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Found 2 results

  1. Hihi guys several hours messing and i still cat figure out why timer wont reset in my func. Func shold loop untill timer difference and then it shold do other things including to reset timer as well. Timer otself works good. after 30seconds it goes to next func. it just dosnt reset timer. Func _Start() While 1 If TimerDiff($hTimer) > 30 * 1000 Then ; Wait for 10 secs $hTimer = 0 $hTimer = TimerInit() Sleep(100) _Image() Sleep(100) _actTimer() Sleep(100) Else MouseClick("Left", $aPos6[0], $aPos6[1], 1) MouseClick("Left", $aPos4[0], $aPos4[1], 1) MouseClick("Left", $aPos5[0], $aPos5[1], 1) MouseClick("Left", $aPos7[0], $aPos7[1], 150,0) Sleep(100) EndIf WEnd EndFunc
  2. This is a simple incomplete password reset tool, my 3rd script with autoit, so the code is elementary. This is something you can use to customize and make your own. It will generate a password, and give you the nato readout so you can read it to an end user over the phone. Feel free to update and make it better, I no longer require it so enjoy! #include <File.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <AD.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("AD PAssword Reset Tool", 509, 276, 250, 152) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Reset Tool", 40, 8, 442, 46) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 28, 400, 0, "Arial") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) Global $rnd, $result2 = "" $Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 60, 96, 400, 32, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16, 400, 0, "Arial") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Generate Password", 16, 64, 107, 25) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Password", 260, 162, 75, 25) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Unlock Account", 155, 162, 99, 25) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 160, 121, 21) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Account status", 8, 188, 489, 81) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username: ", 16, 204, 58, 17) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Locked: ", 16, 220, 46, 17) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Age:", 16, 236, 75, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 26, 133, 436, 24, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $z = "rvxs|rdmf|jzlr|izez|lbyl|yjmz|wzet|pyau|qumv|aocr|wwal|qhyh|dlou|ruqj|vgmg|edpg|wsmv|qmnt|kwgr|tduz|jzgq|ywdn|etet|hxvj|ydwp|vvzx|cwcs|fcru|dnin|jwna|pwks|xoak|audd|ppwe|omzq|xwcy|dudn|rwtz|qvtg|jgzi|hxkr|azug|ixla|iikl|ovgk|skpj|kldj|ovwg|psfy|jmck|gkea|bjmq|trfc|tppm|jvae|fgah|scbj|pqtl|gses|gtzz|xtid|snds|xkok|zgcb|iktk|cvil|ynxn|fqqs|qakc|cnsc|jiaz|nryi|brev|olbe|whfs|kpro|lkcg|vvlp|pjlf|igvl|mnyp|shco|nite|exji|drai|gdgd|cylw|hlgr|qfya|dqle|xhgn|jkbl|cghi|xcow|iwui|ltqm|olmx|rujq|ehop|xpgr|zjfg|zebn|iezt|gazx|cgft|tefk|jijz|smhj|zbwr|vxsd|wjmp|sjbk|hyzm|sszr|iqbq|marj|pdsn|derh|sjit|udlh|xwaz|aodg|quab|gxka|exhs|pzdo|bpjf|pizm|xtio|tdiz|txxv|jaat|hcwi|ekrz|zpyy|ppnm|yewo|upzi|zfmw|suii|alvm|zklz|xesg|nyqk|lvih|eppa|mbdk|soju|hnkt|ifsd|wnzk|pndo|ydrj|bzfs|madj|jhcz|ygnw|zrdu|qskm|lbux|qtdt|xjyy|zkfd|yzhd|dwgn|jdun|kteh|geke|warj|qucv|lvqs|jdda|vrfb|qzjj|rvuo|kzfr|jlka|svhy|dctk|lkss|viju|dqpq|dgxw|mcwy|rtxw|ptsj|bebg|kduq|iivb|zygi|hwql|sgia|hvmj|msxx|woxb|vvsc|zplz|brpf|iyyq|vdvp|dxre|mtky|csjv|yfdl|podp|svrn|eovx|nzax|uplb|neiv|yzdk|mtgq|qrzx|kkhl|rxgm|brqr|fqsv|wcpe|acyf|oqeo|utci|susu|ttha|qnnx|utwc|eoih|bema|abjh|ijyx|tihy|gyll|bkae|kett|mbtk|fuyr|fokr|cazl|exro|azla|cyzv|bnfx|mnxi|qlak|jlai|tcor|fcpy|hudz|zosz|tgzl|zqli|rody|xrvj|ntit|keji|xixi|wbmd|lajm|rlps|klqj|woth|fhmk|psxp|npaz|naph|ahfz|pdkb|fnga|tisy|kijq|drqj|fyym|nfej|vaqa|hnrk|lkeh|wbrh|rmie|iuab|lbxz|mvto|qkqo|wfbk|zawj|sfnb|dagk|vxts|pfnn|eatb|ozor|pkje|slxb|fmpv|yqil|owry|ducb|dywa|xguz|ybrj|eoff|lhfp|qwqk|pada|oele|szmo|lvdw|rsjh|ygid|mtrh|zycp|pfoe|icpz|vxkd|rsdm|isrf|nhsh|mbzq|rukh|usrj|cwno|nxph|utro|xghu|ynvw|wswr|vngd|ahpw|uimq|tirj|ysbv|aetj|wwsx|jxcu|fxvw|mszs|pcuo|tvjf|tsef|setx|zrnr|vcmk|pthb|vqpl|tzfa|lqpu|jqbg|flru|jdrb|agfb|qajb|gopo|dfen|vfnp|myvp|fptx|qvbv|qiii|uuaw|khnh|ujnj|mlds|wicf|ihwv|wumi|smhd|pfda|tltj|ixdo|xvor|zuid|hgst|xfqf|yuuy|qesp|ulke|rqoc|yyae|ejbr|lrob|xwrw|fgcc|phmn|jeib|btmn|sxbn|znio|qxhe|trto|tzty|ohqn|qaej|pgdk|oqvy|dnqb|lfmh|guom|pumx|hxnl|jxxm|pipj|hxjw|jlvu|mbql|hvnh|dzii|xpyx|fjtx|gxjd|ixuy|evpb|ogjp|wqxi|bogv|laoo|bslx|axtq|uwca|qzmp|gojb|kctw|nzlj|fuyw|klzo|nvpg|vhfx|vnmj|jrtx|yuin|lwbr|bpsh|txok|gvrp|acfz|tjga|kgew|rmrh|wszy|fulz|otgd|gnyh|fvsk|roox|xixy|nwqu|rdne|rngx|tyjq|gbrj|kgtn|zoys|pten|sptz|oxkh|kbin|uvwr|cgqw|smec|pvoe|hmdw|nkxs|bzzp|dkzu|txzu|ktrm|bbgp|esgh|ocza|mnoy|ejfc|xfwb|rwkz|mrbl|apwe|wmdr|ojgb|pfvi|napt|mwmb|wukl|rfzs|injw|jmpw|pmxe|pncm|smtx|xgee|oqhe|cqry|sipu|vaew|fuzw|ymkc|vvnr|lrip|nbsn|kjdn|nfdd|amcg|cncw|gmiw|juzo" $wlist = StringSplit($z, "|", 3) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### _AD_OPEN() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _AD_CLOSE() Exit Case $Button1 generate() Case $Button2 setpw() EndSwitch WEnd Func GenSymbol() $symnum = Random(1, 7, 1) If $symnum = 1 Then Global $symbb = "!" If $symnum = 2 Then Global $symbb = "@" If $symnum = 3 Then Global $symbb = "$" If $symnum = 4 Then Global $symbb = ";" If $symnum = 5 Then Global $symbb = "?" If $symnum = 6 Then Global $symbb = "%" If $symnum = 7 Then Global $symbb = "#" EndFunc ;==>GenSymbol Func generate() Global $rnd = Random(1000, 9999, 1) Global $result = "" GUICtrlSetData($Input3, $result) Global $line = $wlist[Random(1, UBound($wlist))] GenSymbol() nato1() $line = $symbb & $line & $rnd GUICtrlSetData($Input3, $line) $rnd2 = StringSplit($rnd, "") EndFunc ;==>generate Func nato1() $myword = $line symbol($symbb) $array = StringSplit($myword, "", 1) For $i = 1 To UBound($array) - 1 $z = nato2($array[$i]) $result = $result & $nato & " " Next $nums = StringSplit($rnd, "", 1) For $i = 1 To UBound($nums) - 1 $y = digit($nums[$i]) $result2 = $result2 & $numb & " " Next $result = $symb & " " & $result & $result2 GUICtrlSetData($Label7, $result) ;GUICtrlSetData($Label8, "") $result = "" $result2 = "" EndFunc ;==>nato1 Func setpw() If Not GUICtrlRead($Input3) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "You must generate a password first.") Else MsgBox(0, "Complete", "Password has been set. Thank you.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>setpw Func nato2($letter) If $letter = "a" Then Global $nato = "Alpha" If $letter = "b" Then Global $nato = "Bravo" If $letter = "c" Then Global $nato = "Charlie" If $letter = "d" Then Global $nato = "Delta" If $letter = "e" Then Global $nato = "Echo" If $letter = "f" Then Global $nato = "Foxtrot" If $letter = "g" Then Global $nato = "Golf" If $letter = "h" Then Global $nato = "Hotel" If $letter = "i" Then Global $nato = "India" If $letter = "j" Then Global $nato = "Juliet" If $letter = "k" Then Global $nato = "Kilo" If $letter = "l" Then Global $nato = "Lima" If $letter = "m" Then Global $nato = "Mike" If $letter = "n" Then Global $nato = "November" If $letter = "o" Then Global $nato = "Oscar" If $letter = "p" Then Global $nato = "Papa" If $letter = "q" Then Global $nato = "Quebec" If $letter = "r" Then Global $nato = "Romeo" If $letter = "s" Then Global $nato = "Sierra" If $letter = "t" Then Global $nato = "Tango" If $letter = "u" Then Global $nato = "Uniform" If $letter = "v" Then Global $nato = "Victor" If $letter = "w" Then Global $nato = "Whiskey" If $letter = "x" Then Global $nato = "X-ray" If $letter = "y" Then Global $nato = "Yankee" If $letter = "z" Then Global $nato = "Zulu" Return EndFunc ;==>nato2 Func symbol($sym) If $sym = "!" Then Global $symb = "Exclamation-Mark" If $sym = "@" Then Global $symb = "At-Sign" If $sym = "$" Then Global $symb = "Dollar-Sign" If $sym = ";" Then Global $symb = "Semi-Colon" If $sym = "?" Then Global $symb = "Question-Mark" If $sym = "%" Then Global $symb = "Percent-Sign" If $sym = "#" Then Global $symb = "Pound-Sign" Return EndFunc ;==>symbol Func digit($num) If $num = "1" Then Global $numb = "One" If $num = "2" Then Global $numb = "Two" If $num = "3" Then Global $numb = "Three" If $num = "4" Then Global $numb = "Four" If $num = "5" Then Global $numb = "Five" If $num = "6" Then Global $numb = "Six" If $num = "7" Then Global $numb = "Seven" If $num = "8" Then Global $numb = "Eight" If $num = "9" Then Global $numb = "Nine" If $num = "0" Then Global $numb = "Zero" Return EndFunc ;==>digit Feel free to update and make it better.
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