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Found 5 results

  1. Hi guys! i want to write speedy and very fast code to check if chosen filename exists then add "-1" at end of it and if chosen filename exists again, add "-2" instead of "-1" and check filename until be unique. For Example: I have to write "Filename.txt" in C:\ directory with FileOpen then check if "Filename.txt" exists in that directory then rename chosen filename to "Filename-2.txt" and if exists again in directory, rename chosen filename to "Filename-3.txt" and do this work until to find unique number to add end of filename. ====================== SOLUTION by @Subz ======================
  2. The function _ArrayUnique in the Array UDF has some serious design flaws in it, not to mention it's incredibly slow. This is a rewrite of that function. Practically nothing from the original function has remained. This version... doesn't rely upon using _ArrayAdd, not using that shaved 4 seconds off when using this with a 4100+ row array. has extensive bounds checking on all parameters of the function, something the original didn't do at all. streamlines the error checking process so it returns quicker when something sent to it isn't set correctly, all done at the top of the function doesn't use Dim eliminates the $vDelim parameter, which even the documentation says about it, "However, cannot forsee its usefullness" adds the ability to return a 2D array if sent a 2D array, and the $bReturn2 parameter is set to true. This will search the column requested, finding any duplicated entries, removing those duplicate entries, but returning all the rows that were found first. I don't know if anyone will find any use for this part of the function, but it was surprisingly easy to implement it, so I figured I'd leave it in. This version is approximately 50 - 80% faster than the original, and won't crash your script if you send it the wrong values in the parameters. Please play around with this to see if you can break it, or improve it. There is an example script inside the archive that uses the MusicList file as input. The MusicList file is just a text file with 4104 lines and 6 columns, try running the new and original versions using the 6th column as a search and see the difference in execution time. Returning a 2D array on a large array is going to take a lot longer than just returning a single dimension of the array. Using it on the 6th column of this array is still faster than returning a 1D array using the original function. __ArrayUnique.zip
  3. After some insightful input by kylomas in >this topic, I decided to make a general resusable function using the same ideas. It handles up to 24 arrays. Zero based arrays go in, and the target array is returned ByRef. Before passing arrays to this function, you need to delete element 0 if it contains the item count; and you need to use Ubound to get the new size of the target array after using the function. If processing large arrays it is a good idea to delete the arrays you no longer need after the concatenation. The function returns the number of removed duplicates. Set case sensitivity using the second parameter 0 = case insensitive, 1 = case sensitive. ; Func _ArrayUniqueConcatenate(ByRef $aTarget, $iCasesense = 0, _ ; up to 23 more arrays can be included $a0 = 0, $a1 = 0, $a2 = 0, $a3 = 0, $a4 = 0, $a5 = 0, $a6 = 0, $a7 = 0, $a8 = 0, $a9 = 0, $a10 = 0, $a11 = 0, _ $a12 = 0, $a13 = 0, $a14 = 0, $a15 = 0, $a16 = 0, $a17 = 0, $a18 = 0, $a19 = 0, $a20 = 0, $a21 = 0, $a22 = 0) #forceref $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9, $a10, $a11, $a12, $a13, $a14, $a15, $a16, $a17, $a18, $a19, $a20, $a21, $a22 If Not IsArray($aTarget) Or UBound($aTarget, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(1) Local $iTotalSize = UBound($aTarget), $iItems = 0, $tVarName If $iCasesense Then For $i = 0 To $iTotalSize -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary($aTarget[$i], 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aTarget[$i] $iItems += 1 Next Else For $i = 0 To $iTotalSize -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary(StringLower($aTarget[$i]), 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aTarget[$i] $iItems += 1 Next EndIf Local $iParams = @NumParams If $iParams > 2 Then Local $aNextArray, $iBound For $i = 0 To $iParams -3 $aNextArray = Eval('a' & $i) If Not IsArray($aNextArray) Or UBound($aNextArray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, $i +3) ; Sets @Extended to the parameter which failed $iBound = UBound($aNextArray) $iTotalSize += $iBound ReDim $aTarget[$iItems + $iBound] If $iCasesense Then For $j = 0 To $iBound -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary($aNextArray[$j], 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aNextArray[$j] $iItems += 1 Next Else For $j = 0 To $iBound -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary(StringLower($aNextArray[$j]), 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aNextArray[$j] $iItems += 1 Next EndIf Execute('_FreeMemory($a' & $i & ')') Next EndIf ReDim $aTarget[$iItems] Return $iTotalSize - $iItems ; Return the number of duplicates removed EndFunc ; _ArrayUniqueConcatenate Func _FreeMemory(ByRef $vParam) $vParam = 0 EndFunc ; In the following test, after randomly filling 24 arrays of 50000 elements (each with 2 ascii characters), the function searches (case insensitive) through 1200000 elements removing all duplicates in just a few seconds. Filling the arrays takes a few seconds to begin with (watch the SciTE console). It should hit the expected limit of 38416 possible 2 case insensitive character combinations and remove 1161584 duplicates. It takes about 13 12 seconds on my machine. Also works with unicode. ; #include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> Global $a1[50000], $a2[50000], $a3[50000], $a4[50000], $a5[50000], $a6[50000], $a7[50000], $a8[50000], _ $a9[50000], $a10[50000], $a11[50000], $a12[50000], $a13[50000], $a14[50000], $a15[50000], $a16[50000], _ $a17[50000], $a18[50000], $a19[50000], $a20[50000], $a21[50000], $a22[50000], $a23[50000], $a24[50000] ConsoleWrite("Populating Arrays" & @LF) For $i = 1 To 24 Execute('_Fill($a' & $i & ')') Next ConsoleWrite("Starting Timer" & @LF) Local $iTimer = TimerInit() Local $ret = _ArrayUniqueConcatenate($a1, 0, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9, $a10, $a11, $a12, $a13, $a14, $a15, $a16, $a17, $a18, $a19, $a20, $a21, $a22, $a23, $a24) ConsoleWrite("Error = " & @error & @lf & "Seconds = " & TimerDiff($iTimer)/1000 & @LF & "Unique Items = " & UBound($a1) & @LF & "Duplicates removed = " & $ret & @LF) For $i = 2 To 24 Execute('_FreeMemory($a' & $i & ')') Next _ArrayDisplay($a1) Func _FreeMemory(ByRef $vParam) $vParam = 0 EndFunc Func _Fill(ByRef $aArray) For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) -1 $aArray[$i] = _HexToString(_RandomHexStr(4)) Next EndFunc Func _RandomHexStr($sLen) Local $sHexString = "" For $i = 1 To $sLen $sHexString &= StringRight(Hex(Random(0, 15, 1)), 1) Next Return $sHexString EndFunc ;==> _RandomHexStr Func _ArrayUniqueConcatenate(ByRef $aTarget, $iCasesense = 0, _ ; up to 23 more arrays can be included $a0 = 0, $a1 = 0, $a2 = 0, $a3 = 0, $a4 = 0, $a5 = 0, $a6 = 0, $a7 = 0, $a8 = 0, $a9 = 0, $a10 = 0, $a11 = 0, _ $a12 = 0, $a13 = 0, $a14 = 0, $a15 = 0, $a16 = 0, $a17 = 0, $a18 = 0, $a19 = 0, $a20 = 0, $a21 = 0, $a22 = 0) #forceref $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9, $a10, $a11, $a12, $a13, $a14, $a15, $a16, $a17, $a18, $a19, $a20, $a21, $a22 If Not IsArray($aTarget) Or UBound($aTarget, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(1) Local $iTotalSize = UBound($aTarget), $iItems = 0, $tVarName If $iCasesense Then For $i = 0 To $iTotalSize -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary($aTarget[$i], 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aTarget[$i] $iItems += 1 Next Else For $i = 0 To $iTotalSize -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary(StringLower($aTarget[$i]), 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aTarget[$i] $iItems += 1 Next EndIf Local $iParams = @NumParams If $iParams > 2 Then Local $aNextArray, $iBound For $i = 0 To $iParams -3 $aNextArray = Eval('a' & $i) If Not IsArray($aNextArray) Or UBound($aNextArray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, $i +3) ; Sets @Extended to the parameter which failed $iBound = UBound($aNextArray) $iTotalSize += $iBound ReDim $aTarget[$iItems + $iBound] If $iCasesense Then For $j = 0 To $iBound -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary($aNextArray[$j], 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aNextArray[$j] $iItems += 1 Next Else For $j = 0 To $iBound -1 $tVarName = "_" & StringToBinary(StringLower($aNextArray[$j]), 2) If IsDeclared($tVarName) = -1 Then ContinueLoop Assign($tVarName, "", 1) $aTarget[$iItems] = $aNextArray[$j] $iItems += 1 Next EndIf Execute('_FreeMemory($a' & $i & ')') Next EndIf ReDim $aTarget[$iItems] Return $iTotalSize - $iItems ; Return the number of duplicates removed EndFunc ; _ArrayUniqueConcatenate
  4. Hello i have made a text contains "1000 porn site" and most of sites are repeated, i wanted to read the file and search for repeated sites and delete them "but keep 1 " i just want to know how many sites have i collected cause i want to block them in my computer. is it possible? All helps are appreciated.
  5. Im experimenting something right now with UDF... From the hardware section, Is there any unique id, that "really unique" for that hardware it self? Simple question,, just curious thanx btw
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