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Found 11 results

  1. Hello The function below worked for a long time. Now it doesn't download anything and I don't know where the error is. #include <InetConstants.au3> Local $Link = 'https://allegro.pl/kategoria/nasiona-warzywa-99776?bmatch=e2101-d3681-c3682-hou-1-4-0319' Local $dStrona = InetRead($Link) Local $sStrona = BinaryToString($dStrona, $SB_UTF8) ;GUICtrlSetData($myedit, $sStrona) ConsoleWrite($sStrona) The function was good because it reading data in the background. Thank you for any hints or possibly other solutions / functions that are reading data in the background.
  2. Hi all, I was wondering if you can help me with the function called; InetRead(). My scripts are using this function a lot for several conditions and everything works fine! But sometimes when the server is a little bit buggy of simply not available my script is hanging. It takes about 90sec before this function returns a Timeout, when i adjust the parameter it still is hanging about 90sec. The following script is a example where the script is hanging for aprox. 90sec; ; Set Timeout to 2sec AutoItSetOption ("TCPTimeout", 2000) ; Read Website InetRead("http://www.geenverbinding.nl/",1) ; Show Msgbox before Ending Script. Msgbox(64,"","Finished") The following script is a example where the script show the Msgbox pretty fast; ; Set Timeout to 2sec AutoItSetOption ("TCPTimeout", 2000) ; Read Website InetRead("http://www.google.nl/",1) ; Show Msgbox before Ending Script. Msgbox(64,"","Finished") My question now is, what am i doing wrong and/or is there a other way to prevent Hanging the script? Thanks all
  3. Hi everyone, hope you are doing fine Well, I'm currently writing a small script that goes to a certain web page, finds the first link of a specified section and download the file associated to this link. Depending on the computer that the tool is launched, the script gets the computer model and search in the (provided here) ini file which link to follow. At first, Dell was kind enough to provide only one link but now, they provide two of them. The first one is now a .txt file ( ) whereas my script has been designed to download only the fist and latest link released for the BIOS Update. Here's the current code which is working with only the first and latest link of the BIOS category: So the question is: In the case of double links like shown in the picture above, how it is possible to tell the script to download only the link containing an the .exe file? Of course, I could have changed the array result to [1] instead of [0] [which is working] but it seems that Dell does that randomly and that I deal with a lot of computer models. Thanks for the help you can provide, -31290- SEE_BIOS_LINKS.ini
  4. Ever since I upgraded to Windows 10, scripts using Inetget and InetRead no longer seem to recognize Internet Explorer cookies. This makes them useless for websites that require you to be logged in to. Has there been some sort of change to IE cookies because of the upgrade and new Edge browser? Is there a way around this?
  5. I am trying to extract a date and time from a website using InetRead. The source for the page I am reading shows the date and time as shown below. I need to somehow extract the correct date and time from this information. Is there a function or calculation that will do this? The source shown here correlates to 15:20 (time) 29.03.17 (date). <div class="cell game-date" data-time="1490818800000"> <div class="site__time" data-time="1490818800000"> <div class="time"></div> <div class="date"></div> </div> </div>  
  6. Hello AutoIT community. I am attempting to make a script that will login to my bank account and retrieve one of my account balances and display it in a MsgBox, however it am having some difficulty getting the correct value.... The MsgBox keep displaying a value of "0" instead of the actual string in between the source code I'm looking for.... Any help would be greatly appreciated! $readtext = InetRead("https://www.xxxbanksitexxx.com/das/cgi-bin/session.cgi?screenid=SIGNON_PORTAL_PAUSE&amp;LOB=CONS",1) $source = BinaryToString($readtext) $text = _StringBetween($source,'CHECKING XXXXXXXXXX&nbsp;', ' "> ') MsgBox(0,"balance",$text) ;This keeps returning a value of "0" Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($Form1) ExitLoop Case $Button2 GUIDelete($Form1) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd
  7. Hi guys, * Sorry for my many questions, ------------------------------------------------ i use that and it's true and fine, Local $dData = InetRead("http://example.com/my.html",1) $my = BinaryToString(StringReplace($dData, "0A", "0D0A"), 4)now how can i add functions in "my.html" and autoit run that function, it's meant when ever "Read" data from website, use that serve as "Autoit Function", something like that : In "my.html" we have this : MsgBox (1,"This is from website","this is from website")In script we have this : #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500) GuiSetState() Local $dData = InetRead("http://example.com/my.html",1) $my = BinaryToString(StringReplace($dData, "0A", "0D0A"), 4) ;this place is for MsgBox from "my.html" While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEndThanks Alot,
  8. Hi guys, After i use that, all of thing is good and perfect, Local $dData = InetRead("http://example.com/my.html",1) $my = BinaryToString(StringReplace($dData, "0A", "0D0A"), 4)but now how can i reload that after x time ?! by this ( top script ) , i need to relunch the script to see modified, now! how can i update data after X time !? for example : in "my.html" we have number "3" , i try to change it to "5", now we need to relunch script to see "3" => "5", how we can use that without relunch script. thanks alot and sorry for my bad english & too long question.
  9. Hi again, i have one question ! , how we can use a "inetread" without any changes in doc, it's meant : for example in this address we have this source : (Address : http://example.com) <!doctype html> <!-- i have <br/> ( Enter ) --> <html> <!-- i have enter too --> <head> <!-- i have too --> <title>i am in autoit :) </title> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <p> i want to go in autoit :( </p> <a href="http://autoitscript.com">autoit</a> </body> </html>in this source you see many "Enter", now how we can have this (source) by "inetread" or "inetget" or something like that, i try to use that with "inetread" but it have not any "enter"! thanks alot *sorry for my many questions,
  10. I'm using InetRead to access a machine's ID on the amazon ec2 service. to access the string containing the machine's ID I'm using the line: $instanceID = InetRead("",4) ConsoleWrite($instanceID) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) $instanceID = StringLeft($instanceID,10) ; use the first ten characters ConsoleWrite($instanceID) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) I think the "4" option in the InetRead function call should force ASCII format, but it must be struggling. The first ConsoleWrite returns: i-aa0fa69e (which is the properly formatted machine ID) and the second ConsoleWrite returns: 0x692D6161 which appears to be the hex equivalent of the original string. Does any body know how I can force the $instanceID variable to be an ASCII string? This one is really confusing me
  11. Before I even attempt this, Is it possible to: Use INetRead() on a .exe file on the internetExecute the data of the .exe file obtainedBasically, I'm wondering if I can use AutoIt to execute an .exe file from the internet?
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