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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, searching for a solution to plot temperature values to an image I came across this UDF by @andybiochem He hasn't been online since Oct. 2011, so maybe somone else could give me some hints how to proceed. Possibly some other UDF might be a better approach? 🤔 The final goal is to plot temperature values (y-axis) by Date-Time (x-axis) and to save that output to an JPEG file. This is my code so far, next steps would be to "label" the x-axis with DateTime instead of integers. After that to save the plot to JPEG. #include "GraphGDIPlus.au3" #include <Date.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $GUI = GUICreate("",600,600) GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") GUISetState() ;----- Create Graph area ----- $Graph = _GraphGDIPlus_Create($GUI,40,30,530,520,0xFF000000,0xFF88B3DD) ;----- Set X axis range from -5 to 5 ----- _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX($Graph,0,300,10,1,0) _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY($Graph,10,40,30,1,0) ;----- Set Y axis range from -5 to 5 ----- _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX($Graph,10,0xFF6993BE) _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY($Graph,5,0xFF6993BE) ;----- Draw the graph ----- $ini="Celsius.ini" $Sect="TBE" WriteSampleINI() $aEntries=IniReadSection($ini,$Sect) _Draw_Graph() While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func _Draw_Graph() ;----- Set line color and size ----- _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor($Graph,0xFF325D87) _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize($Graph,2) ;----- draw lines ----- $First = True For $i = 1 to $aEntries[0][0] $x = $aEntries[$i][0] $y = $aEntries[$i][1] If $First = True Then _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start($Graph,$x,$y) $First = False _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line($Graph,$x,$y) _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh($Graph) Next EndFunc Func _GammaFunction($iZ) $nProduct = ((2^$iZ) / (1 + $iZ)) For $n = 2 to 1000 $nProduct *= ((1 + (1/$n))^$iZ) / (1 + ($iZ / $n)) Next Return (1/$iZ) * $nProduct EndFunc Func _Exit() ;----- close down GDI+ and clear graphic ----- _GraphGDIPlus_Delete($GUI,$Graph) Exit EndFunc Func WriteSampleINI() FileDelete($ini) $Sect="TBE" $StartTime="2021/08/06 12:05:00" $NextTime=$StartTime $StartTemp=19.5 $NowTemp=$StartTemp $Min = 19.5 $Max = 19.5 IniWrite($ini,$Sect & "-MinMax","Min",$Min) IniWrite($ini,$Sect& "-MinMax","Max",$Max) ; IniWrite($ini,$Sect,$StartTime,$StartTemp) for $i = 1 to 300 $Delta=Round(Random(-2,2),2) $NowTemp+= $Delta if $NowTemp < 10 or $NowTemp > 40 then $NowTemp -= $Delta*2 $NextTime=_DateAdd("n",5,$NextTime) IniWrite($ini,$Sect,$i,$NowTemp) ; IniWrite($ini,$Sect,$NextTime,$NowTemp) if $NowTemp<$Min Then $Min=$NowTemp IniWrite($ini,$Sect & "-MinMax","Min",$Min) EndIf if $NowTemp > $Max Then $Max = $NowTemp IniWrite($ini,$Sect & "-MinMax","Max",$Max) EndIf Next ; ShellExecute($ini) EndFunc the INI content finally will be of this shape: [TBE-MinMax] Min=16.2 Max=39.5 [TBE] 2021/08/06 12:05:00=19.5 2021/08/06 12:10:00=17.57 2021/08/06 12:15:00=17.78 2021/08/06 12:20:00=16.67 2021/08/06 12:25:00=16.2 2021/08/06 12:30:00=17.68 2021/08/06 12:35:00=19.5 2021/08/06 12:40:00=20.69 2021/08/06 12:45:00=18.89 2021/08/06 12:50:00=19.63 2021/08/06 12:55:00=21.29 2021/08/06 13:00:00=21.59 2021/08/06 13:05:00=20.12 2021/08/06 13:10:00=20.67 2021/08/06 13:15:00=19.97 2021/08/06 13:20:00=19.32 2021/08/06 13:25:00=20.37 2021/08/06 13:30:00=19.65 2021/08/06 13:35:00=18.71 2021/08/06 13:40:00=17.74 2021/08/06 13:45:00=16.84 2021/08/06 13:50:00=17.84 2021/08/06 13:55:00=19.04 2021/08/06 14:00:00=17.84 2021/08/06 14:05:00=19.78 2021/08/06 14:10:00=21.52 2021/08/06 14:15:00=22.47 2021/08/06 14:20:00=23.09 2021/08/06 14:25:00=22.69 2021/08/06 14:30:00=23.52 2021/08/06 14:35:00=23.59 2021/08/06 14:40:00=22.64 2021/08/06 14:45:00=22.76 2021/08/06 14:50:00=23.66 2021/08/06 14:55:00=23.32 2021/08/06 15:00:00=23.83 2021/08/06 15:05:00=23.23 2021/08/06 15:10:00=21.83 2021/08/06 15:15:00=20.29 2021/08/06 15:20:00=19.06 2021/08/06 15:25:00=19.85 2021/08/06 15:30:00=21.22 2021/08/06 15:35:00=23.17 2021/08/06 15:40:00=21.34 2021/08/06 15:45:00=22.47 2021/08/06 15:50:00=24.09 2021/08/06 15:55:00=25.69 2021/08/06 16:00:00=25.42 2021/08/06 16:05:00=25.63 2021/08/06 16:10:00=25.52 2021/08/06 16:15:00=26.69 2021/08/06 16:20:00=25 2021/08/06 16:25:00=24.21 2021/08/06 16:30:00=24.9 2021/08/06 16:35:00=25.28 2021/08/06 16:40:00=26.72 2021/08/06 16:45:00=26.56 2021/08/06 16:50:00=28.3 2021/08/06 16:55:00=28.78 2021/08/06 17:00:00=26.92 2021/08/06 17:05:00=26.9 2021/08/06 17:10:00=26.58 2021/08/06 17:15:00=27.02 2021/08/06 17:20:00=26.43 2021/08/06 17:25:00=27.27 2021/08/06 17:30:00=29.07 2021/08/06 17:35:00=29.88 2021/08/06 17:40:00=30.67 2021/08/06 17:45:00=30.6 2021/08/06 17:50:00=31.27 2021/08/06 17:55:00=30.07 2021/08/06 18:00:00=28.1 2021/08/06 18:05:00=29.37 2021/08/06 18:10:00=31.01 2021/08/06 18:15:00=29.62 2021/08/06 18:20:00=29.43 2021/08/06 18:25:00=28.69 2021/08/06 18:30:00=29.04 2021/08/06 18:35:00=27.05 2021/08/06 18:40:00=27.48 2021/08/06 18:45:00=28.12 2021/08/06 18:50:00=29.66 2021/08/06 18:55:00=31.11 2021/08/06 19:00:00=32.18 2021/08/06 19:05:00=32.35 2021/08/06 19:10:00=34.14 2021/08/06 19:15:00=33.11 2021/08/06 19:20:00=33.69 2021/08/06 19:25:00=32.59 2021/08/06 19:30:00=31.23 2021/08/06 19:35:00=29.32 2021/08/06 19:40:00=30.98 2021/08/06 19:45:00=31.79 2021/08/06 19:50:00=32.16 2021/08/06 19:55:00=31.24 2021/08/06 20:00:00=32.47 2021/08/06 20:05:00=34.25 2021/08/06 20:10:00=35.03 2021/08/06 20:15:00=34.96 2021/08/06 20:20:00=36.67 2021/08/06 20:25:00=35.8 2021/08/06 20:30:00=37.25 2021/08/06 20:35:00=36.66 2021/08/06 20:40:00=36.06 2021/08/06 20:45:00=37.3 2021/08/06 20:50:00=37.75 2021/08/06 20:55:00=37.9 2021/08/06 21:00:00=36.3 2021/08/06 21:05:00=34.46 2021/08/06 21:10:00=33.57 2021/08/06 21:15:00=34.89 2021/08/06 21:20:00=35.81 2021/08/06 21:25:00=35.52 2021/08/06 21:30:00=35.66 2021/08/06 21:35:00=35.5 2021/08/06 21:40:00=33.82 2021/08/06 21:45:00=32.92 2021/08/06 21:50:00=32.98 2021/08/06 21:55:00=34.16 2021/08/06 22:00:00=34.82 2021/08/06 22:05:00=35.13 2021/08/06 22:10:00=35.64 2021/08/06 22:15:00=37.36 2021/08/06 22:20:00=38.39 2021/08/06 22:25:00=37.78 2021/08/06 22:30:00=38.6 2021/08/06 22:35:00=38.9 2021/08/06 22:40:00=38.05 2021/08/06 22:45:00=38.58 2021/08/06 22:50:00=38.65 2021/08/06 22:55:00=36.93 2021/08/06 23:00:00=37.33 2021/08/06 23:05:00=38.25 2021/08/06 23:10:00=36.3 2021/08/06 23:15:00=35.21 2021/08/06 23:20:00=34.07 2021/08/06 23:25:00=35.2 2021/08/06 23:30:00=37.18 2021/08/06 23:35:00=35.28 2021/08/06 23:40:00=35.29 2021/08/06 23:45:00=33.55 2021/08/06 23:50:00=32.58 2021/08/06 23:55:00=34.48 2021/08/07 00:00:00=34.69 2021/08/07 00:05:00=36.59 2021/08/07 00:10:00=35.97 2021/08/07 00:15:00=34.78 2021/08/07 00:20:00=33.25 2021/08/07 00:25:00=31.46 2021/08/07 00:30:00=31.1 2021/08/07 00:35:00=32.47 2021/08/07 00:40:00=31.68 2021/08/07 00:45:00=30.59 2021/08/07 00:50:00=31.41 2021/08/07 00:55:00=30.99 2021/08/07 01:00:00=32 2021/08/07 01:05:00=33.04 2021/08/07 01:10:00=31.99 2021/08/07 01:15:00=33.38 2021/08/07 01:20:00=32.53 2021/08/07 01:25:00=32.77 2021/08/07 01:30:00=32.93 2021/08/07 01:35:00=34.66 2021/08/07 01:40:00=34.26 2021/08/07 01:45:00=34.47 2021/08/07 01:50:00=35.66 2021/08/07 01:55:00=33.85 2021/08/07 02:00:00=34.05 2021/08/07 02:05:00=33.58 2021/08/07 02:10:00=32.46 2021/08/07 02:15:00=31.19 2021/08/07 02:20:00=31.04 2021/08/07 02:25:00=31.48 2021/08/07 02:30:00=29.62 2021/08/07 02:35:00=31.22 2021/08/07 02:40:00=32.96 2021/08/07 02:45:00=31.15 2021/08/07 02:50:00=32.31 2021/08/07 02:55:00=32.8 2021/08/07 03:00:00=33.49 2021/08/07 03:05:00=35.43 2021/08/07 03:10:00=37.36 2021/08/07 03:15:00=39.22 2021/08/07 03:20:00=37.85 2021/08/07 03:25:00=39.4 2021/08/07 03:30:00=37.76 2021/08/07 03:35:00=37.74 2021/08/07 03:40:00=36.39 2021/08/07 03:45:00=35.17 2021/08/07 03:50:00=35.08 2021/08/07 03:55:00=35.45 2021/08/07 04:00:00=34.08 2021/08/07 04:05:00=34.82 2021/08/07 04:10:00=33.73 2021/08/07 04:15:00=34.76 2021/08/07 04:20:00=36.44 2021/08/07 04:25:00=38.42 2021/08/07 04:30:00=39.5 2021/08/07 04:35:00=38.11 2021/08/07 04:40:00=39.07 2021/08/07 04:45:00=39.1 2021/08/07 04:50:00=37.49 2021/08/07 04:55:00=36.08 2021/08/07 05:00:00=34.9 2021/08/07 05:05:00=35.53 2021/08/07 05:10:00=33.84 2021/08/07 05:15:00=33.17 2021/08/07 05:20:00=32.52 2021/08/07 05:25:00=31.36 2021/08/07 05:30:00=30.92 2021/08/07 05:35:00=31.46 2021/08/07 05:40:00=31.14 2021/08/07 05:45:00=30.22 2021/08/07 05:50:00=31.24 2021/08/07 05:55:00=32.8 2021/08/07 06:00:00=33.21 2021/08/07 06:05:00=32.9 2021/08/07 06:10:00=31.26 2021/08/07 06:15:00=32.64 2021/08/07 06:20:00=34.37 2021/08/07 06:25:00=36.11 2021/08/07 06:30:00=35.11 2021/08/07 06:35:00=33.6 2021/08/07 06:40:00=32.34 2021/08/07 06:45:00=33.82 2021/08/07 06:50:00=35.04 2021/08/07 06:55:00=35.18 2021/08/07 07:00:00=35.24 2021/08/07 07:05:00=36.78 2021/08/07 07:10:00=37.53 2021/08/07 07:15:00=37.86 2021/08/07 07:20:00=36 2021/08/07 07:25:00=36.62 2021/08/07 07:30:00=36.54 2021/08/07 07:35:00=36.62 2021/08/07 07:40:00=38.48 2021/08/07 07:45:00=38.75 2021/08/07 07:50:00=37.04 2021/08/07 07:55:00=36.8 2021/08/07 08:00:00=37.07 2021/08/07 08:05:00=36.86 2021/08/07 08:10:00=35.52 2021/08/07 08:15:00=35.72 2021/08/07 08:20:00=33.87 2021/08/07 08:25:00=32.91 2021/08/07 08:30:00=32.41 2021/08/07 08:35:00=32 2021/08/07 08:40:00=30.93 2021/08/07 08:45:00=32.38 2021/08/07 08:50:00=33.71 2021/08/07 08:55:00=34.74 2021/08/07 09:00:00=35.02 2021/08/07 09:05:00=36.48 2021/08/07 09:10:00=38.15 2021/08/07 09:15:00=39.04 2021/08/07 09:20:00=37.05 2021/08/07 09:25:00=38.82 2021/08/07 09:30:00=39.3 2021/08/07 09:35:00=37.51 2021/08/07 09:40:00=37.04 2021/08/07 09:45:00=36.41 2021/08/07 09:50:00=37.48 2021/08/07 09:55:00=37.6 2021/08/07 10:00:00=35.78 2021/08/07 10:05:00=36.5 2021/08/07 10:10:00=36.48 2021/08/07 10:15:00=35.52 2021/08/07 10:20:00=35.54 2021/08/07 10:25:00=37.04 2021/08/07 10:30:00=35.58 2021/08/07 10:35:00=34.99 2021/08/07 10:40:00=34.38 2021/08/07 10:45:00=34.52 2021/08/07 10:50:00=33.95 2021/08/07 10:55:00=35.12 2021/08/07 11:00:00=33.92 2021/08/07 11:05:00=34.97 2021/08/07 11:10:00=34.83 2021/08/07 11:15:00=34.73 2021/08/07 11:20:00=36.09 2021/08/07 11:25:00=34.8 2021/08/07 11:30:00=33.95 2021/08/07 11:35:00=33.44 2021/08/07 11:40:00=33.24 2021/08/07 11:45:00=32.72 2021/08/07 11:50:00=32.42 2021/08/07 11:55:00=31.86 2021/08/07 12:00:00=31.43 2021/08/07 12:05:00=29.65 2021/08/07 12:10:00=28.31 2021/08/07 12:15:00=27.58 2021/08/07 12:20:00=27.41 2021/08/07 12:25:00=27.62 2021/08/07 12:30:00=27.35 2021/08/07 12:35:00=29.25 2021/08/07 12:40:00=29.54 2021/08/07 12:45:00=29.99 2021/08/07 12:50:00=29.98 2021/08/07 12:55:00=30.85 2021/08/07 13:00:00=31.98 2021/08/07 13:05:00=33.2
  2. Hi, I'm trying to create a graphic with a time axis from an excel file. I had to change the times to timepassed in seconds because otherwise i could not get the graphic to plot like i wanted. This could work on a cleaner way but i can't fix it. The big question i'm having is if i can get the handle from the lines i plot so that when i plot (for example) 8 i can select which ones i can show on the graph. Or is the only way to do this plot the graphic again every time with the lines that i want to visualize. The excel contains the following data for now : column 1: value1 to be plotted column2: date of all the values column3: empty (i use this in my code) column4: value2 to be plotted 1143,186 2018-02-08 23:13:21,000 15,12461 I added my code after this. Thanks for any help!!
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