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Control to tabs


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Please be kind I'm a noob. :D

I am having trouble controlling tab functions.

I created the same GUI minus tabs and it works fine.

I'm sure i need to add the tab functions to each task but I'm have no idea how to do this.

The radio button text is filled via a text for easy changes.

Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached the text file I am using.

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <adfunctions.au3>

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

;~ Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

Global $Label[75]



While 1

$line = FileReadLine($file)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop





GUICreate("Network Access Control Panel", 1005, 850, -1, -1);( "title" [, width [, height ;Expansion


GUISetFont(9, 300)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter ID Info:", 4, 4)

Global $adgroupmem = GUICtrlCreateButton("Pattern After", 20, 175, 100, 25);20, 390, 100, 25

Global $add = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add User", 20, 250, 100, 25);20, 250, 100, 25

Global $remove = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove User", 20, 285, 100, 25);20, 355, 100, 25

Global $checks = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select All", 20, 320, 100, 25);20, 390, 100, 25

Global $clear = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear All", 20, 355, 100, 25);20, 285, 100, 25

Global $exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 20, 390, 100, 25);20, 320, 100, 25

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter ID to add", 20, 35)

Global $ID1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 50, 100, 21)

;~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter 2nd ID to add", 20, 80)

;~ Global $ID2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 95, 100, 21)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("See Pattern After Apps", 20, 135)

Global $PTN = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 150, 100, 21)

Global $tab, $tab0, $tab1

$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(150, 5, 850, 840);left, top [, width [, height ;Expansion 150, 5, 1045, 840

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Ground Ops")

Global $CheckBoxes[75]

For $i = 0 To 24

$CheckBoxes[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($Label[$i], 160 + 260 * Int($i/40), 30 + 20 * Mod($i,40))


$tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Maint")

Global $CheckBoxes[75]

For $i = 25 To 49


$CheckBoxes[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($Label[$i], 160 + 260 * Int($y/25), 30 + 20 * Mod($y,25))


$tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Technology")

Global $CheckBoxes[75]

For $i = 0 To UBound($CheckBoxes) - 1

$CheckBoxes[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($Label[$i], 160 + 260 * Int($i/25), 30 + 20 * Mod($i,25))


;~ $tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ;Holder for new tab


While 1

$Msg = GUIGetMsg()


Case $Msg = $checks


Case $Msg = $add


Case $Msg = $clear


Case $Msg = $remove


Case $Msg = $adgroupmem


Case $Msg = $exit




If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop



Func cks();$checks - Selects All Checkboxes

For $i = 0 To UBound($CheckBoxes) - 1

If GUICtrlRead ($CheckBoxes[$i]) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then





EndFunc ;==>cks

Func rmv() ;$remove - REMOVES USER FROM AD GROUPS _ Used for testing Not in production!

Local $data1 = GUICtrlRead($ID1)

;~ Local $data2 = GUICtrlRead($ID2) ;future enhancement

;~ Local $data3 = GUICtrlRead($ID3) ;future enhancement

;~ Local $E1 = StringLeft($data1,1)

;~ Local $E2 = StringLeft($data2,1);future enhancement

;~ Local $E3 = StringLeft($data3,1);future enhancement

;~ If $data1 = "" or (StringLower($E1) <> "e" and StringLower($E1) <> "x") Then

;~ MsgBox(64, "Information", "ID1 missing or incorrect")

;~ Return

;~ EndIf

For $i = 0 To UBound($CheckBoxes) - 1

If GUICtrlRead ($CheckBoxes[$i]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then

_ADRemoveUserFromGroup(_ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($Label[$i]), _ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($data1)); Removes from the AD Group

MsgBox(64, "Information", $data1 & " removed from" & @CRLF & $Label[$i])


;~ If $data2 <> "" Then ;Verifies an E or X is the first input character.

;~ If StringLower($E1) = "e" or StringLower($E1) = "x" Then

;~ _ADRemoveUserFromGroup(_ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($CheckBoxes[$i]), _ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($data2)); Removes from the AD Group

;~ EndIf

;~ EndIf

;~ EndIf


EndFunc ;==>rmv

Func Clr();$clear - Clears all checkboxes

For $i = 0 To UBound($CheckBoxes) - 1

If GUICtrlRead ($CheckBoxes[$i]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then





EndFunc ;==>Clear all Checkboxes

func add();$add - Adds ID's to checked AD groups;

Local $data1 = GUICtrlRead($ID1)

;~ Local $data2 = GUICtrlRead($ID2);future enhancement

;~ Local $data3 = GUICtrlRead($ID3);future enhancement

;~ Local $E1 = StringLeft($data1,1)

;~ Local $E2 = StringLeft($data2,1);future enhancement

;~ Local $E3 = StringLeft($data3,1);future enhancement

;~ If $data1 = "" or (StringLower($E1) <> "e" and StringLower($E1) <> "x") Then

;~ MsgBox(64, "Information", "ID1 missing or incorrect")

;~ Return

;~ EndIf

For $i = 0 To UBound($CheckBoxes) - 1

If GUICtrlRead ($CheckBoxes[$i]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then

_ADAddUserToGroup(_ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($Label[$i]), _ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($data1)); adds to the AD Group

MsgBox(64, "Information", $data1 & " added to" & @CRLF & $Label[$i])


;~ If $data2 <> "" Then ;Verifies an E or X is the first input character.

;~ If StringLower($E1) = "e" or StringLower($E1) = "x" Then

;~ _ADAddUserToGroup(_ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($CheckBoxes[$i]), _ADSamAccountNameToFQDN($data2)); adds to the AD Group

;~ EndIf

;~ EndIf

;~ EndIf


EndFunc ;==>Add to AD

;~ #cs

func adgm();adgroupmem - retrieves "AD Group Membership" of requested ID from "Pattern After" Input

Global $asGroups[100]

Global $asGroups2[100]

Local $data1 = GUICtrlRead($ptn)

;~ Local $E1 = StringLeft($data1,1)

;~ If $data1 = "" or (StringLower($E1) <> "e" and StringLower($E1) <> "x") Then

;~ MsgBox(64, "Information", "ID1 missing or incorrect")

;~ Return

;~ EndIf

;~ $testid = "e36747"

_ADGetUserGroups($asGroups, $data1)


for $x = 1 to $asGroups[0]





EndFunc ;==>adgm

;~ #ce

Func ext() ;Exit

;~ $line1 = "GOOD BYE"

;~ MsgBox(48, "Hello", $line1)


EndFunc ;==>Ext



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Without "adfunctions.au3" we can't run what you posted. I removed all the sections which used functions in that include file and the script runs, but I don't understand what you want to do. What is it you want to happen to the tabs?

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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Sorry I was not clear.

I can't get the check boxes to respond to the buttons, for example "Select All", "Clear All", "add user".

None of the buttons have any affect on the check boxes. Before I had the tabs I had no problem, but with the number of AD groups I needed to add tabbing. Hope this makes sense.


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Sorry I was not clear.

I can't get the check boxes to respond to the buttons, for example "Select All", "Clear All", "add user".

None of the buttons have any affect on the check boxes. Before I had the tabs I had no problem, but with the number of AD groups I needed to add tabbing. Hope this makes sense.


Ok. You need to set the checkboxes depending on which tabitem is selected. So I think you just don't know how to get that. You can use GuiCtrlRead($tab) which returns the selected tab index. Then in your function you can have

switch GuiCtrlRead($tab)
 case 0
     ;set checkboxes on first tabitem
 case 1
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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Ok. You need to set the checkboxes depending on which tabitem is selected. So I think you just don't know how to get that. You can use GuiCtrlRead($tab) which returns the selected tab index. Then in your function you can have

switch GuiCtrlRead($tab)
 case 0
     ;set checkboxes on first tabitem
 case 1

Thanks Martin,

I appreciate your time. I'll play with GuiCtrlRead.



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