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AutoIt Info Window Problem

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So I used the AutoIT Info window all the time with Windows XP and it worked just fine, recently I updated my OS to Windows 7 and now all of the coords are off. I've made sure to switch the mode to Windowed and I have set my Opt MouseCoordMode to two. My problem is that when I enter a MouseClick it clicks well below where the x,y should be and the PixelCheckColor function doesn't work, where as if I change it to Opt MouseCoordMode = 0 then the x,y work but the PixelCheckColor command still doesn't. Is there anyway to get it back to working properly besides switching back to XP?

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I have something in my sig what will get you started.

Post your code because code says more then your words can. SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y. Use Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)[topic="84960"]Brett F's Learning To Script with AutoIt V3[/topic][topic="21048"]Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... is now in Session[/topic]Contribution: [topic="87994"]Get SVN Rev Number[/topic], [topic="93527"]Control Handle under mouse[/topic], [topic="91966"]A Presentation using AutoIt[/topic], [topic="112756"]Log ConsoleWrite output in Scite[/topic]

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