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  1. Hello! I wrote myself a script to follow Google Maps Polyline encoding steps: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm, and that works (although I think that it's a bit janky), but now I'm having issues getting the output. When I run the script, all the points come out correctly in the console, and even when they're the only things that I log, it displays them fine. However, I'm adding each point into a variable to return all of them at once at the end, fully formatted, and it's only taking the very first point. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, as it seems fine. When run with the default value, it should output this at the end: Custom Polygon: _p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@ But instead I'm just getting this: Custom Polygon: _p~iF I know that it's reaching the string combination lines because it's logging the data before it (and even if a put log AFTER the $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0], it's logged fine). Here's my full code (problem is lines ~209 - 234, search "$sPolygon &= $aPoints[1]"): #include <Array.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> _PolyGUI() Func _PolyGUI() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $hInputGUI = GUICreate("Lat Long encoder", 403, 301, 192, 124) GUISetFont(8, 400, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Input polygon points here, format as:", 8, 8, 263, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lat Long - Single point", 8, 24, 142, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lat Long, Lat Long, Lat Long - Multiple points", 8, 40, 280, 17) Local $sPoints = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 64, 385, 201, BitOR($ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "38.5 -120.2, 40.7 -120.95, 43.252 -126.453") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Consolas") $bOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("bOK", 16, 272, 123, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Consolas") $bCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("bCancel", 304, 272, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Consolas") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hInputGUI) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $bCancel Exit Case $bOK $sPoints = GUICtrlRead($sPoints) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hInputGUI) _GetPoly($sPoints, True) ExitLoop EndSwitch Sleep(10) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_PolyGUI ;https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm ;https://app.dsmobileidx.com/api/DescribeSearchForLinkId?linkId=469787 ; Note that this will only really work inside the US (this side of the World), as it's assuming any negative is the Longitude ;https://gist.github.com/ismaels/6636986 - decoder ;Using: 41.83162 -87.64696 ; Expected: sfi~F np}uO ; Actual: sfi~f np}uo ; If we remove 32 from the last ASCII code, since the last bit chunk is 0, we get the correct case/ characters ; We need to run this logic back through all the indexes though and do this to all that that <= 63 ;LinkId=469787 ; Expected: q{`aHpa_iVi[kp@}`Aa{@e[eCoqBbAyc@iRy{@g_@mz@|gA{eAh~@Vf~Etv@gB~p@gQ`^yg@~p@ekAldA{KfFxIrJ^pO~Mtl@dPrJnUz[nSpo@wf@fc@yw@n@ob@ ; Actual: s{`aHpa_iVg[kp@}`Aa{@g[gCmqBbA{c@iRy{@e_@kz@|gA{eAh~@Td~Evv@gB|p@gQb^wg@|p@ekAndA{KfFvIpJ`@rO~Mrl@dPrJnU|[lSpo@wf@dc@yw@n@mb@ ; I assume that this is because of bad data, the points have repeating 9's and 0's, which looks fishy. The polygon is (very) close, but not quite the same. Func _GetPoly($sPoints, $bLog = False) Local $timer = TimerInit(), $sConsole[11] Local $sPolygon = "" ; Step 1, take the initial signed value: Local $aCoords = StringRegExp($sPoints, "(-*?\d*\.\d*) (-*?\d*\.\d*)", 3), $aPoints[2] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aCoords) If $bLog Then _Log(_ArrayToString($aCoords)) For $c = 0 To (UBound($aCoords) - 1) Step 2 ;~ If $bLog Then _Log($c) If $c = 0 Then $aPoints[0] = $aCoords[$c] $aPoints[1] = $aCoords[$c + 1] Else $aPoints[0] = $aCoords[$c] - $aCoords[$c - 2] $aPoints[1] = $aCoords[$c + 1] - $aCoords[$c - 1] EndIf If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 1, take the initial signed value:") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 2, multiply each by 1e5, and round $aPoints[0] = Round($aPoints[0] * 1e5, 0) $aPoints[1] = Round($aPoints[1] * 1e5, 0) If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 2, multiply each by 1e5, and round") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 3, convert Decimal to Binary, using two's complement for negatives. Padded to 32 bits $aPoints[0] = _NumberToBinary($aPoints[0]) $aPoints[1] = _NumberToBinary($aPoints[1]) If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 3, convert Decimal to Binary, using two's complement for negatives. Padded to 32 bits") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 4, left-shifted 1 bit $aPoints[0] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[0], 1) & "0" $aPoints[1] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[1], 1) & "0" If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 4, left-shifted 1 bit") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 5, if negative, invert binary If $c = 0 Then If $aCoords[$c] < 0 Then $aPoints[0] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[0]) If $aCoords[$c + 1] < 0 Then $aPoints[1] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[1]) Else If $aCoords[$c] - $aCoords[$c - 2] < 0 Then $aPoints[0] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[0]) If $aCoords[$c + 1] - $aCoords[$c - 1] < 0 Then $aPoints[1] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[1]) EndIf If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 5, if negative, invert binary") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf Local $aChunks[2][6], $0x20 For $i = 0 To 1 $0x20 = "1" ; This is out BitOR flag, 0x20 BitOR'd onto our 5-bit chunks is always 1*****, except the last chunk $sConsole[5] = "" ; Clearing console variables $sConsole[6] = "" $sConsole[7] = "" $sConsole[8] = "" $sConsole[9] = "" For $j = 0 To 5 ;There will always be 6 chunks ; Step 6 & 7, break into 5-bit chunks, and reverse order $aChunks[$i][$j] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[$i], StringLen($aPoints[$i]) - 5) ; This splits into 5-bit chunks in reverse order, doing 6 & 7 in one operation ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & $aPoints[$i]) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & StringLen($aPoints[$i])) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & StringTrimLeft($aPoints[$i], StringLen($aPoints[$i]) - 5)) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & $aChunks[$i][$j]) ; Here we consume the original binary string, so the next loop gets the correct next 5-bit chunk $aPoints[$i] = StringTrimRight($aPoints[$i], 5) $sConsole[5] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Once consumed, if the remaining length isn't enough for another bit chunk, switch 0x20 to 0 (no following chunks) If StringLen($aPoints[$i]) <= 5 Then $0x20 = "0" ; Step 8, BitOR 100000 (0x20) to our 5-bit chunks (effectively) $aChunks[$i][$j] = $0x20 & $aChunks[$i][$j] $sConsole[7] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Step 9, converting the chunk from Binary back to Decimal $aChunks[$i][$j] = _BinaryToDec($aChunks[$i][$j]) $sConsole[8] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Step 10, adding 63 to decimal values $aChunks[$i][$j] += 63 $sConsole[9] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " If StringLen($aPoints[$i]) < 5 Then ExitLoop Next If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 6 & 7 (part " & $i & "), break into 5-bit chunks, and reverse order") _Log(" " & $sConsole[5]) _Log("- Step 8 (part " & $i & "), BitOR 100000 (0x20) to our 5-bit chunks (effectively)") _Log(" " & $sConsole[7]) _Log("- Step 9 (part " & $i & "), converting the chunk from Binary back to Decimal") _Log(" " & $sConsole[8]) _Log("- Step 10 (part " & $i & "), adding 63 to decimal values") _Log(" " & $sConsole[9]) EndIf Next Local $aASCII[0] For $i = 0 To 1 Dim $aASCII[0] ; Reset ASCII array For $j = 0 To (UBound($aChunks, 2) - 1) ; For both chunk sets ReDim $aASCII[UBound($aASCII) + 1] ; Add an index for the ASCII array If $aChunks[$i][$j] = "" Or $aChunks[$i][$j] <= 63 Then ; If the chunk is not useful $l = $j For $k = $l To 1 Step -1 If $aChunks[$i][$k] = "" Or $aChunks[$i][$k] <= 63 Or $aASCII[$k] <= 63 Then $aASCII[$k - 1] -= 32 If $aASCII[$k - 1] <= 63 Then _ArrayDelete($aASCII, $k - 1) Else ExitLoop EndIf Next ExitLoop EndIf $aASCII[$j] = Int($aChunks[$i][$j]) Next ;Step 11, convert each value to ASCII equivalent For $k = UBound($aASCII) - 1 To 0 If $aASCII[$k] <= 63 Or $aASCII[$k] = "" Then ReDim $aASCII[UBound($aASCII) - 1] Else ExitLoop EndIf Next $aPoints[$i] = StringFromASCIIArray($aASCII, 0, -1, 0) Next If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 11, convert each value to ASCII equivalent, finished") If $aCoords[$c] <= 0 Then ;@CRLF & " " & If $bLog Then _Log($aPoints[1]) _Log($aPoints[0]) _Log("Next set") EndIf $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] Else If $bLog Then _Log($aPoints[0]) _Log($aPoints[1]) _Log("Next set") EndIf $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] EndIf Next If $bLog Then _Log("Custom Polygon: " & $sPolygon) _Log(TimerDiff($timer) & @CRLF) EndIf Return $sPolygon EndFunc ;==>_GetPoly Func _NumberToBinary($iNumber) Local $sBinString = "" ; Maximum 32-bit # range is -2147483648 to 2147483647 If $iNumber < -2147483648 Or $iNumber > 2147483647 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Convert to a 32-bit unsigned integer. We can't work on signed #'s $iUnsignedNumber = BitAND($iNumber, 0x7FFFFFFF) ; Cycle through each bit, shifting to the right until 0 Do $sBinString = BitAND($iUnsignedNumber, 1) & $sBinString $iUnsignedNumber = BitShift($iUnsignedNumber, 1) Until Not $iUnsignedNumber ; Was it a negative #? Put the sign bit on top, and pad the bits that aren't set If $iNumber < 0 Then Return '1' & StringRight("000000000000000000000000000000" & $sBinString, 31) ; Always return 32 bit binaries If StringLen($sBinString) < 32 Then Return StringRight("0000000000000000000000000000000" & $sBinString, 32) Return $sBinString EndFunc ;==>_NumberToBinary Func _BinaryToDec($sBinary) Local Const $aPower[8] = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] Local $iDec If StringRegExp($sBinary, "[0-1]") Then If StringLen($sBinary) < 8 Then Do $sBinary = "0" & $sBinary Until StringLen($sBinary) = 8 EndIf $aBinary = StringSplit($sBinary, "", 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aBinary) - 1 ;~ $aBinary[$i] = $aBinary[$i] * $aPower[$i] $iDec += $aBinary[$i] * $aPower[$i] Next Return $iDec Else Return SetError(0, 0, "Not a binary string") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BinaryToDec Func _InvertBinary($iNumber) ;~ ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & $iNumber) Local $sNumber $aNumber = StringSplit($iNumber, "") For $i = 1 To $aNumber[0] If $aNumber[$i] = 0 Then $aNumber[$i] = 1 ElseIf $aNumber[$i] = 1 Then $aNumber[$i] = 0 Else Return SetError(0, 0, "Not a binary number") EndIf $sNumber &= String($aNumber[$i]) Next Return $sNumber EndFunc ;==>_InvertBinary Func _Log($data) ;~ Local Static $LogEnable = True ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "." & @SEC & " " & $data) LogData(@HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "." & @SEC & " " & $data, "logs/LOGFILE.txt") EndFunc ;==>_Log Func LogData($text, $File = "logs/LOGFILE.txt") Global $LogFile = "" If $LogFile = "" Then $LogFile = FileOpen($File, 9) OnAutoItExitRegister(CloseLog) EndIf FileWriteLine($LogFile, $text) EndFunc ;==>LogData Func CloseLog() If $LogFile <> "" Then _Log("Closing LoD script" & @CRLF) FileClose($LogFile) EndIf EndFunc ;==>CloseLog I've tried: $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1] ;---- $sPolygon = $sPolygon & $aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1] ;---- $sPolygon = $sPolygon & String($aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1]) ;---- $sPolygon = String($sPolygon) & String($aPoints[0]) & String($aPoints[1]) ;---- $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] ;---- I'm sure it's something basic that I'm overlooking, but I don't understand why it's not combining the strings. Also, unrelated, why doesn't $LogFile = FileOpen($File, 9) create the directory/ file if they don't exist? 9 should be $FO_CREATEPATH (8) + $FO_APPEND (1)? Thanks!
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