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  1. Hi All, Another little script that has saved me lots of time and clicks. Needs to be complied and tied to a G-Key (additional Function key) or updated to work w/ a HotKey Highlight any text from the Forum or another SciTE window, hit the key and Voila! ...I assume most of you have this already in some form, you are welcome to post them here so we can all learn from them. Bill Edit: Title should say - Saves Highlighted text as New Script - Script Copies to clipboard as first step 16.12.2013 Edit: Updated _SciTE_Send_Command with the one from guinness SciTE Jump Needs WM_COPYDATA.au3 All you need is in ZIP file 17.12.2013 Edit: Personal Feature Request - Will now start SciTE if it isn't already open. Source Code: Some Animated GIFS showing how it works NewSciTEScript_2.0.zip NewSciTEScript_2.0.1.zip update 16.12.2013 NewSciTEScript_2.0.1.zip update 17.12.2013
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