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Hello to everyone I am relatively new to autoit script, I did a lot of research and mostly my script is formed by combining scripts and using the help file, so if it possible to help me with this one. When it gets clicked the row with the second book will open like first one so in need to get back to "while 1" to create a new directory and when "$nr" gets to 45 I need to scroll down and get pos of the las row i exported. i used image search #include <ImageSearch.au3> HotKeySet("{space}", "Terminate") #include <AutoItConstants.au3> f2() func f2() EndFunc $x1=0 $y1=0 MouseClick("left",242,249,1,1) ToolTip("mouse set") Sleep(400) While 1 $result = _ImageSearch("book.bmp",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result=1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,1) ; folder name MouseMove(453,212,0) sleep(50) MouseClick("left",453,212,1,1) sleep(50) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") $fname = ClipGet() ; Folder code MouseMove(67,213,0) sleep(50) MouseClick("left",67,213,1,1) sleep(50) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") $fcode = ClipGet() ;create and open directory ToolTip("Mouse here") Sleep(1000) ToolTip("clicked on in") DirCreate("D:\DB\" & $fcode & " " & $fname) ShellExecute("D:\DB\" & $fcode & " " & $fname) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1+100,$y1+16,1) ;Start copy $y1= $y1+16 elseif $result =0 Then $nr=0 f1() func f1() $locpart =$y1 While $locpart <>974 $locpart = $locpart + 16 $nr= $nr + 1 ;when $nr gets to 45 MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_down, 14) and reset mouse location MouseMove(220, $locpart ,1) MouseClick("left",220, $locpart,1) sleep(1000) ;break when second book if find and return to while 1 if $result = 1 Then f2() WinActivate("Selección de Parámetros") sleep(200) if WinActive("Selección de Parámetros") then Send ("{esc}") endif ToolTip("Mouse Here " & $nr) sleep(50) MouseMove(34,173,0) sleep(50) MouseDown($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) sleep(50) MouseMove(2464,339,0) ToolTip("mouse here") Sleep(50) MouseUp($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) WinActivate("Reemplazar u omitir archivos") sleep(200) if WinActive("Reemplazar u omitir archivos") then Send ("{esc}") endif WEnd EndFunc ;scroll ;else ;MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_down, 14) endif WEnd Func Terminate() SplashTextOn("Exit","EXIT PROGRAM") Sleep(600) Exit EndFunc ;==>Terminate
Members 0 2 10 posts Posted 1 minute ago I have a littel script: AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $iReturn ; Returnwert Local $iVar ; Variable Local $iBit ; Bitnummer $iVar=$Cmdline[2] $iBit=$Cmdline[3] Switch $Cmdline[1] Case 1 $iReturn=BitOr ($ivar,2^$iBit) Case 2 $iReturn=BitAnd ($iVar,2^$iBit) if ($iReturn = 2^$iBit ) Then $iReturn=0 Else $iReturn=1 EndIf EndSwitch Exit $iReturn which does bit handling. It works as desired but: If I want to check the Returncode of the EXE created in the calling batch within an if-clause %ERRORLEVEL% does not match the Returncode of my script (calling outside of an if-clause works as desired). My assumption for this behaviour is: I do not use enabledelayedexpansion in my batch-system and thus this special "variable" %ERRORLEVEL% is not defined in the if-clause. If my assumption is correct: How can I retransfer the Returncode to batch? Thanks - Michael