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Hello everybody,

I've wrote several scripts using AutoIt and all of them work perfectly, but ....

I'd like to combine all of my script with one GUI

So I've made one and I have a little problem .... I'm using AutoIt for a week so I donot know everything yet ....

The problem is that I have 3 radio , and each radio has its own input, how can i make other radio inputs disabled when one radio was chosen

Here is my sript, I would be greatful for any help

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

$konsola = GUICreate('Automat Lotus Notes - POPLAT')

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "zamknij")


; nazwa grupy

GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Wybierz konfiguracje Lotus Notes", 10, 10, 380, 380)

; konfiguracja ln dla nowego sklepu

$radio1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio(" Konfiguracja Lotus Notes dla nowego sklepu ", 20, 40)

GuiCtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED)

$imie1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Imię Ajenta", 50, 70, 230, 20)

$nazwisko1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Nazwisko Ajenta", 50, 100, 230, 20)

$mpk1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Nr Sklepu bez "&"Z", 50, 130, 230, 20)

; konfiguracja ln na podstawie user.id

$radio2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio(" Konfiguracja Lotus Notes w przypadku awarii (user.id) ", 20, 160)

$imie2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Imię Ajenta", 50, 190, 230, 20)

$nazwisko2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Nazwisko Ajenta", 50, 220, 230, 20)

$mpk2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Nr Sklepu bez "&"Z", 50, 250, 230, 20)

; konfiguracja ln dla brzednia

$radio3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio(" Konfiguracja Lotus Notes dla komputerów szkoleniowych (Brzednia) ", 20, 280)

$nrstanowiska = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Wprowadź Nr stanowiska", 50, 310, 230, 20)

; przycisk zaniechaj

$zaniechaj = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Zaniechaj", 90, 347, 100, 27)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($zaniechaj, "Zaniechaj")

; przycisk dalej

$dalej = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Dalej", 220, 347, 100, 27)


GUICtrlSetOnEvent($dalej, "Dalej")



While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Func Dalej()

;here will be include


Func Zaniechaj()

MsgBox(0, "Automat Lotus Notes - POPLAT", "Przerwane przez użytkownika")



Func radio2()



Func zamknij()



thx, poplat

Edited by poplat
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The problem is that I have 3 radio , and each radio has its own input, how can i make other radio inputs disabled when one radio was chosen


Have you seen the function GuiCtrlSetState?

Set an event for each radio button, and have those functions enable or disable the appropriate controls.


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Have you seen the function GuiCtrlSetState?

Set an event for each radio button, and have those functions enable or disable the appropriate controls.


Yes i know the command and already use it in the script,

but i do not know how to combine thesse coommand to work properly

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