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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, it's been a while since I last used regular expressions and I find myself out of time to experiment with this particular issue, so I throw myself upon your mercy and expertise. I am looking to create a function that will say whether or not a supplied string is a valid UUID or not. Local $sTestF = '4C4C4544-004A-4C10-8054-B7C04F46343' Local $sTestT = '4C4C4544-004A-4C10-8054-B7C04F463432' ConsoleWrite('False = ' & _IsValidUUID($sTestF) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('True = ' & _IsValidUUID($sTestT) & @CRLF) Func _IsValidUUID($sUUID) ;[\p{XDigit}]{8}-[\p{XDigit}]{4}-[34][\p{XDigit}]{3}-[89ab][\p{XDigit}]{3}-[\p{XDigit}]{12} ; Test UUID = '4C4C4544-004A-4C10-8054-B7C04F463432' Local $sRegExp = '([:xdigit:]){8}\-([:xdigit:]){4}\-([34])([:xdigit:]){3}\-([89ab])([:xdigit:]){3}\-([:xdigit:]){12}' ConsoleWrite(StringRegExp($sUUID, $sRegExp) & @CRLF) Local $Result = StringRegExp($sUUID, $sRegExp) ConsoleWrite($Result & @CRLF) If @error Then ConsoleWrite('Error: [' & @error & ']' & @CRLF) Return 'False' Else ConsoleWrite('Error2: [' & @error & ']' & @CRLF) Return 'True' EndIf EndFunc In the line under the Function call, you'll see the regex I found to do this from a google search. That was my starting point, and I'm trying to get it to work in Au3 and failing miserably. $sTestF is a known invalid String $sTestT is a known valid String Everything I've tried so far has produced the same results for both. Any help you could provide me is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!
  2. Version 4 UUID generator not using COM Object calls: ;Version 4 UUID generator ;credits goes to mimec (http://php.net/uniqid#69164) Func uuid() Return StringFormat('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', _ Random(0, 0xffff), Random(0, 0xffff), _ Random(0, 0xffff), _ BitOR(Random(0, 0x0fff), 0x4000), _ BitOR(Random(0, 0x3fff), 0x8000), _ Random(0, 0xffff), Random(0, 0xffff), Random(0, 0xffff) _ ) EndFunc
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