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Help please.. Basic Bot


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Ok so... I got this problem and i dont see whats wrong... I found my old bot and i was thinking i would try starting at it agian... Somehow the second test works.. but not the first ( ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{F4}")) :/ I can't find whats wrong... Can anyone help me out? Here is my code:

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GUIconstants.au3>

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit_Loop")

Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)
GUICreate("Test Title", 300, 500)

$button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test 1", 30, 50, 250, 20)
$button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test 2", 30, 75, 250, 20)
$group_1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Test info....", 45, 10, 10, 10)
$group_1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Credits: AutoIT", 65, 450, 10, 10)

GUICtrlSetState($button_1,  BitOR($GUI_FOCUS, $GUI_DEFBUTTON))


$fExit_Loop = False
$fTest1 = False
$fTest2 = False
$iCount = 0

While 1

    If $fTest2 = True And $iCount = 10 Then
        ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{F4}")
        MouseMove ( 651, 76)
        ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{F4}")
         MouseMove ( 307, 173)
        ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{F4}")
        MouseMove ( 460, 218)
        ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{F4}")
         MouseMove ( 651, 34)
        $iCount = 0


    If $fTest1 = True Then
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{UP}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLUP}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{DOWN}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLUP}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{RIGHT}")
    ControlSend("PO", "", "", "{CTRLUP}")

        $iCount += 1


    $nBegin = TimerInit()
        If $fExit_Loop = True Then
            $fExit_Loop = False
            ExitLoop 2

        $msg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

            Case $msg = $button_1
                MsgBox(0, "Test 1", "Test 1 Started")
                $fTest1 = True

            Case $msg = $button_2
                MsgBox(0, "test 2", "test 2 Started")
                $fTest2 = True


    Until TimerDiff($nBegin) > 600


Func _Exit_Loop()

    $fExit_Loop = True
    $fTest1 = False
    $fTest2 = False


Thanks if anyone can help me out on whats wrong

Edited by Nevalopo
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Rule violations

Sharing accounts, selling accounts, using any and all non-official programs such as "bots", and taking advantage of game flaws, such as "teleporting", is considered cheating and may result in harsh bans and instant account deletions for a second offense within six months. If an account has been banished or scheduled for deletion, CipSoft propagates that the only recourse is to either create a new character, or appeal to Customer Support directly.

The most frequent form of cheating is in the form of using "Cave-Bots", which hunt for players without any input. Another common form of cheating is called account sharing. In this case, two or more people share the same account and take turns hunting. This allows the character to gain experience and skill at a much higher rate. In an attempt to lessen account sharing, a "stamina" system was implemented so that if a character is hunting for an excess number of hours, that character would no longer gain any experience for killing creatures.

CipSoft has performed various polls on the official website, suggesting future implementations to lessen cheating. Screenshots and/or videos, called "TibiaCams", once were used as incentive to investigate cases of severe or otherwise game-altering cheating, though this practice has been unofficially stopped. The reason for this is that the screenshots or videos can be manipulated to show false information.

On 30 January, 2009, Cipsoft announced that they banned 4959 characters for using illegal software while playing.[4] A quote from Cipsoft at www.tibia.com states, "These accounts have been identified by an automatic tool with complete accuracy, therefore any complaints about these punishments are in vain. They are final and complaints will be ignored. We will neither reveal our criteria for these punishments, nor will we hand out any proofs." The article goes on to say that Cipsoft is not finished and will continue to work hard to eliminate cheating from the game.[1] Since then, Cipsoft has used this automatic tool about once a month to ban over 40,000 more accounts.

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It's agianst the TOS. True.. But i take my risks of getting banned. All bots are agianst TOS of any game...

Tho.. This is an Open Tibia server hosted by a private server (Something like a WOW PRivate server)

Edited by Nevalopo
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It's agianst the TOS. True.. But i take my risks of getting banned. All bots are agianst TOS of any game...

Tho.. This is an Open Tibia server hosted by a private server (Something like a WOW PRivate server)

Same is valid for these forums as to the banning so lets not go there.


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