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  1. Greetings! I was here writing some code when it occurred to me to unarchive my GUI in AutoIt3, which was a prototype I wrote to provide a graphical interface for non-techies to understand how the main tool works. After that I discontinued the prototype, but it retains basic public key cryptography features and is also compatible with my tools. It deals strictly with ephemeral elliptic curve-based public keys and bulk encryption. I called the prototype ROOTTk, and the tool is currently called the AUTO Toolkit, written in Autoit. ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: AUTO Toolkit Graphical User Interface ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Handler/Wrapper for ROOTTk Golang Tool Functions. ; Author(s) .....: Pedro F. Albanese <pedroalbanese@hotmail.com> ; =============================================================================================================================== #NoTrayIcon #include <GUI.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Main() Func Main() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 ; Generate Keypair (DH) Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit1) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit2) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo1) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" Case "Brainpool512r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "X25519" $iAlgorithm = "x25519" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Secp160k1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Secp192k1" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Secp256k1" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" Case "NUMSP256d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch If $sRead = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" ElseIf $sRead not = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $sRead & """ | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" Else $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $PrivateKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Private", "Not found.") $PublicKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Public", "Not found.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, $PrivateKey) GUICtrlSetData($Edit2, $PublicKey) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "keypair.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button2 Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo1) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" Case "Brainpool512r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "X25519" $iAlgorithm = "x25519" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp1921" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" Case "NUMSP256d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit1) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit3) $CMD = "echo [Keypair] > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt & edgetk -pkeyutl derive -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $sRead & " -pub " & $xRead & " | edgetk -util unix2dos >> " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $SharedSecret = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Shared", "Error.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit4, $SharedSecret) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "keypair.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button3 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit1)) Case $Button4 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit2)) Case $Button5 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit3, $sData) Case $Button6 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit4)) Case $Button7 ; Generate Keypair (Signature) Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit5) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit6) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo2) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $idCurve = "ECDSA" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" Case "Brainpool512r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL160T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL192T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "ED25519" $idCurve = "ED25519" $iAlgorithm = "ed25519" Case "SM2" $idCurve = "SM2P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $idCurve = "SM9P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $idCurve = "FP256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $idCurve = "FP512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $idCurve = "FRP256V1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $idCurve = "SECP160K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $idCurve = "SECP192K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $idCurve = "SECP256K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" Case "NUMSP256d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP256D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP512D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY192" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY256" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $idCurve = "PRIME192V1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $idCurve = "PRIME192V2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $idCurve = "PRIME192V3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $idCurve = "SECP160R1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $idCurve = "SECP160R2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch If $sRead = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" ElseIf $sRead not = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $sRead & """ | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" Else $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $PrivateKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Private", "Not found.") $PublicKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Public", "Not found.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit5, $PrivateKey) GUICtrlSetData($Edit6, $PublicKey) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "keypair.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button8 ; Sign Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo2) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $idCurve = "ECDSA" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" Case "Brainpool512r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL160T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL192T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "ED25519" $idCurve = "ED25519" $iAlgorithm = "ed25519" Case "SM2" $idCurve = "SM2P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $idCurve = "SM9P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $idCurve = "FP256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $idCurve = "FP512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $idCurve = "FRP256V1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $idCurve = "SECP160K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $idCurve = "SECP192K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $idCurve = "SECP256K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" Case "NUMSP256d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP256D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP512D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY192" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY256" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $idCurve = "PRIME192V1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $idCurve = "PRIME192V2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $idCurve = "PRIME192V3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $idCurve = "SECP160R1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $idCurve = "SECP160R2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo3) Case "BLAKE2b256" $idHash = "BLAKE2B256" $iHash = "blake2b256" Case "BLAKE2b512" $idHash = "BLAKE2B512" $iHash = "blake2b512" Case "BLAKE2s256" $idHash = "BLAKE2S256" $iHash = "blake2s256" Case "SHA256" $idHash = "SHA256" $iHash = "sha256" Case "SHA512" $idHash = "SHA512" $iHash = "sha512" Case "SM3" $idHash = "SM3" $iHash = "sm3" Case "Streebog256" $idHash = "STREEBOG256" $iHash = "streebog256" Case "Streebog512" $idHash = "STREEBOG512" $iHash = "streebog512" Case "Whirlpool" $idHash = "WHIRLPOOL" $iHash = "whirlpool" Case "CubeHash" $idHash = "CUBEHASH" $iHash = "cubehash" Case "SHA3_256" $idHash = "SHA3_256" $iHash = "sha3_256" Case "SHA512_256" $idHash = "SHA512_256" $iHash = "sha512_256" Case "SHA3_512" $idHash = "SHA3_512" $iHash = "sha3_512" Case "RIPEMD128" $idHash = "RMD128" $iHash = "rmd128" Case "RIPEMD160" $idHash = "RMD160" $iHash = "rmd160" Case "RIPEMD256" $idHash = "RMD256" $iHash = "rmd256" Case "GOST94-CryptoPro" $idHash = "GOST94" $iHash = "gost94" Case "LSH256" $idHash = "LSH256" $iHash = "lsh256" Case "LSH512_256" $idHash = "LSH512_256" $iHash = "lsh512_256" Case "LSH512" $idHash = "LSH512" $iHash = "lsh512" Case "Keccak256" $idHash = "KECCAK256" $iHash = "keccak256" Case "Keccak512" $idHash = "KECCAK512" $iHash = "keccak512" Case "Skein256" $idHash = "SKEIN256" $iHash = "skein256" Case "Skein512_256" $idHash = "SKEIN512_256" $iHash = "skein512_256" Case "Skein512" $idHash = "SKEIN512" $iHash = "skein512" Case "Tiger" $idHash = "TIGER" $iHash = "tiger" Case "Groestl" $idHash = "GROESTL" $iHash = "groestl" Case "JH" $idHash = "JH" $iHash = "jh" EndSwitch Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit5) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit6) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit7) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input1) Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect If $radioval = "File" Then $CMD = "echo [Signature] > " & @TempDir & "Sign.txt & edgetk -sign -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -md " & $iHash & " -key " & $sRead & " < " & $sFile & " | edgetk -util unix2dos >> " & @TempDir & "Sign.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then $CMD = "echo [Signature] > " & @TempDir & "Sign.txt & busybox echo -n " & $xRead & " | edgetk -sign -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -md " & $iHash & " -key " & $sRead & " | edgetk -util unix2dos >> " & @TempDir & "Sign.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf If $idCurve = "ED25519" Then $id = $idCurve Else $id = $idCurve & "-" & $idHash EndIf $Signature = IniRead(@TempDir & "Sign.txt", "Signature", $id, "Error.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit8, $Signature) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Sign.txt") Case $Button9 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit5)) Case $Button10 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit6, $sData) Case $Button38 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit6)) Case $Button14 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit8)) Case $Button13 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit8, $sData) Case $Button12 ; Verify Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo2) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $idCurve = "ECDSA" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL256T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" Case "Brainpool512r1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512R1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL512T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL160T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $idCurve = "BRAINPOOL192T1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "ED25519" $idCurve = "ED25519" $iAlgorithm = "ed25519" Case "SM2" $idCurve = "SM2P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $idCurve = "SM9P256V1" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2012B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $idCurve = "ECGOST2001C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $idCurve = "FP256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $idCurve = "FP512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $idCurve = "FRP256V1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $idCurve = "SECP160K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $idCurve = "SECP192K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $idCurve = "SECP256K1" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" Case "NUMSP256d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP256D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $idCurve = "NUMSP512D1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY192" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $idCurve = "OAKLEY256" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $idCurve = "PRIME192V1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $idCurve = "PRIME192V2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $idCurve = "PRIME192V3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $idCurve = "SECP160R1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $idCurve = "SECP160R2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo3) Case "BLAKE2b256" $idHash = "BLAKE2B256" $iHash = "blake2b256" Case "BLAKE2b512" $idHash = "BLAKE2B512" $iHash = "blake2b512" Case "BLAKE2s256" $idHash = "BLAKE2S256" $iHash = "blake2s256" Case "SHA256" $idHash = "SHA256" $iHash = "sha256" Case "SHA512" $idHash = "SHA512" $iHash = "sha512" Case "SM3" $idHash = "SM3" $iHash = "sm3" Case "Streebog256" $idHash = "STREEBOG256" $iHash = "streebog256" Case "Streebog512" $idHash = "STREEBOG512" $iHash = "streebog512" Case "Whirlpool" $idHash = "WHIRLPOOL" $iHash = "whirlpool" Case "SHA3_256" $idHash = "SHA3_256" $iHash = "sha3_256" Case "SHA512_256" $idHash = "SHA512_256" $iHash = "sha512_256" Case "SHA3_512" $idHash = "SHA3_512" $iHash = "sha3_512" Case "RIPEMD128" $idHash = "RMD128" $iHash = "rmd128" Case "RIPEMD160" $idHash = "RMD160" $iHash = "rmd160" Case "RIPEMD256" $idHash = "RMD256" $iHash = "rmd256" Case "GOST94-CryptoPro" $idHash = "GOST94" $iHash = "gost94" Case "LSH256" $idHash = "LSH256" $iHash = "lsh256" Case "LSH512_256" $idHash = "LSH512_256" $iHash = "lsh512_256" Case "LSH512" $idHash = "LSH512" $iHash = "lsh512" Case "Keccak256" $idHash = "KECCAK256" $iHash = "keccak256" Case "Keccak512" $idHash = "KECCAK512" $iHash = "keccak512" Case "Skein256" $idHash = "SKEIN256" $iHash = "skein256" Case "Skein512_256" $idHash = "SKEIN512_256" $iHash = "skein512_256" Case "Skein512" $idHash = "SKEIN512" $iHash = "skein512" Case "Tiger" $idHash = "TIGER" $iHash = "tiger" Case "Groestl" $idHash = "GROESTL" $iHash = "groestl" Case "JH" $idHash = "JH" $iHash = "jh" EndSwitch Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit5) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit6) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit7) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit8) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input1) Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect If $radioval = "File" Then $CMD = "edgetk -verify -key " & $rRead & " -signature " & $yRead & " -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -md " & $iHash & " < " & $sFile & " > " & @TempDir & "Signature.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $xRead & " | edgetk -verify -key " & $rRead & " -signature " & $yRead & " -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -md " & $iHash & " > " & @TempDir & "Signature.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf Local $sFileRead = FileRead(@TempDir & "Signature.txt") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Signature Verification:" & @CRLF & $sFileRead) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Signature.txt") Case $Button11 Local $sFilePath = FileOpenDialog("Open a file", "", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input1, $sFilePath) Case $Button15 ; Generate Keypair for Asymmetric Encryption Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit9) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit10) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo4) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" ; Case "Brainpool512r1" ; $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" ; Case "NUMSP256d1" ; $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch If $sRead = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" ElseIf $sRead not = "" and $rRead = "" Then $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $sRead & """ | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" Else $CMD = "edgetk -keygen -info Keypair -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " | edgetk -util unix2dos > " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $PrivateKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Private", "Not found.") $PublicKey = IniRead(@TempDir & "keypair.txt", "Keypair", "Public", "Not found.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit9, $PrivateKey) GUICtrlSetData($Edit10, $PublicKey) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "keypair.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "keypair.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button16 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit9)) Case $Button17 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit10)) Case $Button21 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit10, $sData) Case $Button20 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit11)) Case $Button22 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit11, $sData) Case $Button56 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit26)) Case $Button55 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit26, $sData) Case $Button18 ; Encrypt Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo4) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" ; Case "Brainpool512r1" ; $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" ; Case "NUMSP256d1" ; $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch Local $PublicKey = GUICtrlRead($Edit10) If GUICtrlRead($Edit11) = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($Edit11, "null") EndIf Local $PlainText = GUICtrlRead($Edit11) $CMD = "busybox echo -n """ & $PlainText & """ > " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt & edgetk -pkeyutl enc -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $PublicKey & " < " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt > " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt") ; $string = StringSplit($Result, @CRLF) ; GUICtrlSetData($Edit26, $string[1]) ; GUICtrlSetData($Edit11, $string[1]) $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Result, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit26, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Plaintext.txt") ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Plaintext..txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button19 ; Decrypt Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo4) Case "ECDSA (Secp256r1)" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "Brainpool256r1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256r1" Case "Brainpool256t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool256t1" ; Case "Brainpool512r1" ; $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512r1" Case "Brainpool512t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool512t1" Case "Brainpool160t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool160t1" Case "Brainpool192t1" $iAlgorithm = "brainpool192t1" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2p256v1" Case "SM9" $iAlgorithm = "sm9p256v1" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2012_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2012B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_A" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001A" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_B" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001B" Case "GOST R 34.10-2001_C" $iAlgorithm = "ecgost2001C" Case "Fp256BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp256bn" Case "Fp512BN" $iAlgorithm = "fp512bn" Case "ANSSI FRP256v1" $iAlgorithm = "frp256v1" Case "Koblitz (Secp160k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp160k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp192k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp192k1" Case "Koblitz (Secp256k1)" $iAlgorithm = "secp256k1" ; Case "NUMSP256d1" ; $iAlgorithm = "numsp256d1" Case "NUMSP512d1" $iAlgorithm = "numsp512d1" Case "Oakley 192-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley192" Case "Oakley 256-bit" $iAlgorithm = "oakley256" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v1" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v1" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v2" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v2" Case "ANSI x9.62 Prime192v3" $iAlgorithm = "prime192v3" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r1" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r1" Case "SEC2v1 Secp160r2" $iAlgorithm = "secp160r2" EndSwitch Local $PrivateKey = GUICtrlRead($Edit9) Local $CipherText = GUICtrlRead($Edit26) $CMD = "busybox echo -n """ & $CipherText & """ > " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt & edgetk -pkeyutl dec -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $PrivateKey & " < " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt > " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Plaintext.txt") ; $string = StringSplit($Result, @CRLF) ; GUICtrlSetData($Edit11, $string[1]) $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Result, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit11, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete("Plaintext.txt") ; FileDelete("Ciphertext.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button25 Local $sFilePath = FileOpenDialog("Open a file", "", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input2, $sFilePath) Case $Button30 Local $sFilePath = FileSaveDialog("Save as", "", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input3, $sFilePath) Case $Button24 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit15)) Case $Button23 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit15, $sData) Case $Button26 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit14)) Case $Button27 ; Generate Symmetric Key for Encryption Switch GUICtrlRead($iBulk) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" $Bits = 256 Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" $Bits = 128 Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" $Bits = 256 Case "Chacha20Poly1305" If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $iAlgorithm = "chacha20poly1305" Else $iAlgorithm = "chacha20" EndIf $Bits = 256 Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" $Bits = 256 Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" $Bits = 256 Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" $Bits = 256 Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" $Bits = 256 Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" $Bits = 256 Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" $Bits = 128 Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" $Bits = 128 Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" $Bits = 128 Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" $Bits = 256 Case "HC128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc128" $Bits = 128 Case "HC256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc256" $Bits = 256 Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" $Bits = 128 Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" $Bits = 256 Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" $Bits = 256 Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" $Bits = 256 Case "Ascon 1.2" $iAlgorithm = "ascon" $Bits = 128 Case "Grain128a" $iAlgorithm = "grain" $Bits = 128 Case "Rabbit (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "rabbit" $Bits = 128 Case "ZUC-128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc128" $Bits = 128 Case "ZUC-256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc256" $Bits = 256 Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" $Bits = 256 Case "Trivium (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "trivium" $Bits = 80 Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" $Bits = 128 Case "Threefish (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "threefish" $Bits = 256 Case "Snow3G (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "snow3g" $Bits = 128 Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" $Bits = 128 Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" $Bits = 128 EndSwitch $CMD = "edgetk -rand -bits " &$Bits & " > " & @TempDir & "Key.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Key = FileRead(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Key, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit12, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete("Key.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Key.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button49 ; Generate IV for Encryption Switch GUICtrlRead($iBulk) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" $Bits = 128 Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" $Bits = 128 Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" $Bits = 128 Case "Chacha20Poly1305" If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $iAlgorithm = "chacha20poly1305" $Bits = 0 Else $iAlgorithm = "chacha20" $Bits = 192 EndIf Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" $Bits = 128 Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" $Bits = 128 Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" $Bits = 128 Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" $Bits = 128 Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" $Bits = 128 Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" $Bits = 64 Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" $Bits = 64 Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" $Bits = 128 Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" $Bits = 128 Case "HC128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc128" $Bits = 128 Case "HC256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc256" $Bits = 256 Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" $Bits = 64 Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" $Bits = 64 Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" $Bits = 64 Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" $Bits = 128 Case "Ascon 1.2" $iAlgorithm = "ascon" $Bits = 0 Case "Grain128a" $iAlgorithm = "grain" $Bits = 0 Case "Rabbit (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "rabbit" $Bits = 64 Case "ZUC-128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc128" $Bits = 128 Case "ZUC-256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc256" $Bits = 184 Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" $Bits = 128 Case "Trivium (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "trivium" $Bits = 80 Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" $Bits = 64 Case "Threefish (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "threefish" $Bits = 256 Case "Snow3G (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "snow3g" $Bits = 0 Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" $Bits = 64 Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" $Bits = 64 EndSwitch $CMD = "edgetk -rand -bits " &$Bits & " > " & @TempDir & "Key.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Key = FileRead(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Key, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit25, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete("Key.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Key.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button28 ; Encrypt with Symmetric Key Switch GUICtrlRead($iBulk) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" Case "Chacha20Poly1305" If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $iAlgorithm = "chacha20poly1305" Else $iAlgorithm = "chacha20" EndIf Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" Case "HC128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc128" Case "HC256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc256" Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" Case "Ascon 1.2" $iAlgorithm = "ascon" Case "Grain128a" $iAlgorithm = "grain" Case "Rabbit (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "rabbit" Case "ZUC-128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc128" Case "ZUC-256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc256" Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" Case "Trivium (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "trivium" Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" Case "Threefish (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "threefish" Case "Snow3G (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "snow3g" Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" EndSwitch Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit14) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit15) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit12) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input2) Global $xFile = GUICtrlRead($Input3) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Input4) Global $aRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit25) Global $Mode = GUICtrlRead($Combo8) Global $DMode = GUICtrlRead($Combo12) Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Global $command = "b64enc+" Else Global $command = "b32enc+" EndIf If $radioval = "File" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "edgetk -crypt enc -mode " & $Mode & " -info " & $yRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $xRead & """ < " & $sFile & " > " & $xFile RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Else $CMD = "edgetk -crypt enc -mode " & $DMode & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $xRead & " -iv """ & $aRead & """ < " & $sFile & " > " & $xFile RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Encryption" & @CRLF & " Done") ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -crypt enc -mode " & $Mode & " -info " & $yRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $xRead & """ | edgetk -util " & $command & " > " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -crypt enc -mode " & $DMode & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $xRead & """ -iv """ & $aRead & """ | edgetk -util " & $command & " > " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Result, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit15, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Ciphertext.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf Case $Button29 ; Decrypt with Symmetric Key Switch GUICtrlRead($iBulk) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" Case "Chacha20Poly1305" If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $iAlgorithm = "chacha20poly1305" Else $iAlgorithm = "chacha20" EndIf Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" Case "HC128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc128" Case "HC256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "hc256" Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" Case "Ascon 1.2" $iAlgorithm = "ascon" Case "Grain128a" $iAlgorithm = "grain" Case "Rabbit (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "rabbit" Case "ZUC-128 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc128" Case "ZUC-256 (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "zuc256" Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" Case "Trivium (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "trivium" Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" Case "Threefish (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "threefish" Case "Snow3G (no AEAD)" $iAlgorithm = "snow3g" Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" EndSwitch Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit14) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit15) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit12) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input2) Global $xFile = GUICtrlRead($Input3) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Input4) Global $aRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit25) Global $Mode = GUICtrlRead($Combo8) Global $DMode = GUICtrlRead($Combo12) Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Global $command = "b64dec+" Else Global $command = "b32dec+" EndIf If $radioval = "File" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "edgetk -crypt dec -mode " & $Mode & " -info " & $yRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $xRead & " < " & $sFile & " > " & $xFile RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Else $CMD = "edgetk -crypt dec -mode " & $DMode & " -key " & $xRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -iv """ & $aRead & """ < " & $sFile & " > " & $xFile RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Decryption" & @CRLF & " Done") ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $rRead & " | edgetk -util " & $command & " | edgetk -crypt dec -mode " & $Mode & " -info " & $yRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -key " & $xRead & " > " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $rRead & " | edgetk -util " & $command & " | edgetk -crypt dec -mode " & $DMode & " -key " & $xRead & " -cipher " & $iAlgorithm & " -iv """ & $aRead & """ > " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Plaintext.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit14, $Result) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Plaintext.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Plaintext.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf Case $Button31 Local $sFilePath = FileOpenDialog("Open a file", "", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input5, $sFilePath) Case $Button34 ; Compute Digests Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo5) Case "BLAKE2b256" $idHash = "BLAKE2B256" $iHash = "blake2b256" Case "BLAKE2b512" $idHash = "BLAKE2B512" $iHash = "blake2b512" Case "BLAKE2s128" $idHash = "BLAKE2S128" $iHash = "blake2s128" Case "BLAKE2s256" $idHash = "BLAKE2S256" $iHash = "blake2s256" Case "SHA256" $idHash = "SHA256" $iHash = "sha256" Case "SHA512_256" $idHash = "SHA512_256" $iHash = "sha512_256" Case "SHA512" $idHash = "SHA512" $iHash = "sha512" Case "SM3" $idHash = "SM3" $iHash = "sm3" Case "Streebog256" $idHash = "STREEBOG256" $iHash = "streebog256" Case "Streebog512" $idHash = "STREEBOG512" $iHash = "streebog512" Case "CubeHash" $idHash = "CUBEHASH" $iHash = "cubehash" Case "Whirlpool" $idHash = "WHIRLPOOL" $iHash = "whirlpool" Case "SHA3_256" $idHash = "SHA3_256" $iHash = "sha3_256" Case "SHA3_512" $idHash = "SHA3_512" $iHash = "sha3_512" Case "RIPEMD128" $idHash = "RMD128" $iHash = "rmd128" Case "RIPEMD160" $idHash = "RMD160" $iHash = "rmd160" Case "RIPEMD256" $idHash = "RMD256" $iHash = "rmd256" Case "GOST94-CryptoPro" $idHash = "GOST94" $iHash = "gost94" Case "LSH256" $idHash = "LSH256" $iHash = "lsh256" Case "LSH512_256" $idHash = "LSH512_256" $iHash = "lsh512_256" Case "LSH512" $idHash = "LSH512" $iHash = "lsh512" Case "Keccak256" $idHash = "KECCAK256" $iHash = "keccak256" Case "Keccak512" $idHash = "KECCAK512" $iHash = "keccak512" Case "Skein256" $idHash = "SKEIN256" $iHash = "skein256" Case "Skein512_256" $idHash = "SKEIN512_256" $iHash = "skein512_256" Case "Skein512" $idHash = "SKEIN512" $iHash = "skein512" Case "SipHash" $idHash = "SIPHASH" $iHash = "siphash" Case "Poly1305" $idHash = "POLY1305" $iHash = "poly1305" Case "Tiger" $idHash = "TIGER" $iHash = "tiger" Case "Groestl" $idHash = "GROESTL" $iHash = "groestl" Case "JH" $idHash = "JH" $iHash = "jh" EndSwitch Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit17) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit18) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input5) If $radioval = "File" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "echo [Digest] > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt & edgetk -mac hmac -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ < " & $sFile & " >> " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $id = "MAC-" & $idHash $Result = IniRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt", "Digest", $id, "Error.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit16, $Result) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") Else $CMD = "edgetk -digest - -md " & $iHash & " -key " & $rRead & " -key """ & $rRead & """ < " & $sFile & " > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit16, $Result) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") EndIf ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "echo [Digest] > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt & busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -mac hmac -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ >> " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $id = "MAC-" & $idHash $Result = IniRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt", "Digest", $id, "Error.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit16, $Result) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -digest - -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit16, $Result) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") EndIf EndIf Case $Button35 ; Check Digests Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo5) Case "BLAKE2b256" $idHash = "BLAKE2B256" $iHash = "blake2b256" Case "BLAKE2b512" $idHash = "BLAKE2B512" $iHash = "blake2b512" Case "BLAKE2s128" $idHash = "BLAKE2S128" $iHash = "blake2s128" Case "BLAKE2s256" $idHash = "BLAKE2S256" $iHash = "blake2s256" Case "SHA256" $idHash = "SHA256" $iHash = "sha256" Case "SHA512_256" $idHash = "SHA512_256" $iHash = "sha512_256" Case "SHA512" $idHash = "SHA512" $iHash = "sha512" Case "SM3" $idHash = "SM3" $iHash = "sm3" Case "Streebog256" $idHash = "STREEBOG256" $iHash = "streebog256" Case "Streebog512" $idHash = "STREEBOG512" $iHash = "streebog512" Case "CubeHash" $idHash = "CUBEHASH" $iHash = "cubehash" Case "Whirlpool" $idHash = "WHIRLPOOL" $iHash = "whirlpool" Case "SHA3_256" $idHash = "SHA3_256" $iHash = "sha3_256" Case "SHA3_512" $idHash = "SHA3_512" $iHash = "sha3_512" Case "RIPEMD128" $idHash = "RMD128" $iHash = "rmd128" Case "RIPEMD160" $idHash = "RMD160" $iHash = "rmd160" Case "RIPEMD256" $idHash = "RMD256" $iHash = "rmd256" Case "GOST94-CryptoPro" $idHash = "GOST94" $iHash = "gost94" Case "LSH256" $idHash = "LSH256" $iHash = "lsh256" Case "LSH512_256" $idHash = "LSH512_256" $iHash = "lsh512_256" Case "LSH512" $idHash = "LSH512" $iHash = "lsh512" Case "Keccak256" $idHash = "KECCAK256" $iHash = "keccak256" Case "Keccak512" $idHash = "KECCAK512" $iHash = "keccak512" Case "Skein256" $idHash = "SKEIN256" $iHash = "skein256" Case "Skein512_256" $idHash = "SKEIN512_256" $iHash = "skein512_256" Case "Skein512" $idHash = "SKEIN512" $iHash = "skein512" Case "SipHash" $idHash = "SIPHASH" $iHash = "siphash" Case "Poly1305" $idHash = "POLY1305" $iHash = "poly1305" Case "Tiger" $idHash = "TIGER" $iHash = "tiger" Case "Groestl" $idHash = "GROESTL" $iHash = "groestl" Case "JH" $idHash = "JH" $iHash = "jh" EndSwitch Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit17) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit18) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit16) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input5) If $radioval = "File" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "edgetk -mac hmac -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -signature " & $xRead & " < " & $sFile & " > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Local $sFileRead = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Digest Verification:" & @CRLF & $sFileRead) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") Else $CMD = "edgetk -digest - -md " & $iHash & " < """ & $sFile & """ -key """ & $rRead & """ > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") If $Result = $xRead Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Signature Verification:" & @CRLF & "true") Else MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Signature Verification:" & @CRLF & "false") EndIf FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") EndIf ElseIf $radioval = "String" Then If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -mac hmac -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -signature " & $xRead & " > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Local $sFileRead = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Digest Verification:" & @CRLF & $sFileRead) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n " & $sRead & " | edgetk -digest - -md " & $iHash & " -key """ & $rRead & """ > " & @TempDir & "Digest.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") If $Result = $xRead Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Digest Verification:" & @CRLF & "true") Else MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Digest Verification:" & @CRLF & "false") EndIf FileDelete(@TempDir & "Digest.txt") EndIf EndIf Case $Button32 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit16)) Case $Button33 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit16, $sData) Case $Button36 $length = 256 Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo5) Case "BLAKE2s128" $length = 128 Case "BLAKE2s256" If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $length = 256 Else $length = 128 EndIf EndSwitch $CMD = "edgetk -rand -bits " & $length & " > " & @TempDir & "Key.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Key = FileRead(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Key, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit18, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Key.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button39 ; KDF Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo5) Case "BLAKE2b256" $idHash = "BLAKE2B256" $iHash = "blake2b256" Case "BLAKE2b512" $idHash = "BLAKE2B512" $iHash = "blake2b512" Case "BLAKE2s256" $idHash = "BLAKE2S256" $iHash = "blake2s256" Case "SHA256" $idHash = "SHA256" $iHash = "sha256" Case "SHA512_256" $idHash = "SHA512_256" $iHash = "sha512_256" Case "SHA512" $idHash = "SHA512" $iHash = "sha512" Case "SM3" $idHash = "SM3" $iHash = "sm3" Case "Streebog256" $idHash = "STREEBOG256" $iHash = "streebog256" Case "Streebog512" $idHash = "STREEBOG512" $iHash = "streebog512" Case "CubeHash" $idHash = "CUBEHASH" $iHash = "cubehash" Case "Whirlpool" $idHash = "WHIRLPOOL" $iHash = "whirlpool" Case "SHA3_256" $idHash = "SHA3_256" $iHash = "sha3_256" Case "SHA3_512" $idHash = "SHA3_512" $iHash = "sha3_512" Case "RIPEMD128" $idHash = "RMD128" $iHash = "rmd128" Case "RIPEMD160" $idHash = "RMD160" $iHash = "rmd160" Case "RIPEMD256" $idHash = "RMD256" $iHash = "rmd256" Case "GOST94-CryptoPro" $idHash = "GOST94" $iHash = "gost94" Case "LSH256" $idHash = "LSH256" $iHash = "lsh256" Case "LSH512_256" $idHash = "LSH512_256" $iHash = "lsh512_256" Case "LSH512" $idHash = "LSH512" $iHash = "lsh512" Case "Keccak256" $idHash = "KECCAK256" $iHash = "keccak256" Case "Keccak512" $idHash = "KECCAK512" $iHash = "keccak512" Case "Skein256" $idHash = "SKEIN256" $iHash = "skein256" Case "Skein512_256" $idHash = "SKEIN512_256" $iHash = "skein512_256" Case "Skein512" $idHash = "SKEIN512" $iHash = "skein512" Case "Tiger" $idHash = "TIGER" $iHash = "tiger" Case "Groestl" $idHash = "GROESTL" $iHash = "groestl" Case "JH" $idHash = "JH" $iHash = "jh" EndSwitch Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit18) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Input6) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Input7) Global $iRead = GUICtrlRead($Input8) Global $bRead = GUICtrlRead($Combo6) If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $CMD = "edgetk -kdf pbkdf2 -md " & $iHash & " -bits " & $bRead & " -key " & $rRead & " -salt " & $xRead & " -iter " & $iRead & " > " & @TempDir & "KDF.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $id = "MAC-" & $idHash $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "KDF.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit19, $Result) ; FileDelete("KDF.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "KDF.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Else $CMD = "edgetk -kdf hkdf -md " & $iHash & " -bits " & $bRead & " -key " & $rRead & " -salt " & $xRead & " -info " & $yRead & " > " & @TempDir & "KDF.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "KDF.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit19, $Result) ; FileDelete("KDF.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "KDF.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) EndIf Case $Button37 $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($Edit19), @LF, "") ClipPut($LineFeedStrip) Case $Button40 Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit20) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit21) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit16) Global $hRead = GUICtrlRead($Input10) Global $tRead = GUICtrlRead($Input11) Global $wRead = GUICtrlRead($Input12) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo7) Case "ECDSA" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2" Case "Ed25519" $iAlgorithm = "ed25519" Case "GOST2012" $iAlgorithm = "gost2012" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo7) = "GOST2012" Then $CMD = "busybox echo -n """ & $rRead & """ | gostls -tcp send -pub """ & $tRead & ":" & $wRead & """" Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n """ & $rRead & """ | edgetk -tcp send -pub """ & $tRead & ":" & $wRead & """ -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & "" EndIf ; RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", 6) Case $Button41 Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit20) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit21) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit16) Global $hRead = GUICtrlRead($Input10) Global $tRead = GUICtrlRead($Input11) Global $wRead = GUICtrlRead($Input12) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo7) Case "ECDSA" $iAlgorithm = "ecdsa" Case "SM2" $iAlgorithm = "sm2" Case "Ed25519" $iAlgorithm = "ed25519" Case "GOST2012" $iAlgorithm = "gost2012" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo7) = "GOST2012" Then $CMD = "gostls -tcp dump -pub " & $hRead & " > dump.txt" Else $CMD = "edgetk -tcp dump -pub " & $hRead & " -algorithm " & $iAlgorithm & " > dump.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", 6) $Result = FileRead("dump.txt") GUICtrlSetData($Edit20, $Result) ; FileDelete("dump.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "dump.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button42 $CMD = "edgetk -tcp ip > " & @TempDir & "ip.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Result = FileRead(@TempDir & "ip.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Result, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input9, $LineFeedStrip) FileDelete("ip.txt") Case $Button43 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit20)) Case $Button44 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit20, $sData) Case $Button45 ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($Edit21)) Case $Button46 Local $sData = ClipGet() GUICtrlSetData($Edit21, $sData) Case $Button50 Local $sFilePath = FileOpenDialog("Open a file", "", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input13, $sFilePath) Case $Button51 ; Generate Secret for OMAC1 Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo10) Case "MAC" $iCommand = "-mac" Case "CMAC" $iCommand = "-mac cmac" Case "PMAC" $iCommand = "-mac pmac" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "CMAC" or GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "PMAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo11) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" $length = 128 Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" $length = 64 Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" $length = 128 Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" $length = 128 Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" $length = 128 Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" $length = 128 Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" $length = 128 Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" $length = 128 Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" $length = 64 Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" $length = 64 Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" $length = 64 Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" $length = 128 Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" $length = 64 Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" $length = 128 Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" $length = 128 Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" $length = 128 Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" $length = 128 Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" $length = 64 Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" $length = 64 Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" $length = 64 EndSwitch EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "MAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo9) Case "ZUC-128" $iAlgorithm = "eia128" $length = 128 $iv = 128 Case "ZUC-256 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "ZUC-256 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "ZUC-256 128-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "Chaskey" $iAlgorithm = "chaskey" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "Poly1305" $iAlgorithm = "poly1305" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "SipHash128" $iAlgorithm = "siphash" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "SipHash64" $iAlgorithm = "siphash64" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Snow3G" $iAlgorithm = "uia2" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "GOST-MAC 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" $length = 128 $iv = 64 Case "GOST-MAC 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" $length = 128 $iv = 64 EndSwitch EndIf $CMD = "edgetk -rand -bits " & $length & " > " & @TempDir & "Key.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Key = FileRead(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Key, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit22, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Key.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button54 ; Generate IV Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo10) Case "MAC" $iCommand = "-mac" Case "CMAC" $iCommand = "-mac cmac" Case "PMAC" $iCommand = "-mac pmac" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "CMAC" or GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "PMAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo11) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" $length = 64 $iv = 0 EndSwitch EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "MAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo9) Case "ZUC-128" $iAlgorithm = "eia128" $length = 128 $iv = 128 Case "ZUC-256 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "ZUC-256 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "ZUC-256 128-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $length = 256 $iv = 184 Case "Chaskey" $iAlgorithm = "chaskey" $length = 64 $iv = 0 Case "Poly1305" $iAlgorithm = "poly1305" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "SipHash128" $iAlgorithm = "siphash" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "SipHash64" $iAlgorithm = "siphash64" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "Snow3G" $iAlgorithm = "uia2" $length = 128 $iv = 0 Case "GOST-MAC 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" $length = 128 $iv = 64 Case "GOST-MAC 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" $length = 128 $iv = 64 EndSwitch EndIf $CMD = "edgetk -rand -bits " & $iv & " > " & @TempDir & "Key.txt" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $Key = FileRead(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $LineFeedStrip = StringReplace($Key, @LF, "") GUICtrlSetData($Edit24, $LineFeedStrip) ; FileDelete(@TempDir & "Key.txt") $CMD = "edgetk -shred " & @TempDir & "Key.txt -iter 5" RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Case $Button47 ; Generate MAC Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit13) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit22) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit24) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit23) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input13) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo10) Case "MAC" $iCommand = "-mac" Case "CMAC" $iCommand = "-mac cmac -cipher" Case "PMAC" $iCommand = "-mac pmac -cipher" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "CMAC" or GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "PMAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo11) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" $idCipher = "AES" Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" $idCipher = "ANUBIS" Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" $idCipher = "ARIA" Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" $idCipher = "SERPENT" Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" $idCipher = "GRASSHOPPER" Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" $idCipher = "SEED" Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" $idCipher = "SIMON128" Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" $idCipher = "SPECK128" Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" $idCipher = "SIMON64" Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" $idCipher = "SPECK64" Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" $idCipher = "SM4" Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" $idCipher = "TWOFISH" Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" $idCipher = "MISTY1" Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" $idCipher = "GOST89" Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" $idCipher = "MAGMA" Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" $idCipher = "CAMELLIA" Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" $idCipher = "LEA" Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" $idCipher = "HIGHT" Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" $idCipher = "PRESENT" Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" $idCipher = "TWINE" EndSwitch EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "MAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo9) Case "ZUC-128" $iAlgorithm = "eia128" $idCipher = "EIA128" Case "ZUC-256 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256 -bits 32" $idCipher = "EIA256" Case "ZUC-256 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256 -bits 64" $idCipher = "EIA256" Case "ZUC-256 128-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" $idCipher = "EIA256" Case "Chaskey" $iAlgorithm = "chaskey" $idCipher = "CHASKEY" Case "Poly1305" $iAlgorithm = "poly1305" $idCipher = "POLY1305" Case "SipHash128" $iAlgorithm = "siphash" $idCipher = "SIPHASH128" Case "SipHash64" $iAlgorithm = "siphash64" $idCipher = "SIPHASH64" Case "Snow3G" $iAlgorithm = "uia2" $idCipher = "UIA2" Case "GOST-MAC 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" $idCipher = "GOST" Case "GOST-MAC 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost -bits 64" $idCipher = "GOST" EndSwitch EndIf Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio7) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio8) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect $id = "MAC-" & $idCipher If $radioval = "File" Then $CMD = "echo [MAC] > " & @TempDir & "MAC.txt & edgetk " & $iCommand & " " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -iv """ & $xRead & """ < " & $sFile & " >> " & @TempDir & "MAC.txt" Else $CMD = "echo [MAC] > " & @TempDir & "MAC.txt & busybox echo -n """ & $sRead & """ |edgetk " & $iCommand & " " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -iv """ & $xRead & """ >> " & @TempDir & "MAC.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) $MAC = IniRead(@TempDir & "MAC.txt", "MAC", $id, "Error.") GUICtrlSetData($Edit23, $MAC) FileDelete(@TempDir & "MAC.txt") Case $Button48 Global $sRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit13) Global $rRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit22) Global $xRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit24) Global $yRead = GUICtrlRead($Edit23) Global $sFile = GUICtrlRead($Input13) Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo10) Case "MAC" $iCommand = "-mac" Case "CMAC" $iCommand = "-mac cmac -cipher" Case "PMAC" $iCommand = "-mac pmac -cipher" EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "CMAC" or GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "PMAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo11) Case "AES (Rijndael)" $iAlgorithm = "aes" Case "Anubis" $iAlgorithm = "anubis" Case "ARIA" $iAlgorithm = "aria" Case "Serpent" $iAlgorithm = "serpent" Case "Kuznechik" $iAlgorithm = "grasshopper" Case "SEED" $iAlgorithm = "seed" Case "Simon128" $iAlgorithm = "simon128" Case "Speck128" $iAlgorithm = "speck128" Case "Simon64" $iAlgorithm = "simon64" Case "Speck64" $iAlgorithm = "speck64" Case "SM4" $iAlgorithm = "sm4" Case "Twofish" $iAlgorithm = "twofish" Case "MISTY1" $iAlgorithm = "misty1" Case "GOST89-CryptoPro" $iAlgorithm = "gost89" Case "Magma" $iAlgorithm = "magma" Case "Camellia" $iAlgorithm = "camellia" Case "LEA" $iAlgorithm = "lea" Case "HIGHT" $iAlgorithm = "hight" Case "PRESENT" $iAlgorithm = "present" Case "TWINE" $iAlgorithm = "twine" EndSwitch EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Combo10) = "MAC" Then Switch GUICtrlRead($Combo9) Case "ZUC-128" $iAlgorithm = "eia128" Case "ZUC-256 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256 -bits 32" Case "ZUC-256 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256 -bits 64" Case "ZUC-256 128-bit" $iAlgorithm = "eia256" Case "Chaskey" $iAlgorithm = "chaskey" Case "Poly1305" $iAlgorithm = "poly1305" Case "SipHash128" $iAlgorithm = "siphash" Case "SipHash64" $iAlgorithm = "siphash64" Case "Snow3G" $iAlgorithm = "uia2" Case "GOST-MAC 32-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost" Case "GOST-MAC 64-bit" $iAlgorithm = "gost -bits 64" EndSwitch EndIf Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio7) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "File" Case GUICtrlRead($Radio8) = $GUI_CHECKED $radioval = "String" EndSelect If $radioval = "File" Then $CMD = "edgetk " & $iCommand & " " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -iv """ & $xRead & """ -signature """ & $yRead & """ < " & $sFile & " > " & @TempDir & "Check.txt" Else $CMD = "busybox echo -n """ & $sRead & """ |edgetk " & $iCommand & " " & $iAlgorithm & " -key """ & $rRead & """ -iv """ & $xRead & """ -signature """ & $yRead & """ > " & @TempDir & "Check.txt" EndIf RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CMD, "", @SW_HIDE, 6) Local $sFileRead = FileRead(@TempDir & "Check.txt") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "MAC Verification:" & @CRLF & $sFileRead) FileDelete(@TempDir & "Check.txt") EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>Main Chilkat sucks. To use this software, busybox and ROOTTk Engine are required. Download ROOTTk Engine here: https://github.com/pedroalbanese/roottk/blob/master/autotk.zip Source code: https://github.com/pedroalbanese/roottk Integrated Security Suite Asymmetric Public Key Algorithms: ECDSA 256-bit Ed25519/X25519 (256-bit) (Bernstein's X25519 is the Whatsapp ECDH) GOST R 34.10-2012 256/512-bit RSA Cryptosystem SM2 (256-bit) SM9 (256-bit) Barreto-Naehrig 256/512-bit Brainpool 256/512-bit FRP256v1 Koblitz (Secp256k1) Oakley 192/256-bit NUMS 256/512-bit (Microsoft 'Nothing Up My Sleeve' curves) WapiP192 WTLS9 Symmetric Stream ciphers: Chacha20 (256-bit) (AEAD) Ascon 1.2 (128-bit) (AEAD) Grain128a (AEAD) Rabbit (128-bit) (RFC 4503) Salsa20 (256-bit) Skein512 Trivium (80-bit) (ISO/IEC 29192-3:2012) KCipher2 (128-bit) HC128 HC256 ZUC-128 (EEA3/EIA3) ZUC-256 256-bit block ciphers: Threefish 256/512/1024-bit 128-bit block ciphers: ARIA 128/192/256-bit Anubis 128-bit (Barreto-Rijmen) Camellia 128/192/256-bit Grasshopper (256-bit) Rijndael "AES" 128/192/256-bit (Default) SM4 (128-bit) LEA 128/192/256-bit RC6 128/192/256-bit Serpent 128/192/256-bit Simon128 (NSA) 128/192/256-bit Speck128 (NSA) 128/192/256-bit Twofish 128/192/256-bit 64-bit block ciphers: DES [Obsolete] 3DES [Almost Obsolete] Blowfish (128-bit) CAST5 (128-bit) IDEA (128-bit) [Obsolete] Magma (256-bit) RC2 (128-bit) [Obsolete] RC5 (128-bit) [Obsolete] HIGHT (128-bit) Misty1 (128-bit) (Mitsubish Eletrics) Skipjack (80-bit) Simon64 (128-bit) Speck64 (128-bit) TEA (128-bit) XTEA (128-bit) TWINE (128-bit) Modes of Operation: CFB8: Cipher Feedback 8-bit CFB: Cipher Feedback CTR: Counter Mode (a.k.a. CNT) OCB: Offset Codebook Mode (AEAD) OFB: Output Feedback CCM: Counter w/ CBC-MAC (AEAD) EAX: Encrypt-Authenticate-Translate SIV Synthetic IV (AEAD) GCM: Galois/Counter Mode (AEAD) MGM: Multilinear Galois Mode (AEAD) Message Digest Algorithms: BLAKE-1 (256-bit) BLAKE-2B 256/512-bit BLAKE-2S 128/256-bit BLAKE3 (256-bit) GOST94 (256-bit) MD4 (128-bit) [Obsolete] MD5 (128-bit) [Obsolete] RIPEMD (160-bit) SHA1 (160-bit) [Obsolete] SHA2 256/512-bit (default) SHA3 256/512-bit Keccak 256/512-bit SM3 (256-bit) LSH 256/512-bit JH 256-bit Skein256 Skein512 Tiger (192-bit) Tiger2 (192-bit) Streebog 256/512-bit Whirlpool (512-bit) Message Authentication Code Algorithms: Poly1305 (128-bit) SipHash 64/128-bit Chaskey (128-bit) GOST-MAC 32/64-bit ZUC-128 ZUC-256 Features Cryptographic Functions: Asymmetric Encryption Symmetric Encryption Digital Signature Hash Digest ECDH (Shared Key Agreement) CMAC (Cipher-based message authentication code) HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code) HKDF (HMAC-based key derivation function) PBKDF2 (Password-based key derivation function) TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security) AUTOTk.au3 busybox.exe GUI.au3
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