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  1. Hi guys!, recently i needed to measure two functions and detect fastest one then i decided to write and share this tiny script for compare, measure and detect fastest functions easily. It's such as snippets, i hope you find it useful :)❤ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 #include-once ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FuncSpeedComparator ; Description ...: Compares and measures speed of two functions and shows fastest one. ; Syntax.........: _FuncSpeedComparator($s1stFunc, $s2ndFunc [,$iCallNum, $iResultType]) ; Parameters ....: $s1stFunc - First function that should be compared and measured ; $s2ndFunc - Second function that should be compared and measured ; $iCallNum - [Optional] Number of times function should be called ; Default value is 100 ; $iResultType - [Optional] Type of output must be one of the following numbers: ; 1 ; Results will written in AutoIt Console Output ; 2 ; Results will be as a Message Box ; 3 ; Results will written in AutoIt Console Output and then shows as a Message Box ; Default value is 1 ; Return values .: Success - Returns string ; Failure - Returns False or empty string ; Author ........: Colduction (Ho3ein) ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Function names should be written as string (inside of two Double Quotation or Quotation) to be executed and be measured ; Example .......; _FuncSpeedComparator('ConsoleWrite("10101010101")', 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World!")', 500, 3) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FuncSpeedComparator($s1stFunc = "", $s2ndFunc = "", $iCallNum = 100, $iResultType = 1) If Not StringRegExp($s1stFunc, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\x28(.*?)\x29$") Or Not StringRegExp($s2ndFunc, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\x28(.*?)\x29$") Or Not StringRegExp($iCallNum, "^\p{Nd}*$") Or Not StringRegExp($iResultType, "^\p{Nd}*$") Then ; Human mistake preventative stage. Return False Else ; Measure stage. ;; First function measurement. Local $hTimer_1stFunc = TimerInit() For $i = 1 To $iCallNum Execute($s1stFunc) Next Local $iDiff_1stFunc = TimerDiff($hTimer_1stFunc) ;; Second function measurement. Local $hTimer_2ndFunc = TimerInit() For $i = 1 To $iCallNum Execute($s2ndFunc) Next Local $iDiff_2ndFunc = TimerDiff($hTimer_2ndFunc) ; Fastest function detector stage. Local $sFastestFunc = "" If $iDiff_1stFunc = $iDiff_2ndFunc Then $sFastestFunc = "Both of them" ElseIf $iDiff_1stFunc < $iDiff_2ndFunc Then $sFastestFunc = StringRegExpReplace($s1stFunc, "(\x28).*", "") Else $sFastestFunc = StringRegExpReplace($s2ndFunc, "(\x28).*", "") EndIf ; Results stage. Local $sResultText = @CRLF & '#Fastest Function: "' & $sFastestFunc & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & '1) "' & StringRegExpReplace($s1stFunc, "(\x28).*", "") & '" time elapsed: (' & $iDiff_1stFunc & ") ms" & @CRLF & '2) "' & StringRegExpReplace($s2ndFunc, "(\x28).*", "") & '" time elapsed: ' & "(" & $iDiff_2ndFunc & ") ms" & @CRLF If $iResultType = 1 Or Not StringRegExp($iResultType, '^[1|2|3]{1}$') Then ; Output as ConsoleWrite. ConsoleWrite($sResultText) ElseIf $iResultType = 2 Then ; Output as MsgBox. MsgBox(64, "Result: " & $sFastestFunc, $sResultText) ElseIf $iResultType = 3 Then ; Output as both ConsoleWrite & MsgBox. ConsoleWrite($sResultText) MsgBox(64, "Result: " & $sFastestFunc, $sResultText) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FuncSpeedComparator _FuncSpeedComparator.au3
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