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  1. The block comment (internal: box comment) in SciTE cannot be toggled. I have now created a script that helps. It works with any file type for which the corresponding entries in the properties are created.For toggeling its required to detect, what the user want to do. EDIT 2021-04-14 [v0.10] In the meantime, I have changed and discarded a few things. But in my opinion, the current variant is much easier to handle: Rules for detection: UNSET COMMENT BLOCK - NEW: NONE SELECTION IS REQUIRED! There must exist an comment block near the cursor position (cursor inside the .start line or above). The script detects automatically the "comment.box.start" and the corresponding "comment.box.end" (also if nested) and works until this line. SET COMMENT BLOCK - Some text must selected (at minimum one character) - Starts and/or ends the selection inside of a line, the selection will expanded to full line. - Ends the selection in a line with text, but at line start position so will this line ignored! - Leading and trailing empty lines in selection will ignored! This means that in nested block comments there is at least one more line between two comment.box.start markers. It is recommended to write all block comment settings into "SciTEUser.properties". The setting "comment.box.end.au3" from "SciTEGlobal.properties" is incorrect and must be corrected. comment.box.start.au3=#cs #~ If you want characters or tab in each line of comment block (middle lines), define it here. #~ If TAB should used as box.middle, set it so: comment.box.middle.au3=@Tab #~ "@Tab" is replaced by a tabulator by the script. comment.box.middle.au3= comment.box.end.au3=#ce additional [optional] property: #~ message for comment block set or unset - output/none (1/0), default=0 (none output) #~ e.g.: "++ COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET [line 103-106]" #~ SET : current line numbers of commented text including the lines with .start .end #~ UNSET: current line number(s) of text that was commented comment.box.output=0 Connection to SciTE Search a free command number. Use a Hotkey of your choice. (or use the default shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Q) If you have declared an option for user lua scripts (e.g.: "Lua.User.Scripts.Path=C:\code\lua"), copy the script to this folder. Otherwise copy it to a folder of your choice and change the path in the command: "dofile". But backslashes in the path must be masked. ("\\"). If your path has spaces don't forgot to encapsulate in string delimiters. # 24 Toggle Block Comment command.name.24.*=Toggle Block Comment command.24.*=dofile $(Lua.User.Scripts.Path)/BlockComment.lua command.mode.24.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no command.shortcut.24.*=Ctrl+Alt+F10 Here the lua script: -- TIME_STAMP 2021-04-14 17:56:37 v 0.10 --[[ Toggle Block Comments ©BugFix ( autoit[at]bug-fix.info ) For toggeling its required to detect, what the user want to do. Rules for detection: UNSET COMMENT BLOCK - NEW: NONE SELECTION IS REQUIRED! There must exist an comment block near the cursor position (cursor inside the .start line or above). The script detects automatically the "comment.box.start" and the corresponding "comment.box.end" (also if nested) and works until this line. SET COMMENT BLOCK - Some text must selected (at minimum one character) - Starts and/or ends the selection inside of a line, the selection will expanded to full line. - Ends the selection in a line with text, but at line start position so will this line ignored! - Leading and trailing empty lines in selection will ignored! Properties: It is recommended to write all block comment settings into SciTEUser.properties. The setting "comment.box.end.au3" from "au3.properties" is wrong and must be corrected. comment.box.start.au3=#cs #~ If you want characters or tab in each line of comment block (middle lines), define it here. #~ If TAB should used as box.middle, set it so: comment.box.middle.au3=@Tab #~ "@Tab" is replaced by a tabulator by the script. comment.box.middle.au3= comment.box.end.au3=#ce additional [optional] property: #~ message for comment block set or unset - output/none (1/0), default=0 (none output) #~ e.g.: "++ COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET [line 103-106]" #~ SET : current line numbers of commented text including the lines with .start .end #~ UNSET: current line number(s) of text that was commented comment.box.output=0 Example with AutoIt comment: "SelectionStart" = [S] "SelectionEnd" = [E] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- selection: or or 1 [S]line with some text[E] 1 [S] 1 lin[S]e with some text[E] 2 line with some text[E] or or or 1 [S] 1 [S]line with some text 1 [S] 2 line with some text 2 [E] 2 line with so[E]me text 3 [E] or or 1 [S] 1 [S] ... empty lines 2 line with some text 5 ... empty lines 6 line with some text 6 7 [E] 7 [E] result for all: 1 #cs 2 line with some text 3 #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ]] --[[ History v 0.10 - fixed: If last selected line is also last line in editor, the comment.end was set in this line and so was this line deleted if has toggled. v 0.9 - removed: comment.box.ignore.empty.before/after - was not very usefull - added: detection (and excluding) of leading and/or trailing empty lines in selection v 0.8 - fixed: Problem with selection starts/ends in the middle of a line or ends at the first position of the line with text v 0.7 - added: Automatic detection for comment blocks, NO SELECTION REQUIRED to unset a comment block - added: properties comment.box.ignore.empty.before: if first selected line is empty -- don't include in comment block comment.box.ignore.empty.after: if last selected line is empty -- don't include in comment block comment.box.output: if "1" -- write result of proceeding to console, default is "0" - changed: minimum required selection to start block comment: 1 character v 0.6 - fixed: if selection for uncommenting is wrong, leading/trailing empty line will removed v 0.5 - fixed: the trailing line break from comment.end while uncommenting will not removed v 0.4 - added: detection for uncommenting if selection is wrong (starts/ends in empty line) v 0.3 - project new designed (object syntax) v 0.2 - fixed: missed adding of middle marker in first line ]] local BlockComment = { -- variables ext, -- file extension boxStart, -- property: comment.box.start boxMiddle, -- property: comment.box.middle boxEnd, -- property: comment.box.end bMiddle, -- bool: boxMiddle is defined lenEOL, -- length of line break character(s) from file in editor eol, -- the end of line character(s) in this file msg = {}, -- store line numbers (start, end) for proceeding message selS = {}, -- selection start selE = {}, -- selection end -- selection table fields: -- .pos, -- selection position -- .line, -- selection line number newText, -- the text that replaces the selection -- initialize variables Init = function(self) self.ext = props["FileExt"] self.boxStart = props["comment.box.start."..self.ext] self.boxMiddle = props["comment.box.middle."..self.ext] self.bMiddle = not (self.boxMiddle == "") self.boxEnd = props["comment.box.end."..self.ext] if self.boxMiddle == "@Tab" then self.boxMiddle = "\t" end self.selS = self:SelLineData(editor.SelectionStart) self.selE = self:SelLineData(editor.SelectionEnd) self.lenEOL = self:GetEOL() self.eol = "\n" if self.lenEOL == 2 then self.eol = "\r\n" end self.newText = "" end, -- stores #pos and #line from selection position SelLineData = function(self, _selPos) -- _selPos: editor.SelectionStart or editor.SelectionEnd local t = {} t.pos = _selPos t.line = editor:LineFromPosition(t.pos) return t end, -- returns position from start and end (behind last visible char) of a line LineStartEndPos = function(self, _line) local startP = editor:PositionFromLine(_line) local endP = editor.LineEndPosition[_line] return startP, endP end, -- returns the length of EOL (default) or with "_getMode=true": LF/CRLF -- asking the property "eol.mode.type" is not safe, maybe not set and the global value may differ from the file in the editor GetEOL = function(self, _getMode) -- It is possible that another program makes entries (e.g.: version number) at the beginning of the file.. -- ..with a different EOL mode, therefore the second last line (last line with line break) of the file is checked. local l = editor.LineCount -2 local lenEOL if l < 0 then -- the eol.mode from properties will used instead (but not sure, if exists) local mode = props["eol.mode."..self.ext] -- mode for file type (if declared) if mode == "" then mode = props["eol.mode"] end -- otherwise the global mode if mode == "LF" then lenEOL = 1 else lenEOL = 2 end else local textEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[l] -- pos after last visible character local posLineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(l) -- first pos in line local textLen = textEnd - posLineStart -- pure text length local len = editor:LineLength(l) -- length of line including the line break characters lenEOL = len - textLen -- length of line line break characters end if _getMode then if lenEOL == 1 then return "LF" else return "CRLF" end else return lenEOL end end, -- detects if is/not selection IsSelection = function(self) return (self.selS.pos ~= self.selE.pos) end, -- mask magic characters MaskMagic = function(self, _s) if _s == nil then return "" end return _s:gsub('([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$])', '%%%1') end, -- checks if line is empty (has only a line break) LineIsEmpty = function(self, _line) -- _line: number or text from "editor:GetLine" if type(_line) == "string" then return (_line:len() == self.lenEOL) end if _line == nil then return true end local len = editor:LineLength(_line) return (len <= self.lenEOL) end, -- checks if line starts with/has box.start -- detects it also, if nested and middle marker(s) before the start marker LineHasStart = function(self, _line) if self:LineIsEmpty(_line) then return false end if type(_line) == "number" then _line = editor:GetLine(_line) end local pattern if self.boxMiddle == '' then pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart) else pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..'*'..self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart) end local n = _line:find(pattern) return (n ~= nil) end, -- checks if line starts with/has box.end -- detects it also if nested, and middle marker(s) before the end marker LineHasEnd = function(self, _line) if self:LineIsEmpty(_line) then return false end if type(_line) == "number" then _line = editor:GetLine(_line) end local pattern if self.boxMiddle == '' then pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd) else pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..'*'..self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd) end local n = _line:find(pattern) return (n ~= nil) end, -- remove middle marker/add line UncommentMiddleLine = function(self, _bMiddle, _text) if _bMiddle then self.newText = self.newText.._text:gsub("^("..self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..")", "") else self.newText = self.newText.._text end end, -- checks if passed line is last line in editor AND selection ends not at line start position IsLastLine = function(self, _line) return (editor.LineCount == (_line + 1)) and (editor:PositionFromLine(_line) ~= self.selE.pos) end, -- the ternary operator ternary = function(self, _condition, _ifTrue, _ifFalse) if _condition == true then return _ifTrue else return _ifFalse end end, -- creates the text to toggle and replace the selection with it Toggle = function(self) self:Init() local firstVisibleLine = editor.FirstVisibleLine local countNesting, bStart, nStart, text, nLine, replS, replE = 0, false, -1 local lineStart, lineEnd, bLastLine local sStart, sEnd = self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart), self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd) local sMiddle = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle) local bUsedMiddle = false -- (for uncommenting) check if first line after comment.start, starts with comment.box.middle marker local insertMiddle = "" if self.bMiddle then insertMiddle = self.boxMiddle end -- error check if self.boxStart == "" or self.boxEnd == "" then return print("! ERROR - The comment.box properties for *."..self.ext.." files are missing or incomplete.") end -- check for set comment block if (not self:IsSelection()) then -- none selection - means: Unset CommentBlock -- start unset self.msg.action = 'COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET' nLine = self.selS.line while nLine < editor.LineCount do text = editor:GetLine(nLine) -- line with eol if (not bStart) and self:LineHasStart(text) then -- first line with comment.box.start bStart = true self.msg.starts = nLine nStart = nLine replS = editor:PositionFromLine(nLine) -- save the start position for replacing end if nLine == nStart +1 then -- first line after comment.box.start if self.bMiddle then -- check if comment.box.middle is used, if defined local n = text:find(sMiddle) if n == 1 then bUsedMiddle = true end -- true, if starts with it end end if self:LineIsEmpty(text) then -- do nothing with empty lines, add them only if start was detected before if bStart then self.newText = self.newText..text end -- text is only a line break else if self:LineHasEnd(text) then -- the box.end or a nested box.end countNesting = countNesting -1 -- decrease nesting counter if countNesting == 0 then -- it's the corresponding end position self.newText = self.newText:sub(1, -(self.lenEOL +1)) -- ignore text from this line and delete line break from stored line before replE = editor.LineEndPosition[nLine] -- save the end position (w.o. line break) for replacing self.msg.ends = nLine -2 break -- leave the loop else -- will be treated as middle line (it's a nested comment.box.end) self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text) end elseif self:LineHasStart(text) then countNesting = countNesting +1 -- increase nesting counter -- countNesting == 1 it's the real start of block comment --> ignore this line if countNesting > 1 then self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text) end -- treat it like a middle line else -- all other cases are middle lines but if not start was detected - ignore this line if bStart then self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text) end end end nLine = nLine +1 end if (not bStart) then return print("! ERROR - None comment block starts near the cursor.") -- text near Cursor isn't comment block start marker end else -- set comment block self.msg.action = 'COMMENT BLOCK - SET' if self.selS.line == self.selE.line then -- selection is in one line text = editor:GetLine(self.selS.line) lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(self.selS.line) lineEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[self.selS.line] + self.lenEOL editor:SetSel(lineStart, lineEnd) -- select all text in line bLastLine = self:IsLastLine(self.selE.line) if bLastLine then self.boxEnd = self.eol..self.boxEnd end self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd..self:ternary(bLastLine, '', self.eol) self.msg.starts = self.selS.line self.msg.ends = self.selS.line +2 else -- as 1.: find the last line with text in selection, possibly blank lines are selected at the end local iLineLastText = -1 for i = self.selE.line, self.selS.line, -1 do if (not self:LineIsEmpty(i)) then iLineLastText = i break end end -- none text selected if iLineLastText == -1 then return print("! ERROR - Only empty lines selected.") end if iLineLastText ~= self.selE.line then self.selE.line = iLineLastText self.selE.pos = editor.LineEndPosition[self.selE.line] end bLastLine = self:IsLastLine(self.selE.line) if bLastLine then self.boxEnd = self.eol..self.boxEnd end for i = self.selS.line, self.selE.line do text = editor:GetLine(i) if i == self.selS.line then -- selection start line if (not self:LineIsEmpty(text)) then lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(self.selS.line) if lineStart ~= self.selS.pos then self.selS.pos = lineStart editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos, self.selE.pos) end self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol..insertMiddle..text self.msg.starts = i else -- start line is empty - do nothing end elseif i == self.selE.line then -- selection end line if self.newText == "" then -- the last line is the 1st line with text in selection self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol self.selS.pos = editor:PositionFromLine(i) self.msg.starts = i end lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(i) lineEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[i] if lineStart == self.selE.pos then -- selection ends at line start position self.newText = self.newText..self.boxEnd..self.eol -- ignore this line self.msg.ends = i +2 break end if lineEnd == self.selE.pos then -- selection ends behind last visible char self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd -- without EOL self.msg.ends = i +2 break end if lineEnd > self.selE.pos then -- selection ends inside the line, line will used self.selE.pos = lineEnd + self.lenEOL -- set selE.pos to line end for correct replacing end self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd..self:ternary(bLastLine, '', self.eol) self.msg.ends = i +2 else -- middle lines if (not self:LineIsEmpty(i)) and self.newText == "" then -- may be only empty lines in selection before self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol self.selS.pos = editor:PositionFromLine(i) self.msg.starts = i end if self.newText ~= "" then self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text end end end editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos, self.selE.pos) end end -- replace the selection with the new toggled text if bStart then editor:SetSel(replS, replE) end -- for uncommenting exists none selection - do it here editor:ReplaceSel(self.newText) -- replace the next editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos,self.selS.pos) -- set the cursor to start position editor.FirstVisibleLine = firstVisibleLine -- make the first visible line visible again if props["comment.box.output"] == "1" then print(string.format('++ %s [line %d-%d]', self.msg.action, self.msg.starts +1, self.msg.ends +1)) end end } BlockComment:Toggle() As far as I know, it is not possible to overwrite SciTE internal hotkeys. In this case "Ctrl+Shift+B" for IDM_BLOCK_COMMENT. Therefore I used the connection shown here. But if overwriting is possible, I would be interested in this solution. BlockComment.lua
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