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  1. Hello, I am %*&%*+$ with the Windows Updates every 2 weeks or so... And my people who never do their updates... So... fortunately, I have AutoIt and my brain (lol) Basically my approach is the following: I push the new KB's and users will receive a notification when they want to do their updates 1. Reboot, install and shutdown at the end of the day 2. Reboot later 3. Reboot now As I am in Switzerland I made it in 3 languages: French, German, English (thank to Brett Francis (BrettF)) The thing behind: I download the msu file from the Windows Catalog. I put it on my server where they can download it (internally and externally). I made a dat file (ini file) with the new build of Win 10/11 and the KB file name. I put as well the file time of the exe. Thus it can do an automatique update of my AutoIt prg itself. My prg will download the dat file, test the hash, and do the updates if necessary, then display the gui. There is a task scheduler that runs my prg. You 'just' need to run once on the PC and it will deploy by itself. (I push it through a sort of Remote Management software, that run under 'SYSTEM') What you need to change for you: - In Write-datFile.au3: Line 17: Your own server (for me it is an UNC path) $sServerFile = '\\Path\to\myWEB\SERVER\ManageWU.dat' - In Shutdown.au3: Line 36: Your own Task Scheduler folder: Local $iPID = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "FOLDER\shutdown" /F', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) - Your Logo !!! (logo.bmp) - In ManageWU.au3: Line 12: Your own server (for me it is an UNC path) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%out%" "\\Path\to\myWEB\SERVER\" Line 102: Your external web adresse: Global $sRootDwl = 'https://path/to/myWEB/SERVER' Line 294, 494, 513 : Your own Task Scheduler folder: Local $iPID = RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c SCHTASKS /create /TN "FOLDER\ManageWU" /xml "' & $rootdir & '\ScheduleManageWU.xml" /F', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, BitOR($STDERR_CHILD, $STDOUT_CHILD)) Run('SCHTASKS /create /tn "FOLDER\Shutdown" /tr "' & $rootdir & '\Shutdown.exe" /sc ONSTART /RU "SYSTEM" /RL "HIGHEST" /F') Run('SCHTASKS /create /tn "FOLDER\Shutdown" /tr "' & $rootdir & '\Shutdown.exe" /sc ONSTART /RU "SYSTEM" /RL "HIGHEST" /F') FileInstall are in 283-288: just compile other programs and make sure they are in the right place... FileInstall('logo.bmp', $rootdir & '\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) FileInstall('.\LngFiles\FRENCH.XML', $rootdir & '\LngFiles\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) FileInstall('.\LngFiles\ENGLISH.XML', $rootdir & '\LngFiles\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) FileInstall('.\LngFiles\GERMAN.XML', $rootdir & '\LngFiles\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) FileInstall('ScheduleManageWU.xml', $rootdir & '\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) FileInstall('Shutdown.exe', $rootdir & '\', $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) I believe that's all ! Comments are welcome C. Edit: typo ManageWU-IE.zip 60 downloads ManageWU-IE.zip
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