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  1. #include <GuiComboBox.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPITheme.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #Region GUICtrlComboSetColors UDF Global $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[1][16] = [[0, 0, 0]] ; init. the Global array ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: GUICtrlComboSetColors ; Description ...: Change the colors and position/size of a ComboBox ; Syntax.........: GUICtrlComboSetColors ( $idCombo [, $iBgColor = Default] [, $iFgColor = Default] [, $iExtendLeft = Default] ) ; Parameters ....: $idCombo - GUICtrlCreateCombo() ControlID / [ ArrayIndex ] ; $iBgColor - Background RGB color ; - or "-1" to use prior color declared ; - or to remove a control by ControlID, "-2" ; - or to remove a control by ArrayIndex, "-3" ; $iFgColor - Foreground RGB color ; - or "-1" to use prior color declared ; - or "-2" to use sytem color and leave theme default ; $iExtendLeft - pixels to extend the dropdown list ; - or "-1" to use prior width declared ; - or "1" auto size, extending left ( see Remarks/AutoSize ) ; - or "2" auto size, extending right ( see Remarks/AutoSize ) ; Return values .: Success - index position in the array ; Failure - 0 ; @error - 1 : Control handle = 0 ; - 2 : GetComboBoxInfo failed ; - 3 : Control for removal not found ; @extended - 2 : Success on Control removal ; Author ........: argumentum ; Modified.......: v0.0.0.5 ; Remarks .......: this UDF is in its a work in progress, will expand if needed. ; AutoSize...: use the pertinent parameters from GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize() ; minus the CtrlID as semicolon separated to initialize. Ex: "2;Arial;8.5;0" ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/191035-combobox-set-dropdownlist-bgcolor/ ; Example .......: Yes, at the end of the file ; =============================================================================================================================== Func GUICtrlComboSetColors($idCombo = 0, $iBgColor = Default, $iFgColor = Default, $iExtendLeft = Default) If Not $idCombo Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $n, $tInfo, $i = 0 If $iBgColor = -2 Or $iBgColor = -3 Then Local $m For $n = 1 To $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] If ($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$n][0] = $idCombo And $iBgColor = -2) Or ($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$n][9] = $idCombo And $iBgColor = -3) Then _ArrayDelete($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, $n) $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] -= 1 Return SetError(0, 2, $n) EndIf Next Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf For $n = 1 To $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$n][0] = $idCombo Then $i = $n ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $i Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] += 1 $i = $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] ; If $i >= UBound($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX) Then ReDim $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i + 1][16] ; add extra "slots" EndIf EndIf Local $sStr = GUICtrlRead($idCombo) Local $iSetWindowTheme = 1 If $iBgColor = Default And $iFgColor = Default Then $iSetWindowTheme = 0 If $iBgColor = Default Then $iBgColor = _WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_WINDOW) If $iFgColor = Default Then $iFgColor = _WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) If $iBgColor = -1 Then $iBgColor = $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][10] If $iFgColor = -1 Then $iFgColor = $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][11] $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][11] = $iFgColor $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][10] = $iBgColor If $iExtendLeft = Default Then $iExtendLeft = 0 $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] = 0 EndIf If $iExtendLeft = -1 Then $iExtendLeft = $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8] ElseIf Int($iExtendLeft) = 1 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] = 1 ElseIf Int($iExtendLeft) = 2 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] = 2 Else $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] = 0 EndIf $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8] = Int($iExtendLeft) $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][0] = $idCombo $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][1] = GUICtrlGetHandle($idCombo) $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][13] = "Arial" ; default $sFont $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][14] = 8.5 ; default $fSize $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][15] = 0 ; default $iStyle If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] Then $f = StringSplit($iExtendLeft, ";") If UBound($f) > 1 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8] = Int($f[1]) If UBound($f) > 2 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][13] = $f[2] If UBound($f) > 3 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][14] = Int($f[3]) If UBound($f) > 4 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][15] = Int($f[4]) $t = TimerInit() GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize(Int("-" & $i), $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12], $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][13], $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][14], $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][15]) ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($t) & @CRLF) EndIf If _GUICtrlComboBox_GetComboBoxInfo($idCombo, $tInfo) Then If $iSetWindowTheme Then If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][11] <> -2 Then _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][1], "", "") If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][11] <> -2 Then GUICtrlSetColor($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][0], $iFgColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][0], $iBgColor) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][0], _WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_HOTLIGHT)) _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][1], 0, 0) EndIf $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][2] = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "hCombo") $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][3] = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "hEdit") $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][4] = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "hList") ; this is what is colored Else $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] -= 1 Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If Int($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5]) Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5]) $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5] = 0 ; holder for "_WinAPI_CreateSolidBrush()" return value $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][6] = BitOR(BitAND($iBgColor, 0x00FF00), BitShift(BitAND($iBgColor, 0x0000FF), -16), BitShift(BitAND($iBgColor, 0xFF0000), 16)) If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][11] = -2 Then $iFgColor = _WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][7] = BitOR(BitAND($iFgColor, 0x00FF00), BitShift(BitAND($iFgColor, 0x0000FF), -16), BitShift(BitAND($iFgColor, 0xFF0000), 16)) If Not $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][1] Then If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][4] Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][1] = GUIRegisterMsg($WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][1] Then OnAutoItExitRegister("OnAutoItExit_UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") EndIf EndIf $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][2] += 1 $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][9] = $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][2] ; internal ID $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][3] = TimerInit() ; to use in UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX() $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][4] = 0 ; to use in UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX() If $sStr Then GUICtrlSetData($idCombo, $sStr) Return SetError(0, 0, $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][2]) EndFunc ;==>GUICtrlComboSetColors Func UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ConsoleWrite('+ Func UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX(' & $hWnd & ', ' & $Msg & ', ' & $wParam & ', ' & $lParam & ')' & @CRLF) For $i = 1 To $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][4] = $lParam Then If TimerDiff($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][3]) > 500 Or $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][4] <> $lParam Then If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][12] Then GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize("-" & $i) EndIf $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][3] = TimerInit() $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][4] = $lParam If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8] > 0 Then Local $aWPos = WinGetPos($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][2]) WinMove($lParam, "", $aWPos[0] - $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8], $aWPos[1] + $aWPos[3], $aWPos[2] + $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8]) ElseIf $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8] < 0 Then Local $aWPos = WinGetPos($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][2]) WinMove($lParam, "", $aWPos[0], $aWPos[1] + $aWPos[3], $aWPos[2] - $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][8]) EndIf If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][7] >= 0 Then _WinAPI_SetTextColor($wParam, $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][7]) EndIf If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][6] >= 0 Then _WinAPI_SetBkColor($wParam, $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][6]) If Not $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5] Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5] = _WinAPI_CreateSolidBrush($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][6]) Return $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5] EndIf Return 0 EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize ; Description ...: Set autosize for a ComboBox initialized in GUICtrlComboSetColors() ; Syntax.........: GUICtrlComboSetColors ( $idCombo [, $iExtendLeft = Default] [, $sFont = Default] [, $fSize = Default] [, $iStyle = Default] ) ; Parameters ....: $idCombo - GUICtrlCreateCombo() ControlID / [ ArrayIndex ] ; $iExtendLeft - 1 = Left, 2 = Right, 0 = disable auto-sizing ; $sFont - Font name ; $fSize - Font size ; $iStyle - Font style ; Return values .: Success - widthest string in pixels ; Failure - -1 ; @error - look at the comments in the function ; Author ........: argumentum ; Modified.......: v0.0.0.5 ; Remarks .......: this UDF is in its a work in progress, will expand if needed. ; Related .......: GUICtrlComboSetColors() ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/191035-combobox-set-dropdownlist-bgcolor/ ; Example .......: Yes, at the end of the file ; =============================================================================================================================== Func GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize($idCombo, $iExtendLeft = Default, $sFont = Default, $fSize = Default, $iStyle = Default) ConsoleWrite('+ Func GUICtrlComboSetColors_AutoSizeSet("' & $idCombo & '", "' & $iExtendLeft & '", "' & $sFont & '", "' & $fSize & '", "' & $iStyle & '")' & @CRLF) $idCombo = Int($idCombo) ; just in case the value is a string Local $n, $iArrayIndex = 0, $iCtrl = 0 If $idCombo > 0 Then For $n = 1 To $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$n][0] = $idCombo Then ; the expected value, is the ControlID $iArrayIndex = $n ExitLoop EndIf Next Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ; $iArrayIndex not found ElseIf $idCombo < 0 Then ; the expected value, is a negative of array's index .. $iArrayIndex = Int(StringTrimLeft(StringStripWS($idCombo, 8), 1)) ; .. so now is a positive value .. If $iArrayIndex < 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ; .. else, error .. If $iArrayIndex > $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; .. as long as is not greater than expected Else Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; could not find a usable value EndIf Switch $iExtendLeft Case 0, 1, 2 $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][12] = $iExtendLeft EndSwitch Local $aCtrlPos = WinGetPos($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][1]) If UBound($aCtrlPos) <> 4 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) ; could not get a usable value Local $sString = StringReplace(_GUICtrlComboBox_GetList($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][0]), "|", @CRLF) Local $aStrWidth = _GDIPlus_MeasureString($sString, $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][13], $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][14], $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][15]) If UBound($aStrWidth) <> 2 Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) ; could not get a usable value If $aStrWidth[0] < $aCtrlPos[2] Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][8] = 0 Else $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][8] = $aStrWidth[0] - $aCtrlPos[2] If $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][12] = 2 Then $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$iArrayIndex][8] = Int("-" & $aStrWidth[0] - $aCtrlPos[2]) EndIf Return $aStrWidth[0] EndFunc ;==>GUICtrlComboSetColors_SetAutoSize Func _GDIPlus_MeasureString($sString, $sFont = "Arial", $fSize = 12, $iStyle = 0, $bRound = True) ConsoleWrite('Func _GDIPlus_MeasureString("' & $sString & '", "' & $sFont & '", "' & $fSize & '", "' & $iStyle & '", "' & $bRound & '")' & @CRLF) ; original code @ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/150736-gdi-wrapping-text/?do=findComment&comment=1077210 If Not $__g_iGDIPRef Then _GDIPlus_Startup() ; added by argumentum for this UDF's implementation ( AutoIt v3.3.14 ) due to the way the function is written ;~ Func _GDIPlus_Startup($sGDIPDLL = Default, $bRetDllHandle = False) ;~ $__g_iGDIPRef += 1 <-- I believe this aspect should be coded differently in "GDIPlus.au3" ;~ If $__g_iGDIPRef > 1 Then Return True Local $aSize[2] Local Const $hFamily = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate($sFont) If Not $hFamily Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aSize) Local Const $hFormat = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate() Local Const $hFont = _GDIPlus_FontCreate($hFamily, $fSize, $iStyle) Local Const $tLayout = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate(0, 0, 0, 0) Local Const $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND(0) Local $aInfo = _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureString($hGraphic, $sString, $hFont, $tLayout, $hFormat) $aSize[0] = $bRound ? Round($aInfo[0].Width, 0) : $aInfo[0].Width $aSize[1] = $bRound ? Round($aInfo[0].Height, 0) : $aInfo[0].Height _GDIPlus_FontDispose($hFont) _GDIPlus_FontFamilyDispose($hFamily) _GDIPlus_StringFormatDispose($hFormat) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) Return $aSize EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_MeasureString Func OnAutoItExit_UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX() For $i = 1 To $g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[0][0] If Int($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5]) Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX[$i][5]) Next If $__g_iGDIPRef Then _GDIPlus_Shutdown() EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit_UDF_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX #EndRegion GUICtrlComboSetColors UDF Example() Func Example() ; Create GUI GUICreate("ComboBox Set DROPDOWNLIST BgColor", 640, 300) Local $a_idCombo[7] = [6] $a_idCombo[1] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 2, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[1], 0xEEEEEE, -2, Default) Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[1]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< change BG color, default theme && size ", 400, 4, 396, 296) $a_idCombo[2] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 32, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[2], 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0) Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[2]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< change colors", 400, 34, 396, 296) $a_idCombo[3] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 62, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[3], 0xdddddd, Default, 100) Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[3]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< change BG color, resize 100px. left", 400, 64, 396, 296) $a_idCombo[4] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 92, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[4], Default, 0x0000FF, -100) Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[4]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< change FG color, resize 100px. right", 400, 94, 396, 296) $a_idCombo[5] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 122, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[5], 0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF, 1) Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[5]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< change colors, resize auto left", 400, 124, 396, 296) $a_idCombo[6] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 152, 390, 296, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetFont($a_idCombo[6], 10, 400, 0, "Courier New") GUICtrlComboSetColors($a_idCombo[6], Default, Default, "2;Courier New;10") Example_FillTheCombo($a_idCombo[6]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("<<< default colors, resize auto right", 400, 154, 396, 296) Local $bttnArrayShow = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show array", 2, 296 - 27, 75, 25) Local $bttnStrMore = GUICtrlCreateButton("Longer str.", 102, 296 - 27, 75, 25) Local $idLorem = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 195, 296 - 27, 50, 25) Local $bttnStrLess = GUICtrlCreateButton("Shorter str.", 252, 296 - 27, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) WinActivate("ComboBox Set DROPDOWNLIST BgColor") ;~ Sleep(3500) ; you can reassign colors, size, or restore default ;~ GUICtrlComboSetColors($idCombo5, Default, Default, 300) ; this resets the Control back to default and changes $iExtendLeft ;~ GUICtrlComboSetColors($idCombo5, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF, -1) ; this changes the colors and keeps $iExtendLeft as it was ;~ GUICtrlComboSetColors($idCombo5, -1, -1, 300) ; using "-1" will keep the existing colors ;~ ; so in this case, only the $iExtendLeft is declared ;~ Example_FillTheCombo($idCombo5) ;~ Sleep(500) ; after removal, it will not repaint "hList", but then again, you're deleteing the control ;~ GUICtrlComboSetColors($idColors, -3) ;~ GUICtrlDelete($idCombo2) Local $iLorem = 5, $sLorem = "" Example_LoremStr($iLorem, $sLorem, $a_idCombo, $idLorem) ; Loop until the user exits. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() Return Case $bttnArrayShow _ArrayDisplay($g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "$g__aWM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") Case $bttnStrMore $iLorem += 5 Example_LoremStr($iLorem, $sLorem, $a_idCombo, $idLorem) Case $bttnStrLess $iLorem -= 5 Example_LoremStr($iLorem, $sLorem, $a_idCombo, $idLorem) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Func Example_FillTheCombo(ByRef $idComboCtrl) GUICtrlSetData($idComboCtrl, "") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($idComboCtrl, "something") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($idComboCtrl, "something else") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($idComboCtrl, "blah, blah, blah, blah") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($idComboCtrl, "Lorem will change") Local $a = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetListArray($idComboCtrl) GUICtrlSetData($idComboCtrl, $a[1]) EndFunc ;==>Example_FillTheCombo Func Example_LoremStr(ByRef $iLorem, ByRef $sLorem, ByRef $a_idCombo, ByRef $idLorem) Local Static $s = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat." $s &= " Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." Local Static $i = 5, $a = StringSplit($s, " ") If $iLorem < 1 Then $iLorem = 1 If $iLorem > $a[0] Then $iLorem = $a[0] Local $x, $iLastEntry $sLorem = "" GUICtrlSetData($idLorem, $iLorem & ' words') For $x = 1 To $iLorem $sLorem &= $a[$x] & " " Next For $x = 1 To $a_idCombo[0] $iLastEntry = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCount($a_idCombo[$x]) - 1 _GUICtrlComboBox_DeleteString($a_idCombo[$x], $iLastEntry) _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($a_idCombo[$x], $sLorem) Next EndFunc ;==>Example_LoremStr new in v0.0.0.5: auto size the dropdown. You may also wanna take a look at ComboBox Color Background/Text subclass approach.
  2. Hi guys, I would like to implement the words in GuiCtrlCreateEdit through the choices the GuiCtrlCreateCombo. Each item in the GuiCtrlCreateCombo must contain the words that are to be reported later in the GuiCtrlCreateEdit. I have attached an example , I added just a GuiCtrlCreateCombo , then it will insert more. Thanks for the attention
  3. Hello, Hereby I'd like to ask for the devs proffesional help cause there is something I can not get to work. I have an Combobox containing 3 strings. When I choose one, I'd wish for the 'readonly'editbox to hold some data from each string, a different data. string 1-> GUICtrlEdit /Edit1 : data ; blabla string 2-> GUICtrlEdit /Edit1 : data ; random typin string 3-> GUICtrlEdit /Edit1 : data ; other info Just to give an example I have a hunge it has something to do with Case $Combo1, GuiCtrlSetData and a read command. I shall provide a KodaForm generated code script.au3 below but I'm kinda lost in how to get it done. If only I had the beginning from one of the strings I'd make the ones for the other strings myself. Kind regards Theo Van Der Wal, Frieschepalen, Holland theolonghair.au3
  4. is there a way to tell if the GUICtrlCreateCombo is open or closed (currently being chosen). I have a logic set that reads GUICtrlCreateCombo and then does a database query. I would rather wait until the drop down closes, before the real time query is made instead of cycling though the choices. is there a way to tell if its open or closed for a read?
  5. ;I'd like to on the end of the function, script changed for another option in the combolist. This will be part of the loop #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 418, 177, 192, 114) $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("exe Files", 16, 24, 145, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GuiCtrlSetData(-1,'ini Files|Txt Files|Cfg files') $Combo2 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Find A", 176, 24, 145, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GuiCtrlSetData(-1,'Find B') $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Input1", 16, 56, 321, 21) $Button = GUICTRLCreateButton("check", 10, 10, 20,20) $Checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Checkbox1", 16, 80, 97, 25) $Checkbox2 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Checkbox2", 120, 80, 97, 25) $Checkbox3 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Checkbox3", 224, 80, 113, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd
  6. Hello, i have question. How put data from _FileListToArray to Combo ? I want fill combo with names of files from folder.
  7. Sample code: ; Enter username to transfer item to Input $newUserInput = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 180, 170, 350, 35, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_VSCROLL, $CBS_SORT)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $CB_SETMINVISIBLE, 10, 0) Part 2 of sample code: If $itemString <> "" Then Local $mySQLstatement = "SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Name = '" & $itemString & "' AND Status = 1" $executeStatement = _Query($global_SQLInstance, $mySQLstatement) $internalName = $executeStatement.Fields("Name").value $usernameID = $executeStatement.Fields("UserID").value GUICtrlSetData($userInput, getName("User", $usernameID)) GUICtrlSetData($itemInput, "|" & getString("UserItem", $usernameID) & "|", $Name) GUICtrlSetData($newUserInput, "|" & getString("Username", $usernameID)) EndIf Is it possible to prevent users from changing selection of items in the combobox? If so, is it possible to retrieve the value or data of the item currently shown in the combobox? If so/not so, how do I retrieve the value of item displayed?
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