '>)' & @CRLF $sProperties &= StringLower($aSRE[$i + $PARAMS_FUNCTIONNAME]) & ' ' If Not Mod($iFuncCount, 5) Then $sProperties &= '\' & @CRLF & @TAB $iFuncCount = 0 EndIf Next If Mod($iFuncCount, 5) Then $sProperties &= '\' EndIf $sReturn = 'Add to au3.user.calltips.api:' & @CRLF & $sCallTips & @CRLF & 'Add to au3.userudfs:' & @CRLF & $sProperties & @CRLF EndIf Return $sReturn EndFunc ;==>ParseHeadersToSciTE
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