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  1. Howdy All I've gone around and around in circles wasting hours trying to fix this problem to no avail so I thought I would try posting for help given there are some real smart people in this forum. Background I have 5 separate .au3 scripts that all do different basic tasks. For example: 1.au3 = opens Chrome browser to obtain information from a specific website then closes 2.au3 = opens an Excel workbook to run a macro then saves and closes 3.au3 = Open two seperate workbooks and transfers data from one to the other then saves and closes 4.au3 = .......etc 5.au3 = .......etc These 5 separate scripts, doing completely different tasks, need to each run once per day at 5 different designated times within a day and then close. For example: 1.au3 = 10am 2.au3 = 12pm 3.au3 = 2pm 4.au3 = 4pm 5.au3 = 5pm Problem I can not get these different scripts to reliably run at their designated times. When I manually run these scripts individually by using 'Go F5' they work perfectly. If I convert these scripts to an .exe and manually run each one they work about 98% of time. How can I schedule these different .au3 files or associated .exe files to reliably run each day at different times? Attempts To Fix The Issue 1. I have tried converting each .au3 script into their own .exe file and use Window's Task Scheduler to run these .exe files at their designated time but the success rate of running each .exe in full, to completion, without error is very low at about 30%. Things that commonly go wrong include a browser not opening but movement still continues on the desk top. Other times things just do not happen at all. 2. I have Windows 7 64 bit and have tried creating and running both (x86) and (x64) .exe files but again reliability problems exist; 3. I have also tried moving each .exe file to the My Documents folder as I read someone that keeping your files on your desktop ties your files to individual Windows user profiles which can cause AutoIt operating errors. Not sure if this is correct but thought I would try it anyway. It did not fix my issue. 4. I installed a program called AlwaysUp which supposedly always reliably runs in the background and will reliably execute your AutoIt script or .exe files. Still have significant reliability issues. Therefore, can someone please provide advice on how I can get my 5 different .au3 files to run at 5 designated times through the day, every day, without fail? Overtime I will be creating more and more different .au3 files to run certain tasks throughout the day and do not want to create one large AutoIt file that continually runs and attempts to do all the different tasks itself. Any help is very appreciated. Thanks Dan
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