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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Forum, I am struggling to select an IP address from "Server Interface" dropdown (ComboBox2) of tftpd32 client. tftpd32 is a TFTP server - TFTPD32 : an opensource IPv6 ready TFTP server/service for windows : TFTP server (pagesperso-orange.fr) The IP addresses (and the associated interfaces) are dynamic in ComboBox2. What I want to do is to select an item from ComboBox2 which contains a given IP address (eg. - (which is hidden in the picture as it is at the bottom of the list) and fill the edit field with the selection. (Note : the ComboBox items contain the IP address and the Interface name, therefore IP address is just a part of the item) I am not sure whether functions such as _GUICtrlComboBox_SelectString() are only to be used with Autoit generated ComboBoxes. Please help !!!! My code below, it does not select the ComboBox2 item with my IP address Local $hWnd=ControlGetHandle("Tftpd32 by Ph. Jounin", "", 4008) Sleep(100) ControlFocus("Tftpd32 by Ph. Jounin", "", $hWnd) Sleep(100) Local $IP = "" _GUICtrlComboBox_SelectString($HWnd, $IP) ComboBox2 ID = 4008
  2. Wow.. It's been a long time since I last used AutoIT ^^ I am currently making games with Construct2 and learning to set up multiplayer games. Since I kinda find AutoIT similar to C2 (Easy use and single threaded(I think C2 is single threaded...)) I wondered if a login or database check for "is online" is possible for autoit? And if it is reasonable to make it with a single threaded application. And if this is one of the things that are taboo to talk about!
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