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  1. We are running on a VIrtual Machine via Remote Desktop. We are having a situation where the loading of the chromedriver.exe is taking longer on the VM than on a physical machine. It is causing the first call to WD_Post in _WD_CreateSession to fail. To workaround the Issue, I used a simplified version of (_WinAPI_GetTcpTable) UDF to Loop waiting for the driver port to be in the listening state. At that point, I know that the Post will work: Func _WaitForPort($ListenPort) Do Local $tMIB_TCPTABLE = DllStructCreate("dword[6]") Local $aRet = DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll", "DWORD", "GetTcpTable", "struct*", $tMIB_TCPTABLE, "DWORD*", 0, "BOOL", True) Local $dwSize = $aRet[2] $tMIB_TCPTABLE = DllStructCreate("DWORD[" & $dwSize / 4 & "]") $aRet = DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll", "DWORD", "GetTcpTable", "struct*", $tMIB_TCPTABLE, "DWORD*", $dwSize, "BOOL", True) If $aRet[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError(1) Local $iNumEntries = DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 1) Local $aRes[$iNumEntries][6] For $i = 0 To $iNumEntries - 1 Local $Type = DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 2 + $i * 5 + 0) $aRet = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "ushort", "ntohs", "uint", DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 2 + $i * 5 + 2)) ; local port Local $Port = $aRet[0] ConsoleWrite("Checking Row:" & $i & " State:<" & $Type & "> Port:<" & $Port & ">" & @CRLF) ; Type 2 is LISTENING If $Type = 2 And $Port = $ListenPort Then Return 1; EndIF Next Sleep(500); Until 0; Return 0; EndFunc ;==>_WaitForPort
  2. Good morning, I have been thinking about trying to make my Autoit script run in the background. I found out today that it is impossible due to the UIA and mouseclick functions that I use. However, while reading other posts about running Autoit scripts in the background I saw a reply mentioning how a script like mine might be able to run on a VM while still giving me the ability to work on my Host OS. Can someone confirm this? Here is a link to the thread where I saw VM mentioned. the person who mentioned it was @ViciousXUSMC
  3. Hi everyone, i am writing to you after a very long struggle i had while trying to figure out how to send a simple click inside a virtual machine running in vmware workstation 14. i have an autoit script running on my host machine watching for the UAC prompt to be displayed in a running vm. Both the host and the guest OS are Windows 10. This script worked perfectly with virtual box. It recognized the UAC prompt and clicked inside and the UAC was accepted. Since i switched to VMware Workstation 14, the script no longer clicks inside the VM successfully. It acts as if it clicks, but it doesn't. I tried sending key combinations instead of a click, so that the VM can grab the input, but it also did not work. Every attempt that i made to send clicks or keys from the host inside the VM did not work. I tried using: MouseClick ControlClick MouseMove _WinAPI_Mouse_Event _WinAPI_Keybd_Event I also noticed that while the cursor moves to the target which has to be cilcked when my vmware worstation window is not focused, it even doesn't do that when i WinActivate the vmware workstation window first. Did anyone experience such an issue, or maybe could give me a hint, what else i could use to send a key combination or a mouse click in a vmware workstation 14 pro guest window? here is my code, which works with virtualbox: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=".\uac.ico" #include <ImageSearchSubrogated.au3> FileInstall(".\ImageSearchDLL.dll", ".\ImageSearchDLL.dll", 0) FileInstall(".\UAC_ginloSetup.bmp", ".\UAC_ginloSetup.bmp", 0) FileInstall(".\UAC_Yes.bmp", ".\UAC_Yes.bmp", 0) ; set global variables for the coordinates, which should be delivered global $x1 = 0, $y1 = 0 global $x2 = 0, $y2 = 0 global $counter1 = 0 global $counter2 = 0 global $sleep = 10000 global $smallSleep = 5000 ; execute the script in a loop, so that it will hopefully recover from some unexpected errors While $counter1 < 1 checkForImage() WEnd #cs ------------ Functions #ce ------------ Func checkForImage() While $counter2 < 1 ; search for the UAC in the entire screen - 2 screens supported local $searchUac = _ImageSearchArea('UAC_ginloSetup.bmp', 1, -2568, -8, 5136, 1440, $x1, $y1, 0) If $searchUac = 1 Then ; if the UAC was found search for the Yes button in a an area 200 x 200 from the middle of the found UAC image local $searchYes = _ImageSearchArea('UAC_Yes.bmp', 1, $x1, $y1, $x1 + 200, $y1 + 200, $x2, $y2, 0) If $searchYes = 1 Then ; if the Yes button was found click it and pause the script for $sleep seconds MouseClick("left", $x2, $y2, 1,0) Sleep($sleep) Else ; if the Yes button was not found retry from the beginning in $smallSleep seconds MsgBox(0, "UAC found error", "UAC was found but the 'Yes' button was not found. Script will retry in " & $smallSleep & " seconds.", $smallSleep) EndIf ; another way to accept the UAC - via shortcut ;Send("{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}") ;Send("!y") Else ; if UAC was not found try again in $sleep seconds Sleep($sleep) EndIf WEnd ; if some error occured which expired the loop, pause the script for $sleep seconds MsgBox(0, "Error", "Some Error expired the timer and the script could not recover. The script will restart in " & $sleep & " seconds.", $sleep) EndFunc
  4. Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone had created a GUI with an embedded Virtual Machine? For those that do not use Virtual Centre you can access Virtual Machines via Internet Explorer and the VM loads in the IE window. I would imagine its possible using: ObjCreate GUICtrlCreateObj Does anyone happen to have an example of how this could be done? Thank you
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