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Found 4 results

  1. In some systems the date is displayed in the Taskbar as 10-01-2018 And in some systems it is like, 1/10/2018 And in some it is, 10-Jan-2018 And in different formats. I wrote my code to convert 1/10/2018 to 10-01-2018 Func TodaysDate() $NewDate = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalcDate(),1) $Array = StringSplit( $NewDate , ',' ) _ArrayDelete($Array, 0) _ArrayDelete($Array, 0) $Array1 = StringSplit($Array[0],' ') RemoveEmptyArrayLines($Array1) ;Will return the present day's date with format dd-mmm-yyyy ;$Date = StringStripWS($Array1[2]&"-"&StringLeft($Array1[1], 3)&"-"&$Array[1], $STR_STRIPALL) $Date = StringStripWS($Array1[2]&"-"&changeDateformat(StringLeft($Array1[1], 3))&"-"&$Array[1], $STR_STRIPALL) return $Date EndFunc Func RemoveEmptyArrayLines(ByRef $arrLines) $intCount = 1 While $intCount < UBound($arrLines) $arrLines[$intCount] = StringStripWS($arrLines[$intCount],$STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) If StringLen($arrLines[$intCount])=0 Then _ArrayDelete($arrLines, $intCount) $intCount = $intCount - 1 EndIf $intCount = $intCount + 1 WEnd EndFunc ;To convert mmm to mm format Func changeDateformat($sText) Local $sMsg = StringStripWS($sText, $STR_STRIPALL) Switch $sMsg Case "Jan" $sMsg = "01" Case "Feb" $sMsg = "02" Case "Mar" $sMsg = "03" Case "Apr" $sMsg = "04" Case "May" $sMsg = "05" Case "Jun" $sMsg = "06" Case "Jul" $sMsg = "07" Case "Aug" $sMsg = "08" Case "Sep" $sMsg = "09" Case "Oct" $sMsg = "10" Case "Nov" $sMsg = "11" Case "Dec" $sMsg = "12" EndSwitch return $sMsg EndFunc But again it will work on machines only with 1/10/2018. Is there any direct function which will give only in the format 10-01-2018, whatever the system settings is.? I tried all the arguments for _DateTimeFormat, but showing machine dependent settings only. Google given these two links in AutoIT but these are also for specific formats only,like mine. Please suggest.
  2. Dears, The below code is working(20170314) in my UAT system but the same not working (-1-1-1) on production system. Please note "_NowCalc()" returning correct date time on all machine/systems. What could be the issue? Please help. Func GetDateYYYYMMDD() Local $aMyDate, $aMyTime _DateTimeSplit(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 1), $aMyDate, $aMyTime) Local $iLenDay = StringLen($aMyDate[1]) Local $iLenMon = StringLen($aMyDate[2]) if $iLenDay = 1 Then $aMyDate[1] = "0"&$aMyDate[1] EndIf if $iLenMon = 1 Then $aMyDate[2] = "0"&$aMyDate[2] EndIf Local $newDateFormat = $aMyDate[3] & $aMyDate[2] & $aMyDate[1] MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "New Date " & $newDateFormat ) Return $newDateFormat EndFunc
  3. I don't know what this is called, but I am just looking to change the date format from this: Oct. 19, 2015To MM/DD/YYYY Is there a native way to do this in AutoIt?
  4. I am currently working on a project in which I have to find timestamps in multiple formated patterns. The idea is to search time stamps in log files. If successful _GetDateInString() will returns a timestamp in YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss Example: _GetDateInString("...Process Last Run 17 JUN at 05:15...", "DD Mon at hh:mm") will return 2014/06/17 05:15:00 Formats tested: - DDMonYY hh:mm:ss (matches dates like 30May14 03:59:59) - DD Mon YYYY hh:mm - Mon, DD YYYY hh:mm:ss - Mon, D YYYY hh:mm:ss - DD Mon at hh:mm - DMonYY hh:mm:ss - DMon hh:mm:ss - DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm - DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm - DDMMYYYY hh:mm - DD/MM hh:mm - MM.DD.YYYY hh:mm - YYYYDDMM hh:mm - YYYYMMDD - hh:mm - DD.MM hh:mm - D/M/YYYY hh:mm - D.M.YYYY hh:mm - M.D.YY h:mm:ss - M.D.YY hh:mm - M.D.YY hh:mm - M.D.YYYY h:mm:ss - M.D.YYYY h:mm:ss - M.D at h:mm:ss and many other formats... udf with examples: _GetDateInString GreenCan
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