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Converting .lnk Shortcuts to Linux Launcher


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I am trying to write an application to convert a Microsoft windows shortcut .lnk that references a .exe directory into a linux launcher that references that same directory file. All I need to know how to do is extract the location data from a .lnk shortcut. I can take care of the rest. I just can't find solid information anywhere on how this can be done. .lnk files are obfuscated if viewed in a text editor, I can see the obfuscation of the link and my brain can make out the directory, but I don't know how to make an application do this.



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Thanks, I didn't realize that function existed, is that relatively new?

One more thing How do I modify the text of a variable for example if [ $file = chrome.lnk ]then how do I make $file = "/chrome.lnk" without actually just saying $file = "/chrome.lnk", modifying it like (I know this doesn't work) [ $file = " + / + $file + " ]

Here is my code so far:

If Not _FileCreate("C:\Users\workingtext.txt") Then

MsgBox(4096,"Error", " Error Creating/Resetting log. error:" & @error)


; Shows the filenames of all files in the current directory.

$search = FileFindFirstFile("*.lnk*")

; Check if the search was successful

If $search = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern")



While 1

$file = FileFindNextFile($search)

If @error Then ExitLoop

$details = FileGetShortcut(@DesktopDir & $file) <--Problem, this should be format "\place" but instead with $file is place alone no "\" exist

_FileWriteFromArray("C:\Users\workingtext.txt", $details, 0, 1) <------Problem because the above $details is incorrectly formatted for proper return

_ReplaceStringInFile("C:\Users\workingtext.txt", "C:\", "\home\")


; Close the search handle


Hopefully you can see what I'm doing. Trying to search for .lnk file in a directory (desktop for now) then right all those arrays to a text file one line each, then convert them by changing C:\ to my desired new location in the text file. Next comes write one line at a time to new text files, if 500 lines then 500 new text files. Then I will edit the .txt files for my needs(easy enough to do).

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