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  1. Hello guys This script is for those who miss composing monophonic ringtones on old mobile devices, like Nokia 1100, Motorola T120 and so on. It interprets the RTTL (or RTTTL) language (if you ever used Nokia cellphones to compose ringtones, you already know it (read on Wikipedia about it)) and allows you to run (through Beep() function) or export to wave file (through MakeSound UDF by Sprenger120 available here). The examples are separated. Example: #include 'rttl.au3' _RTTL_Play('fifth:d=4,o=5,b=63:8P,8G5,8G5,8G5,2D#5')Explaining the RTTL code: The song above is named "fifth". The default duration of the note is 4. The default octave is 5 and the default beats per minute is 63. The notes are: start with a pause of duraction 1/8. Then a G in 5th octave, also with duraction 1/8, which repeats 3 times. Finally, a D#, also in 5th octave, but with duraction of 1/2. Just a small snippet taken from Wikipedia page linked above. Download: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/files/file/360-rttl-monophonic-ringtone-lib/
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