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  1. #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Colyn Via Script Function: Query local device WMI info and perform a SQL lookup to check for firmware updates. The SQL database contains device models, current firmware version, and the path to the update package. This script looks for the firmware version based on the device model, and then copies the installer to the host drive. The script then performs a silent install of the firmware update all the while preventing an accidental shutdown. This script has a verbose log which gets copied to a network location if there's a problem. If it's successful the log writes a single line to a master log in the same network location reporting it's success. Once the update is complete, the installer file is deleted, as well as the local log file. Version Notes: 1.0.03 - Adjusted final write to local log so that the $FirmwareDBResult is written in the log. 1.0.02 - Added processwait() to script to prevent premature script completion 1.0.01 - Added values to BIOSString dump in addition to names 1.0.00 - Initial complete version #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoTrayIcon #include #include ; Unless directed otherwise, autoit will do an internet lookup for the driver to use. Later in the code ; the _SQLite_Startup UDF directs the program to get the driver locally. This is why it's important to ; include the driver in the package. FileInstall("SQLite3.dll", @ScriptDir & "", 1) Global $FWversion, $Product, $hDB, $hQuery, $aRow, $UpgradeDBResult, $FWversionDBResult, $CheckCurrent Global $CheckDB, $UpgradeEXE, $SQLQuery1, $SQLQuery2, $PID Global Const $Timestamp = @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " Global Const $Log = "C:AMTFirmwareLog_" & @ComputerName & ".txt" Global Const $GlobalLog = 'redactedvProFirmware ResponsesSuccessSucceeded.txt' Global Const $FirmwareDB = 'redactedvProFirmware.db' Global Const $GlobalResponse = 'redactedvProFirmware Responses' ; This script was designed to be verbose and log most events. This code creates the log and adds the first line. FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Hello! My name is " & @ComputerName & ". " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " is how I roll.") FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "I'm running script 1.0.03.") FWversion() ; This function runs a WMI query to get the current AMT firmware version on the device. Func FWversion() $objIntelME = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & "." & "rootIntel_ME") ; An error catch must be present here, as AutoIt does not mute COM errors naturally. Without this catch, ; an ugly sounding error will appear to the user. IsObj() is not enough, as it cannot handle a return. If @error Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Intel_ME is not a valid NAMESPACE.") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf $colIntelME = $objIntelME.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM ME_System") ; The "Else" of this statement reports back which devices couldn't determine their firmware version. If IsObj($colIntelME) Then For $objMEsystem In $colIntelME $FWversion = $objMEsystem.fwversion Next Else FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "ME_System query failed.") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Local host vPro firmware lookup result = " & $FWversion) ConsoleWrite("Local host vPro firmware lookup result = " & $FWversion & @LF) EndFunc ;==>FWversion Product() ; This function runs a WMI query to get the current model information for the device. Func Product() ; Since these variables are used often in general coding practice, they are Local'd instead of ; declared global. When the code finishes this function, it will drop these variables. Local $x, $y, $prodArray, $aRefine $objWMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & @ComputerName & "rootHPInstrumentedBIOS") If @error Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "rootHPInstrumentedBIOS is not a valid NAMESPACE.") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf $colItems = $objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM HPBIOS_BIOSString") ; The "Else" of this block accounts for the possibility that this code might run on a non HP device. If IsObj($colItems) Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Attempting to grab hardware info.") For $objItems In $colItems If $objItems.Name = "Notebook Model" Then $Product = $objItems.Value FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Raw value for " & $objItems.Name & " is " & $Product) $prodArray = StringSplit($Product, " ") ; BIOS revisions change slightly how the information is presented by WMI. Sometimes it's ; simply the Model number, other times it can be a string of words. For simplicity and ; uniformity, this code strips out just the Model number from the string. This code is ; looking for a word that starts with a number. If HP begins using Model Numbers that ; start with letters, this code will need to be reworked. For $x = 1 To $prodArray[0] If StringIsAlpha($prodArray[$x]) Then Else ; As it turns out, HP in its infinite wisdom decided to, in some cases, put both ; product identifiers in the SAME CIM component value. This confuses the scrip and ; it ends up recording the wrong value. To correct for this, and as the model ; number always starts with a number (currently), I've directed the script to check ; the first character in the string it's wanting to use to see if it's a number ; IsInt means "is it an integer", which in this case, the value is not. AutoIt ; sees it as a string, so Number() is used instead. FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "I'm considering using " & $prodArray[$x] & ".") $aRefine = StringSplit($prodArray[$x], "") If Number($aRefine[1]) Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "It turns out that " & $prodArray[$x] & " starts with " & $aRefine[1] & _ " and must therefore be what I'm looking for. Right?") $Product = ($prodArray[$x]) EndIf EndIf Next ExitLoop ElseIf $objItems.Name = "Product Name" Then $Product = $objItems.Value FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Raw value for " & $objItems.Name & " is " & $Product) $prodArray = StringSplit($Product, " ") For $x = 1 To $prodArray[0] If StringIsAlpha($prodArray[$x]) Then Else FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "I'm considering using " & $prodArray[$x] & ".") $aRefine = StringSplit($prodArray[$x], "") If Number($aRefine[1]) Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "It turns out that " & $prodArray[$x] & " starts with " & $aRefine[1] & _ " and must therefore be what I'm looking for. Right?") $Product = ($prodArray[$x]) EndIf EndIf Next ExitLoop EndIf Next FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Finished attempts to grab hardware info.") ; In the event that "Notebook Model" is not the value to read, it helps to see what should be added. ; The following code runs a dump of the contents of HPBIOS_BIOSstring and copies the log to the log directory. ; Later the results of the log can be used to determine what other $objItems.Name might exist. If $Product = "" Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Query (SELECT * FROM HPBIOS_BIOSString) SUCCEEDED! However unable to " & _ "resolve object.name of known variables on " & @ComputerName & ".") FileWriteLine($Log, "*************** Beginning Dump of HPBIOS_BIOSstring ***************") For $objItems In $colItems FileWriteLine($Log, "*** " & $objItems.name & " = " & $objItems.Value) Next FileWriteLine($Log, "*************** Done Exporting HPBIOS_BIOSstring ***************") Sleep(5) FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf Else FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "rootHPInstrumentedBIOS is not a valid NAMESPACE on " & @ComputerName & ".") EndIf ConsoleWrite("WMI query for Model produced " & $Product & @LF) EndFunc ;==>Product If $FWversion = "" Then Exit If $Product = "" Then Exit SQL() ; This function names the SQL queries and initializes the SQL engine. Func SQL() ; SQL Queries $SQLQuery1 = "SELECT " & '"' & "Update" & '"' & " FROM Lookup WHERE Product=" & '"' & $Product & '"' & ';' $SQLQuery2 = "SELECT " & '"' & "FWVersion" & '"' & " FROM Lookup WHERE Product=" & '"' & $Product & '"' & ';' ; Check the DB and open it if the script can find it FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Checking to see if " & '"' & $FirmwareDB & '"' & " exists...") If FileExists($FirmwareDB) Then FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Found it!") Else FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "I can't see it!") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf _SQLite_Startup("", "", 0) _SQLite_Open($FirmwareDB) EndFunc ;==>SQL Eligibility() ; This function determines the devices eligibility to upgrade, and figures out where to get the update from. Func Eligibility() ; Since these variables are used often in general coding practice, they are Local'd instead of ; declared global. When the code finishes this function, it will drop these variables. Local $x, $y, $z, $Proceed, $diff, $exe _SQLite_Query(-1, $SQLQuery1, $hQuery) If _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, $aRow) = $SQLITE_OK Then Else ConsoleWrite("Query Failed") FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & $SQLQuery1 & " FAILED.") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndIf $UpgradeDBResult = $aRow[0] FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & $SQLQuery1 & " SUCCEEDED.") _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) ConsoleWrite($UpgradeDBResult & @LF) ; Need to get just the name of the update executable for use later. $exe = StringSplit($UpgradeDBResult, "") $UpgradeEXE = $exe[($exe[0])] FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "The executable needed later is " & $UpgradeEXE & ".") ; Testing purposes - Making my host appear to be a 6550b ;~ $SQLQuery2 = "SELECT " & '"' & "FWVersion" & '"' & " FROM Lookup WHERE Product=" & '"' & "6550b" & '"' & ';' _SQLite_Query(-1, $SQLQuery2, $hQuery) If _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, $aRow) = $SQLITE_OK Then Else ConsoleWrite("Query Failed") FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & $SQLQuery2 & " FAILED.") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndIf $FWversionDBResult = $aRow[0] FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & $SQLQuery2 & " SUCCEEDED.") _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) ConsoleWrite($FWversionDBResult & @LF) FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Query result was " & $FWversionDBResult) ; Be sure to close down SQL when it's not needed. _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() ; Testing purposes - Make my firmware appear older ;~ $FWversion = "" FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Comparing firmware versions.") ; So as not to run the risk of destroying the data, the data is copied to new ; variables before be begin to break it apart into arrays. $CheckCurrent = StringSplit($FWversion, ".") $CheckDB = StringSplit($FWversionDBResult, ".") FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Splitting firmware strings.") ; This code checks to make sure the two arrays are equal in terms of size. ; If they are not, the code will generate an error. This code also manually ; adjusts either array so that it always matches the larger of the two. If $CheckDB[0] > $CheckCurrent[0] Then $diff = ($CheckDB[0] - $CheckCurrent[0]) For $z = 1 To $diff _ArrayAdd($CheckCurrent, 0) Next EndIf If $CheckDB[0] < $CheckCurrent[0] Then $diff = ($CheckCurrent[0] - $CheckDB[0]) For $z = 1 To $diff _ArrayAdd($CheckDB, 0) Next EndIf FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Finished comparing stringsplit array sizes, continuing to determine if upgrade is needed.") ; This part is checking to see if the firmware update indicated by the SQL query ; is newer than the current version on the device. If the firmware is current or ; better, the program deletes the log file and closes. Do For $x = 1 To $CheckDB[0] If $CheckDB[$x] > $CheckCurrent[$x] Then $Proceed = "y" ExitLoop ElseIf $CheckDB[$x] < $CheckCurrent[$x] Then $Proceed = "n" ExitLoop ElseIf $CheckDB[$x] = $CheckCurrent[$x] And $x = $CheckDB[0] Then $Proceed = "n" ExitLoop EndIf Next Until $Proceed <> "" If $Proceed = "n" Then FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Finished comparing firmware versions. Proceeding to UpdateFirmware()") EndFunc ;==>Eligibility ; $UpgradeDBResult is the path to the firmware update as retrieved by the Eligibility() function UpdateFirmware() ; This function pulls down the update and executes it. It also writes to the $GlobalLog. Func UpdateFirmware() FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Attempting to copy " & '"' & $UpgradeDBResult & '"' & " to local drive.") If FileExists($UpgradeDBResult) Then FileCopy($UpgradeDBResult, @HomeDrive & "") Else FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "FileExists() check failed. I quit!") FileCopy($Log, $GlobalResponse) FileDelete($Log) Exit EndIf FileWriteLine($Log, $Timestamp & "Run command issued for " & @HomeDrive & "" & $UpgradeEXE) ; The -s switch is for silent install Run(@HomeDrive & "" & $UpgradeEXE & " -s", "", @SW_HIDE) ; Prevent shutdown during firmware update process ProcessWait($UpgradeEXE, 60) Do Run("shutdown /a", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) Sleep(10) $PID = ProcessExists($UpgradeEXE) Until $PID = 0 FileWriteLine($GlobalLog, $Timestamp & @ComputerName & " launched " & $UpgradeEXE & " to achieve " & $FWversionDBResult & ".") EndFunc ;==>UpdateFirmware FileDelete(@HomeDrive & "" & $UpgradeEXE) FileDelete($Log) Exit
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