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Gui that sends messages at entered interval and or random to irc


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Basically I am trying to make something that post a message id to irc add list of post through drop down or import from text. I very basically though of this idea hour ago, need help I've been trying to do it via controls which you have to have the irc window open. im very new to the gui..

;; Well I figured out that putting controlfocus before controlsend completely messes it up... this works so far to post message to irc minimized.

;edit 4am;Figured I should get it working first then make a gui got it where it reads the ads randomly out of file but I don't really want it pull same ad twice in row.

Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)

Dim $Ad,$IM,$IRC

$IRC = "mIRC"
$IM = "/echo : Test AD :| "
$file = FileOpen("ads.txt", 0)
$Ad = FileReadLine($file, Random(1, 8, 1))

ControlSend($IRC, "", "Edit1", $IM & $Ad & "{Enter}{Enter}")

;FileWriteLine($file, "this is advertisement one" & @CRLF) use this later with gui

GUI Checklist

textbox for ID ;the one to messages in irc

listbox for messages

interval or time for messages

send button / pause.


Edited by Seagul
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I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for, but the first thing I see is that you are using FileOpen wrong (at least if you are going to write to the file). You will have to close the file then reopen it using FileOpen("ads.txt", 2) so that you can write to it.

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