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  1. Hello, A small tool from me opens certain text files and displays the content in some sort of "preview", by chance a user selected a file that is "large" ~ 10 MB. (of course my test files are small enough :-) ) But this takes very long (~ 4 secs on that pc), first I thought it is reading the file but I stripped it down to the edit control update. I extracted the issue to a sample au3 attached and a sample large file. The log lines are from the dummy1.au3. (11:19:40.352) - -->Line0017): openfile (11:19:40.461) - -->Line0021): closefile (11:19:40.461) - -->Line0022): update ctrlfile start (11:19:45.581) - -->Line0024): update ctrlfile done I see that reading the file is fast enough( 109ms) , but the edit control update takes long (5120 ms). Question: Based on the dummy1, is there a chance to speed up? I'm open to accept also other advices, the purpose of the edit is just to display the file and allow scrolling. I thought about reading only a certain amount of lines and if the user scrolls read the rest.....or so. Or is it just like this by design. Or what is more likely, what is wrong on my code? Of course my real app displays now in the mean time something like "Loading...." but that does not solve it. And yes, I used FS. Found something similar, but the thread was drifting apart from the issue without solving it... dummy1.au3 largetextfile.txt
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