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a problem about my code


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im building a bot to a game called mu online

and i cant understand few things

first of all, i want to make a color recognition by the cursor,

my program gets the color of the position of my cursor

this is the code:

dim $OnKey = "f5"
dim $OffKey = "f6"
dim $MouseSelectClick = "right"
Dim $click = False
;$name = inputbox("John's AutoClicker", "What speed do you want the auto clicker to run at?")
;Sleep (500)
;MsgBox (1, "John's AutoClicker", "Running at delay of " & $name)
;MsgBox (1, "John's AutoClicker", "Push "&$OnKey&" to start/stop and "&$OffKey&" to exit.")

Func onoff()
   If $click = False Then
      $click = True
      $click = False

func GetLocationColor($x,$y)
    return PixelGetColor ( $x , $y)
Func exitapp()
func MouseSelect($clickButton)
While True
   If $click = True Then
       $pos = MouseGetPos()
msgbox(1,"Color Recognition","color:"&GetLocationColor($pos[0],$pos[1])& "/ MousePos:" &$pos[0] & "," & $pos[1])

the problem is that i get color value "0" on the game, but when i use this program on the desktop its working.

i get the same problem when i made the mouse

how i make it work?

second question - how i translate color value to a color?

tnx and have a good day

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i want to know how to make it work on a window of another program

i dont asking to break the rules

Experienced users don't like wasting their time helping with online game bots here.

Take it as a fact!

So don't expect much help in such topic even with such bad topic title.

Many games work in fullscreen where PixelGetColor will not work

Also some games have antibot systems which may be your case.

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