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Control Of msiexec instal from AutoIT


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Am new to AutoIT.

I want to do a silent installation of one of my application using msiexec.But the application while loading pops up dialog boxes which user need to accept.Can I take control of those dialog boxes from the AutoIT script and submit the same without user interaction?

I request to let me know how AutoIT can help me in doing automating the silent installation?



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If you type msiexec into a command prompt you will get a list of options. One of them is /quiet which is quiet mode, no user interaction.

This will automatically choose all of the default options in the installation process, so if you want to change one of those options to the non-default option then you can use AutoIt to send keystrokes.

Check the AutoIt help file for these functions, which should help you get started:

ProcessWait ()

WinWait ()

WinActive ()

WinActivate ()

WinWaitActive ()

Send ()

ControlFocus ()

ControlSend ()

ControlClick ()

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