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  1. Hello everyone, I have huge problem with "Recurison level has been exceeded - AutoIt will quit to prevent stack overflow" in my own Bot. I have no idea how rebuild my loops for eliminate this type of error. Here is my code #Region #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=C:\Users\barbosa\Desktop\autoIt\produkcja\angelica.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=1.0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #EndRegion #Region ; GUI generated by GUIBuilderNxt Prototype 1.0 #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> ;#include <nomad.au3> HotKeySet("{end}","stop") ;end for app kill Local Const $sFont = "Open Sans" ;font variable Local $sFile = "angelica.ico" ;icon variable Global $MainStyle = BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPED, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $FW_SEMIBOLD = 600) Global $info_task = "[ Waiting for calibration ]",$info_battlelist = "None",$info_empty = "None",$info_hotkeys = "INACTIVE",$info_100 = "None",$info_mana = "None",$info_food = "None",$info_blank = "None",$info_drop = "None",$info_hand = "None" Global $hMain = GuiCreate("Auto_Angela_Beta_1.0", 330, 559, -1, -1, $MainStyle) GUISetIcon($sFile) $label_100 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F4] Mana Point "&" "&$info_100, 20, 40, 170, 20,-1) $label_mana = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F5] Mana Bar "&" "&$info_mana, 20, 60, 170, 20,-1) $label_empty = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F6] Nothing "&" "&$info_empty, 20, 80, 170, 20,-1) $label_battlelist = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F7] Battle List "&" "&$info_battlelist, 20, 100, 170, 20,-1) $label_food = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F8] Food "&" "&$info_food, 20, 120, 170, 20,-1) $label_blank = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F9] Blank "&" "&$info_blank, 20, 140, 170, 20,-1) $label_drop = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F10] Drop "&" "&$info_drop, 20, 160, 170, 20,-1) $label_hand = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("[F11] Hand "&" "&$info_hand, 20, 180, 170, 20,-1) $Group_11 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Configuration", 10, 10, 190, 220,-1) $Group_12 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Setup", 210, 10, 110, 220,-1) $btn_setting = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Setup", 220, 40, 70, 30,-1) $btn_load = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Load", 220, 100, 70, 30,-1) $btn_save = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save", 220, 140, 70, 30,-1) $label_hotkeys = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Status: "&$info_hotkeys, 220, 190, 90, 20,-1) $input_spell = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Adura Vita", 20, 270, 120, 20,-1) $box_house_mode = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("House mode", 20, 300, 90, 20,-1) $box_pk_mode = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Anty PK", 20, 330, 90, 20,-1) $Checkbox_20 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Alarms", 20, 360, 90, 20,-1) $Checkbox_21 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Anty Idle", 20, 390, 90, 20,-1) $btn_auto = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Start", 200, 360, 70, 30,-1) $btn_refiler = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Rune thrower", 200, 400, 70, 20,-1);$btn_manual = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Start", 200, 360, 70, 30,-1) $Input_22 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("down", 140, 300, 60, 20,-1) $Input_23 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("up", 210, 300, 60, 20,-1) $Group_24 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Mode", 10, 250, 310, 180,-1) GUISetFont(9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) ;white color and bigger font ;$label_task = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($info_task, 10, 450, 370, 24,-1) GUICtrlSetColor($label_task, 0xffffff) GUISetFont(9, $FW_MEDIUM) $Label_28 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Auto_Angela_Beta 1.1 @ Medivia 2016", 60, 530, 370, 20,-1) Global $way_one Global $way_one Global $food_pos_x,$food_pos_y Global $hand_pos_x,$hand_pos_y Global $drop_pos_x,$drop_pos_y Global $blank_pos_x, $blank_pos_y Global $RunOrNot Global $pid Global $hotkeys = 0 ;By default hotkeys are disabled Global $mana_color, $battle_color Global $mana_100_x,$mana_100_y Global $mana_pixel_x, $mana_pixel_y Global $empty_pixel_x = 000, $empty_pixel_y = 000 Global $battle_pixel_x, $battle_pixel_y Global $is_break ;Global $MapClickEscape_x, $MapClickEscape_y ;GUICtrlSetDefColor(0xFF0000) GUISetBkColor(0x788190) ; will change background color ;GUICtrlSetBkColor($label_hand, 0xF0F4F9) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOWNORMAL) Do Switch GuiGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $btn_setting _EnableDisable() ;function which make hotkeys enable/disable Case $btn_auto IF $info_food <> "None" OR $info_blank <> "None" OR $info_drop <> "None" OR $info_hand <> "None" OR $info_100 <> "None" OR $info_mana <> "None" Then ;simple validation data in possitions variables check_mana() ;Function is first in chain for making runes Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "You must setup coordinations") EndIf Case $btn_load load_from_file() ;load data from text file Case $btn_save save_to_file() ;dave data in text file Case $btn_refiler refiler() ;for fast refile EndSwitch Until False #EndRegion ;Func uher() ;x,y postaci = F10 DROP ;x,y uha w plecaku = F9 Blank ;kolor uha pobrany przy ustawieniu ;kolor plecaka = F6 BP Color ;odpowienio przygotowane staki plecakow ;co 400ms sprawdza czy jest dosc hp na uha ;jesli trzeba sie uchnac to sprawdza czy w miejscu na uha jest niebieska runa ;jesli nie ma to sprawdza czy jest yellow bp jesli nie ma to sygnal dzwiekowy bledu i kill uhera ;jesli jest to otwiera plecak i sprawdza czy jest niebieska runa jak nie ma to error i kill uhera ;jesli jest to ja przeciaga na postac bardzo szybko ;EndFunc Func refiler() local $i = 20 While $i > 0 MouseClickDrag($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $blank_pos_x, $blank_pos_y, $drop_pos_x, $drop_pos_y, 1) $i = $i - 1 WEnd EndFunc Func save_to_file() $file = FileOpen("angela_memory.txt", 1) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to save data.") Else FileWrite($file, $mana_100_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $mana_100_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $mana_pixel_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $mana_pixel_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $empty_pixel_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $empty_pixel_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $battle_pixel_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $battle_pixel_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $food_pos_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $food_pos_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $blank_pos_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $blank_pos_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $drop_pos_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $drop_pos_y & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $hand_pos_x & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, $hand_pos_y & @CRLF) MsgBox(0, "Done", "Settings saved.") EndIf EndFunc Func load_from_file() $file = FileOpen("angela_memory.txt", $FO_READ) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to load data.") Else ;wczytywanie segmentow $mana_100_x = FileReadLine($file, 1) $mana_100_y = FileReadLine($file, 2) $info_100 = "X: "&$mana_100_x&" "&"Y: "&$mana_100_y GUICtrlSetData($label_100, "[F4] Mana point "&" "&$info_100) ;;;; $mana_pixel_x = FileReadLine($file, 3) $mana_pixel_y = FileReadLine($file, 4) $info_mana = "X: "&$mana_pixel_x&" "&"Y: "&$mana_pixel_y GUICtrlSetData($label_mana, "[F5] Mana Bar "&" "&$info_mana) ;;;; $empty_pixel_x = FileReadLine($file, 5) $empty_pixel_y = FileReadLine($file, 6) $info_empty = "X: "&$empty_pixel_x&" "&"Y: "&$empty_pixel_y GUICtrlSetData($label_empty, "[F6] Nothing "&" "&$info_empty) ;;;; $battle_pixel_x = FileReadLine($file, 7) $battle_pixel_y = FileReadLine($file, 8) $info_battlelist = "X: "&$battle_pixel_x&" "&"Y: "&$battle_pixel_y GUICtrlSetData($label_battlelist, "[F7] Battle List "&" "&$info_battlelist) ;;;; $food_pos_x = FileReadLine($file, 9) $food_pos_y = FileReadLine($file, 10) $info_food = "X: "&$food_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$food_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_food, "[F8] Food "&" "&$info_food) ;;;; $blank_pos_x = FileReadLine($file, 11) $blank_pos_y = FileReadLine($file, 12) $info_blank = "X: "&$blank_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$blank_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_blank, "[F9] Blank "&" "&$info_blank) ;;;; $drop_pos_x = FileReadLine($file, 13) $drop_pos_y = FileReadLine($file, 14) $info_drop = "X: "&$drop_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$drop_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_drop, "[F10] Drop "&" "&$info_drop) ;;;; $hand_pos_x = FileReadLine($file, 15) $hand_pos_y = FileReadLine($file, 16) $info_hand = "X: "&$hand_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$hand_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_hand, "[F11] Hand "&" "&$info_hand) ;;;; FileClose($file) MsgBox(0, "Done", "Settings loaded") EndIf EndFunc Func stop() Exit EndFunc Func kill() Exit 0 EndFunc ;functions checking if checkbox checked Func _IsChecked_pk_mode($box_pk_mode) Return BitAND(GUICtrlRead($box_pk_mode), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc ;==>_IsChecked Func _IsChecked_house_mode($box_house_mode) Return BitAND(GUICtrlRead($box_house_mode), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc ;==>_IsChecked Func floor_maker() ;GUICtrlSetData($label_task, "[ Burning rune.. ]") $spell_name = GUICtrlRead($input_spell) $way_one = GUICtrlRead($Input_22) $way_two = GUICtrlRead($Input_23) If _IsChecked_house_mode($box_house_mode) Then ControlSend("Medivia","","", "{" & $way_one & "}" ) EndIf Sleep(1000) MouseClickDrag($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $blank_pos_x, $blank_pos_y, $hand_pos_x, $hand_pos_y, 2) ControlSend("Medivia","","",$spell_name) ControlSend("Medivia","","","{enter}") MouseClickDrag($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $hand_pos_x, $hand_pos_y, $drop_pos_x, $drop_pos_y, 2) Sleep(300) MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_RIGHT, $food_pos_x, $food_pos_y, 4, 10) Sleep(400) MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_RIGHT, $food_pos_x, $food_pos_y, 4, 10) Sleep(300) If _IsChecked_house_mode($box_house_mode) Then ControlSend("Medivia","","", "{" & $way_two & "}" ) EndIf Beep(1000, 150) check_mana() EndFunc Func _EnableDisable() If $hotkeys = 0 Then HotKeySet("{F4}", "mana_100") HotKeySet("{F5}", "mana_get_color") ;HotKeySet("{F6}", "MapClickEscape") HotKeySet("{F7}", "battle_get_color");Pobiera kolor do zmiennej $battle_color HotKeySet("{F8}", "mouse_pos_food") HotKeySet("{F9}", "mouse_pos_blank") HotKeySet("{F10}", "mouse_pos_drop") HotKeySet("{F11}", "mouse_pos_hand") $hotkeys = 1 $info_hotkeys = "ACTIVE" GUICtrlSetData($label_hotkeys, "Status: "&" "&$info_hotkeys) GUICtrlSetData($label_task, "[ Calibration in progress ]") Else HotKeySet("{F4}") HotKeySet("{F5}") HotKeySet("{F6}") HotKeySet("{F7}") HotKeySet("{F8}") HotKeySet("{F9}") HotKeySet("{F10}") HotKeySet("{F11}") $hotkeys = 0 $info_hotkeys = "INACTIVE" GUICtrlSetData($label_hotkeys, "Status: "&" "&$info_hotkeys) GUICtrlSetData($label_task, "[ End of calibration ]") EndIf EndFunc Func check_mana() ;sleep(700) ;IsSafty() $current_color = PixelGetColor($mana_100_x,$mana_100_y) ;Taking current color from defined mana break point on maan bar $BattleListColor = PixelGetColor($battle_pixel_x, $battle_pixel_y) ;Taking current color from defined posiotion on battle list If _IsChecked_pk_mode($box_pk_mode) Then ;only if pk_mode checkbox is checked If $BattleListColor = $battle_color Then ;If collor on battle list point didnt change, means nothing (player/monster) enter on out screen $RunOrNot = True Else $RunOrNot = False EndIf EndIf If Not ($RunOrNot = False) Then ;If variable RunOrNot are not false it mean is true = is safe If $mana_color = $current_color Then ;If mana color flood mana bar break point floor_maker() ;rune making function Else ;GUICtrlSetData($label_task, "[ Waiting for mana.. ]") Sleep(1000) check_mana() ;Mana arnt ready so back to mana checking EndIf Else ;If not safty then run escape function runforestrun() EndIf EndFunc Func runforestrun() $way_one = GUICtrlRead($Input_22) $way_two = GUICtrlRead($Input_23) ControlSend("Medivia","","", "{" & $way_one & "}" ) Sleep(5000) Do ;GUICtrlSetData($label_task, "[ Not safty outside!! ]") Beep(700,300) Beep(200,500) Sleep(5000) ;IsSafty() $BattleListColor = PixelGetColor($battle_pixel_x, $battle_pixel_y) If $BattleListColor = $battle_color Then $RunOrNot = True Else $RunOrNot = False EndIf Until $RunOrNot = True MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_RIGHT, $food_pos_x, $food_pos_y, 4) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("Medivia","","", "{" & $way_two & "}" ) Sleep(2000) check_mana() EndFunc Func mana_100() $pos = MouseGetPos() $mana_100_x = $pos[0] $mana_100_y = $pos[1] $info_100 = "X: "&$mana_100_x&" "&"Y: "&$mana_100_y GUICtrlSetData($label_100, "[F4] Mana point "&" "&$info_100) EndFunc Func mana_get_color() $pos = MouseGetPos() $mana_pixel_x = $pos[0] $mana_pixel_y = $pos[1] $mana_color = PixelGetColor($mana_pixel_x, $mana_pixel_y) $info_mana = "X: "&$mana_pixel_x&" "&"Y: "&$mana_pixel_y GUICtrlSetData($label_mana, "[F5] Mana Bar "&" "&$info_mana) EndFunc Func battle_get_color() $pos = MouseGetPos() $battle_pixel_x = $pos[0] $battle_pixel_y = $pos[1] $battle_color = PixelGetColor($battle_pixel_x, $battle_pixel_y) $info_battlelist = "X: "&$battle_pixel_x&" "&"Y: "&$battle_pixel_y GUICtrlSetData($label_battlelist, "[F7] Battle List "&" "&$info_battlelist) EndFunc Func mouse_pos_food() $pos = MouseGetPos() $food_pos_x = $pos[0] $food_pos_y = $pos[1] $info_food = "X: "&$food_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$food_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_food, "[F8] Food "&" "&$info_food) EndFunc Func mouse_pos_hand() $pos = MouseGetPos() $hand_pos_x = $pos[0] $hand_pos_y = $pos[1] $info_hand = "X: "&$hand_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$hand_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_hand, "[F11] Hand "&" "&$info_hand) EndFunc Func mouse_pos_drop() $pos = MouseGetPos() $drop_pos_x = $pos[0] $drop_pos_y = $pos[1] $info_drop = "X: "&$drop_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$drop_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_drop, "[F10] Drop "&" "&$info_drop) EndFunc Func mouse_pos_blank() $pos = MouseGetPos() $blank_pos_x = $pos[0] $blank_pos_y = $pos[1] $info_blank = "X: "&$blank_pos_x&" "&"Y: "&$blank_pos_y GUICtrlSetData($label_blank, "[F9] Blank "&" "&$info_blank) EndFunc Func afk() ControlSend("Medivia","","","{ctrldown}{down}{ctrlup}") Sleep(350) ControlSend("Medivia","","","{ctrldown}{up}{ctrlup}") EndFunc
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