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Found 2 results

  1. About AutoIt-DD AutoIt-DD is an carbon copy of Laravels dd helper. DD stands for "Dump and DIE" and is a great tool for debugging AutoIt variables Features Get useful information about any AutoIt variable Nested Arrays and Scripting dictionaries Multi DIM arrays Great structure and colored output Example In Example.au3 you can run a fully featured example, but I also provided a print screen for you lazy people Dowonload
  2. Version 1.0.0


    About AutoIt-DD AutoIt-DD is an carbon copy of Laravels dd helper. DD stands for "Dump and DIE" and is a great tool for debugging AutoIt variables Features Get useful information about any AutoIt variable Nested Arrays and Scripting dictionaries Multi DIM arrays Great structure and colored output Example In Example.au3 you can run a fully featured example, but I also provided a print screen for you lazy people
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