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  1. Most of this code is from an similar project posted here. The difference is that this one uses 100% TCP. It is also just a skeleton of what it could achieve - and not limited like the other one was. So, what is meant by "Passive"? Unlike the other code... As the proxy receives data from the web server, it will immediately forward it to the browser. So, when you download a file, you will see it in real time from the browser, along with whatever progress dialog it may have. I consider this script a good start at what I'd like to see it become eventually -- If and when I find the time to work on it. Please let me know if any crashes, bugs or quirks. Thanks! Updated: August 31, 2014 - Various improvements. Known issues: - Some TCP functions do not work correctly in 64bit. I have not tried to track that down yet. - HTTPS is not supported yet. _TCP_PassiveProxyFilter_v0.3b.au3
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