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Can someone check where I'm going wrong please?


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Hi all,

I've been using AutoIT quite a bit but first post on here. Sorry it is a problem for a first post :)

I'm trying to have a au3 file created from inside a script but I'm unable to get my nested quoutes etc. sorted out and was hoping someone could tell me where I am going wrong please.

FileWriteLine($script_file, "$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & "" /c """ & $CMD_var & ", @ScriptDir & ""\Source"", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;" & @CRLF)

$CMD_Var needs to be populated here for use in the second script but the rest stay the same.

Is producing:

$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c "setup.msi /qr-, @ScriptDir & "\Source", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;

How do I go about using the quotes correctly?

Help appreciated.


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Hi, and welcome.

Sorry it is a problem for a first post

Not a problem, Its a help and support forum.

Don't think its a quote problem, there seem to be a missing [&] character in your code.

;your result
$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c "setup.msi /qr-, @ScriptDir & "\Source", @SW_HIDE, 0)

;what I think your after. ..............!
$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & setup.msi /qr-, @ScriptDir & "\Source", @SW_HIDE, 0)

;corrected, using double qoutes only
ConsoleWrite("$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & "" /c "" & " & $CMD_var & ", @ScriptDir & ""\Source"", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;" & @CRLF)

;corrected, using both single and double quotes. (less need to use escaped double quotes like [".."".."]
ConsoleWrite('$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & ' & $CMD_var & ', @ScriptDir & "\Source", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;' & @CRLF)

edit:mmm, missing manners.

Edited by MvGulik

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Thanks for the reply. Below is actually what I want the output to be for the au3 file:

$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "setup.msi /qr-", @ScriptDir & "\Source", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;

setup.msi /qr- of course coming from $CMD_Var

Does that make sense? For the life of me I cant get the script to create that line.

Edited by eben80
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Cool that seems like an idea but let me just show in what context it is being used:

$script_file = FileOpen($var & "\Compressed_Source\" & $package_name & ".au3", 10)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>")
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "#include <WindowsConstants.au3>" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "#include <File.au3>" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "#include <7Zip.au3>" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "RunWait(@ComSpec & "" /c "" & ""C:\support\packages\" & $package_name & "\7za.exe x C:\support\packages\" & $package_name & "\Source\" & $package_name & ".7z -oC:\support\packages\" & $package_name & "\Source -y"", """", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "Sleep(5000)" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "$Return_Code = RunWait(@ComSpec & "" /c """ & $CMD_var & ", @ScriptDir & ""\Source"", @SW_HIDE, 0) ;" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "Sleep(5000)" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "DirRemove(""C:\support\packages\" & $package_name & "\Source"", 1)" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "Exit($Return_Code)" & @CRLF)
                FileWriteLine($script_file, "" & @CRLF)

Can you use the ConsoleWrite to insert lines into a file?

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Can you use the ConsoleWrite to insert lines into a file?

Nope, or at leased not that I now off.

I only use it for passing text to the editor's (scite4autoit) output view for debugging purpose.

"Straight_and_Crooked_Thinking" : A "classic guide to ferreting out untruths, half-truths, and other distortions of facts in political and social discussions."
"The Secrets of Quantum Physics" : New and excellent 2 part documentary on Quantum Physics by Jim Al-Khalili. (Dec 2014)

"Believing what you know ain't so" ...

Knock Knock ...

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