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Active Directory - Group Policy Software ReDeploy


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Currently I am using autoit to create a few Admin Install Points for one of our business critical applications. I then use Group Policy to Deploy the application using an Assigned Application.

What I would like to have happen is to have the script Automaticall "Redeploy" the application using Group Policy as oppsoed to me having to open up the GPO MMC, Edit the GP0, and then Right clicking on the Application to "Redeploy" it.

I am hoping there is someone out there that knows of a simple command line I could run using RunWait, or even if using an AD Connection there is a field I could increment/change to force the Redeployment task to run.

I am using the ADFunctions scripts to modify Group memberships, and such, so I am pretty Familiar with that. Maybe I could use a Customized version of the _ModifyAttribute to modify a GPO attribute?

If you have any ideas please let me know.


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I have done quite a bit of looking into this and have located the two things that need modification.

Now, I just need help figuring out how to modify an "Application Advertising Script" (.aas) to indicate that a redeploy is desired.

Here is a short description of the Folder/File structuer. When using Active Directory, Group Policies are stored in folders/files that are replicated between domain Controllers. In the SYSVol\{Domain}\Policies folder, there is an individual folder for each group policy. Below each of those folders you will find Folders that contain both the User policies and the Machine Policies, as well as a GPT.INI file.

This part of the script would be easy, as I simply need to modify this ini to increment the "Version" using iniWrite.

I used WinMerge to compare the files in both folders, and the only file other than the .ini that was modified was a .aas file in the \Machine folder. This is what Microsoft calls an "Application Advertising Script".

In the Application Advertising Script file, on the first line there appears to be a Tracking field that I believe needs to be modified.

Here are first few fields of the first line:

@IXOS @- @™ˆ; @ (This one has some special characters that cause a carriage return right after @™ˆ

After doing the first "Redeploy" task in Group Policy, those fields became this. (No carriage return)

@IXOS @- @/9; @

After doing another "Redeploy" task in Group Policy, those fields became this. (Again, No carriage return)

@IXOS @- @üL; @

This file must be a HEX file, as its filled with a TUN of special characters.... And I cant figure out if the 's or the @'s are the delimiters. Either way, the field I am interested in changing is the one after the Second @ symbol.

I found a website that talks about the parts of the Group Policy Mangement Console that handle Application Publishing/Assignments and they speak of a Appmgmts.dll which I believe may already have some of the code I am looking for... http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc782152(WS.10).aspx ... If someone could help me determine if this DLL can be loaded by Autoit and used to modify the .app file that would be great...

I welcome any other ideas about how to accomplish an application re-deploy with out opening the GPMC!! >_<



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