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  1. I've been looking through some different functions(not sure if that's the right word) to get the Date and time and I can't find one that doesn't include "/ " or ":" in what is returned. I'm trying to create a file name with this format "QuickConfig_MMDDYYYY_HHMM" (doesn't matter if 24 or 12hr format) #include <Date.au3> Func _SaveConfig MouseClick('primary',155, 46, 1, 0) ;clicks save as WinWait('Save bluePRINT Configuration As...','', 4) MouseClick('primary',632, 47, 1, 0) ;clicks the file path bar $Documents = @MyDocumentsDir $FilePath = $Documents & '\BP3 Configs' Send($FilePath) Send('{ENTER}') MouseClick('primary',166, 580, 1, 0) ;clicks file name bar $FileName = 'QuickConfig_' & _NowDate & '_' & _NowTime Send($FileName) Send('{ENTER}') EndFunc I'm wondering if there is a function somewhere to do this?
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