lsakizada Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 I have a problem that I must solve to finish my project. Please help.The code bellow extracted from my code to demonestarte my problem.The problem is once I resize the main GUI all GUI controls disapears from the tab. In my example the button dissapear on resize.I know what cause it but do not know how to solve it. The problem occurs once entering into the WM_SIZING function.I need the WM_SIZING function to reduce flickering (credential to whom posted it).This is my demonestration code. expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include "OwnTab.au3" Global $MainForm = GUICreate("App Template", 800, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), 0) GUISetBkColor(0xbbbbbb, $MainForm) Local $aTabText[5] = ["Tab1", "Tab2 ", "Tab3", "Tab4", "Tab5"] Local $aTabIcons[5][2] = [[""],[""],[""],[""],[""]] Global $aCtrlTab = _OwnTab_Create($MainForm, $aTabText, 5, 40, 785, 460, 30, 0xD5D5D5, 0xCFE0E7, 0xCFE0E7, $aTabIcons) #Region Tab1 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab1 Local $Button1= GUICtrlCreateButton("aaa",50,150,50,50) #EndRegion Tab1 #Region Tab2 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab2 #EndRegion Tab2 #Region Tab3 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab3 #EndRegion Tab3 #Region Tab4 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab4 #EndRegion Tab4 #Region Tab5 and "Tab in Tab" _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab5 #EndRegion Tab5 and "Tab in Tab" _OwnTab_End($aCtrlTab) ;new: end control-definition AND inizialize the OwnTab _OwnTab_Hover($aCtrlTab, 0xFFFFFF) ;start hover-function if you want GUISetState() Global $GUI_Section1 = GUICreate("Configuration", 400, 300, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_MDICHILD), $MainForm) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI_Section1) ;;ANTIFLICKER START Global Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232 Global $g_IsResizing = False GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZING, "WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE") Func WM_SIZING($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If Not $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing begins $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitOR($GUIStyle[1], $WS_EX_COMPOSITED), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = True EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING Func WM_EXITSIZEMOVE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing ends $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitAND($GUIStyle[1], BitNOT($WS_EX_COMPOSITED)), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = False EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_EXITSIZEMOVE ;;ANTIFLICKER END Local $msg While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $msg[1] Case $MainForm Switch $msg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit Case $Button1 GUISetState(@SW_Show, $GUI_Section1) Case $aCtrlTab[1][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 1) Case $aCtrlTab[2][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 2) Case $aCtrlTab[3][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 3) Case $aCtrlTab[4][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 4) Case $aCtrlTab[5][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 5) EndSwitch Case $GUI_Section1 Switch $msg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI_Section1) EndSwitch EndSwitch Sleep(15) WEndI am using the OwnTabcontrol that was developed by Funkey.Save this UDF with name OwnTab.au3expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Timers.au3> #cs Copyrights to funkey from #ce Local $HoverArray[1], $ControlID, $Global_I = 0, $__ControlID, $HoverActive = 0, $Temp_Found = 0, $szTemp_Array[2] Local $OwnTabHoverCol[2], $OwnTabHoverHelp[1], $OwnTabHoverSwitch, $aOwnTabHoverCount, $OwnTabHoverCtrl Local $aOwnTabAlarm[1][3], $iOwnTabAlarm, $hOwnTabGui, $hTimerAlarm, $hTimerHover Local $OwnTab_Style = 0 ; only 0 or 1 ! _GDIPlus_Startup() ;Opt("OnExitFunc", "_OwnTab_OnExit") OnAutoItExitRegister("_OwnTab_OnExit") Func _OwnTab_Create($hWnd, $aTabText, $xPos, $yPos, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iItemHeight = -1, $nColNoSel = -1, $nColSel = -1, $nColBg = -1, $aIcons = "") Local $aSize, $aSize2[UBound($aTabText)][2], $xLast = 0, $aCtrl[UBound($aTabText) + 1][11], $iOffset = 0 If Not IsArray($aIcons) Then Local $Icons[UBound($aTabText)][2] Else Local $Icons = $aIcons EndIf If Not IsArray($aTabText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $aTabText[$i] = "" Then Return SetError(2, $i + 1, "") $aSize = _GetTextSize($aTabText[$i]) $aSize[0] += Ceiling($aSize[0] / 10) ;make it 10% longer for bold text $aSize2[$i][0] = $aSize[0] $aSize2[$i][1] = $aSize[1] If $iItemHeight = -1 Then $iItemHeight = $aSize[1] If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight $aTabText[$i] &= " " Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][7] = $Icons[$i][0] ;filename for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][8] = $Icons[$i][1] ;index for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] = $aSize[0] + 5 + $iOffset ;labelwidth $aCtrl[$i + 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aTabText[$i], $xPos + $xLast + 5, $yPos + 2, $aCtrl[$i + 1][9], $iItemHeight, 0x411201 + ($Icons[$i][0] <> ""), $OwnTab_Style) _HoverAddCtrl($aCtrl[$i + 1][0]) If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateIcon("", 0, $xPos + $xLast + 8, $yPos + 5, $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) Else $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() EndIf ;~ If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aCtrl[$i + 1][6], $nColNoSel, $aCtrl[$i + 1][7], $aCtrl[$i + 1][8], $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][7], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][8], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($iItemHeight - 6, -200, -200) ;For information $aCtrl[$i + 1][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[$i + 1][3] = $nColSel $xLast += $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] Next GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos, $yPos + $iItemHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0x411000, $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ;$GUI_DISABLE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColBg) $xLast = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos + $xLast + 6, $yPos + $iItemHeight - $OwnTab_Style, $aSize2[$i][0] + 3 + $iOffset, 2 + 2 * $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColSel) $xLast += $aSize2[$i][0] + 5 + $iOffset Next $aCtrl[0][1] = $iItemHeight $aCtrl[0][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[0][3] = $nColSel $aCtrl[0][9] = $yPos + 2 $hOwnTabGui = $hWnd Return $aCtrl EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Create Func _OwnTab_Switch(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex, $fForce = 0) _OwnTab_UnRegisterHover($aOwnTab, $iIndex) If _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) Then $aOwnTabAlarm[@extended][2] = $aOwnTabAlarm[@extended][1] $HoverActive = 0 If $aOwnTab[0][0] = $iIndex And $fForce = 0 Then Return For $s = 1 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 If $iIndex <> $s Then GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$s][1], 32) ;$GUI_HIDE GUICtrlSetFont($aOwnTab[$s][0], -1, 400) If Not _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($aOwnTab[$s][0]) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$s][0], $aOwnTab[$s][2]) If $aOwnTab[$s][7] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aOwnTab[$s][6], $aOwnTab[$s][2], $aOwnTab[$s][7], $aOwnTab[$s][8], GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$s][0] + 4), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$s][0] + 4)) EndIf If _ArraySearch($OwnTabHoverHelp, $aOwnTab[$s][0]) = -1 Then _OwnTab_RegisterHover($aOwnTab, $s) EndIf Else GUICtrlSetFont($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], -1, 1000) If Not _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($aOwnTab[$s][0]) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $aOwnTab[$iIndex][3]) If $aOwnTab[$s][7] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aOwnTab[$iIndex][6], $aOwnTab[$iIndex][3], $aOwnTab[$s][7], $aOwnTab[$s][8], GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$s][0] + 4), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$s][0] + 4)) EndIf GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][1], 16) ;$GUI_SHOW EndIf Next If $aOwnTab[0][0] = "" Or $fForce Then For $t = $aOwnTab[0][4] To $aOwnTab[UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1][4] GUICtrlSetState($t, 32) ;$GUI_HIDE If $t > $aOwnTab[$iIndex - 1][4] And $t < $aOwnTab[$iIndex][4] Then GUICtrlSetState($t, 16) ;$GUI_SHOW Next Else For $t = $aOwnTab[$aOwnTab[0][0] - 1][4] To $aOwnTab[$aOwnTab[0][0]][4] GUICtrlSetState($t, 32) ;$GUI_HIDE Next For $t = $aOwnTab[$iIndex - 1][4] To $aOwnTab[$iIndex][4] GUICtrlSetState($t, 16) ;$GUI_SHOW Next EndIf $aOwnTab[0][0] = $iIndex EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Switch Func _OwnTab_SetTip(ByRef $aOwnTab, $ToolTips = "", $iIndex = "") If IsArray($ToolTips) Then For $i = 1 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 $aOwnTab[$i][5] = $ToolTips[$i - 1] GUICtrlSetTip($aOwnTab[$i][0], $ToolTips[$i - 1]) Next Else If $iIndex = "" Then Return SetError(1) $aOwnTab[$iIndex][5] = $ToolTips GUICtrlSetTip($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $ToolTips) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_SetTip Func _OwnTab_AlarmInit($iTime = 555) If Not $hTimerAlarm Then $hTimerAlarm = _Timer_SetTimer($hOwnTabGui, $iTime, "_OwnTab_AlarmBlink") Else $hTimerAlarm = _Timer_SetTimer($hOwnTabGui, $iTime, "", $hTimerAlarm) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_AlarmInit Func _OwnTab_AlarmBlink($hWnd, $Msg, $iIDTimer, $dwTime) Local $AlarmColAct $iOwnTabAlarm = Not $iOwnTabAlarm For $i = 1 To UBound($aOwnTabAlarm, 1) - 1 If $iOwnTabAlarm Then $AlarmColAct = $aOwnTabAlarm[$i][2] Else $AlarmColAct = $aOwnTabAlarm[$i][1] EndIf GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0], $AlarmColAct) _SetBkIcon($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0] + 1, $AlarmColAct, GUICtrlRead($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0] + 2), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0] + 3), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0] + 4), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTabAlarm[$i][0] + 4)) Next EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_AlarmBlink Func _OwnTab_SetAlarm(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex, $nAlarmSel = 0xFF0000) Local $hCtrl = $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0] Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($aOwnTabAlarm, $hCtrl) If $iSearch <> -1 Then Return ReDim $aOwnTabAlarm[UBound($aOwnTabAlarm, 1) + 1][3] $aOwnTabAlarm[UBound($aOwnTabAlarm, 1) - 1][0] = $hCtrl $aOwnTabAlarm[UBound($aOwnTabAlarm, 1) - 1][1] = $nAlarmSel $aOwnTabAlarm[UBound($aOwnTabAlarm, 1) - 1][2] = $aOwnTab[$iIndex][2] ;~ GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][1], $nAlarmSel) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_SetAlarm Func _OwnTab_ResetAlarm(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex) Local $hCtrl = $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0] Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($aOwnTabAlarm, $hCtrl) If $iSearch = -1 Then Return _ArrayDelete($aOwnTabAlarm, $iSearch) $aOwnTab[$iIndex][2] = $aOwnTab[0][2] $aOwnTab[$iIndex][3] = $aOwnTab[0][3] ;~ GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][1], $aOwnTab[0][3]) If $aOwnTab[0][0] <> $iIndex Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $aOwnTab[0][2]) Else _SetBkIcon($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0] + 1, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][3], $aOwnTab[$iIndex][7], $aOwnTab[$iIndex][8], GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0] + 4), GUICtrlRead($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0] + 4)) GUICtrlSetBkColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $aOwnTab[0][3]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_ResetAlarm Func _OwnTab_Add(ByRef $aOwnTab) Local $i = 0 While 1 If $aOwnTab[$i][4] = "" Then ExitLoop $i += 1 WEnd $aOwnTab[$i][4] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Add Func _OwnTab_End(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex = 1) $aOwnTab[UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1][4] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() _OwnTab_Switch($aOwnTab, $iIndex) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_End Func _OwnTab_Hover($aOwnTab, $nColHover, $fSwitch = 0, $iTime = 50) $OwnTabHoverCol[0] = $nColHover $OwnTabHoverCol[1] = $aOwnTab[0][2] $OwnTabHoverSwitch = $fSwitch If Not $hTimerHover Then $hTimerHover = _Timer_SetTimer($hOwnTabGui, $iTime, "_ProcessHover") Else $hTimerHover = _Timer_SetTimer($hOwnTabGui, $iTime, "", $hTimerHover) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Hover Func _OwnTab_RegisterHover($aOwnTab, $iIndex) If _ArraySearch($HoverArray, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) = -1 Then _HoverAddCtrl($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_RegisterHover Func _OwnTab_UnRegisterHover($aOwnTab, $iIndex) Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($HoverArray, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) If $iSearch <> -1 Then _ArrayDelete($HoverArray, $iSearch) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_UnRegisterHover #Region Disable and Enable Tab-Register Func _OwnTab_Disable($aOwnTab, $iIndex) GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], 128) _OwnTab_UnRegisterHover($aOwnTab, $iIndex) Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($OwnTabHoverHelp, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) If $iSearch = -1 Then _ArrayAdd($OwnTabHoverHelp, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Disable Func _OwnTab_Enable($aOwnTab, $iIndex) GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], 64) _OwnTab_RegisterHover($aOwnTab, $iIndex) Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($OwnTabHoverHelp, $aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]) If $iSearch <> -1 Then _ArrayDelete($OwnTabHoverHelp, $iSearch) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Enable #EndRegion Disable and Enable Tab-Register Func _OwnTab_Hide(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex) If $iIndex = 0 Or $iIndex > UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 Then Return SetError(1) If BitAND(GUICtrlGetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]), 32) Then Return GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], 32) ;$GUI_HIDE GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][1], 32) ;$GUI_HIDE GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][6], 32) ;$GUI_HIDE Local $Offset = 3 For $o = 0 To $iIndex - 1 $Offset += $aOwnTab[$o][9] - 0 Next For $o = $iIndex + 1 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][0], $Offset, $aOwnTab[0][9]) GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][1], $Offset + 1, $aOwnTab[0][9] + $aOwnTab[0][1] - 2 - $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][6], $Offset + 3, $aOwnTab[0][9] + 3) $Offset += $aOwnTab[$o][9] Next If $iIndex = $aOwnTab[0][0] Then If $iIndex = 1 Then _OwnTab_Switch($aOwnTab, 2) Else _OwnTab_Switch($aOwnTab, $iIndex - 1) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Hide Func _OwnTab_Show(ByRef $aOwnTab, $iIndex, $iActivate = 0) If $iIndex = 0 Or $iIndex > UBound($aOwnTab, 1) + 1 Then Return SetError(1) If BitAND(GUICtrlGetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0]), 16) Then Return Local $Offset = 3 For $o = 0 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 2 $Offset += $aOwnTab[$o][9] - 0 Next For $o = UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 To $iIndex + 1 Step -1 GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][0], $Offset, $aOwnTab[0][9]) GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][1], $Offset + 1, $aOwnTab[0][9] + $aOwnTab[0][1] - 2 - $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetPos($aOwnTab[$o][6], $Offset + 3, $aOwnTab[0][9] + 3) $Offset -= $aOwnTab[$o - 1][9] Next GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], 16) ;$GUI_SHOW GUICtrlSetState($aOwnTab[$iIndex][6], 16) ;$GUI_SHOW If $iActivate Then _OwnTab_Switch($aOwnTab, $iIndex) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Show Func _OwnTab_SetFontCol($aOwnTab, $nColor, $iIndex = "") If $iIndex = "" Then For $i = 1 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetColor($aOwnTab[$i][0], $nColor) Next Else If $iIndex < 1 Or $iIndex >= UBound($aOwnTab, 1) Then Return SetError(1) GUICtrlSetColor($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $nColor) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_SetFontCol Func _OwnTab_SetOnEvent($aOwnTab, $sFunc = "", $iIndex = "") If $sFunc = "" Then $sFunc = "_OwnTab_OnEvent" If $iIndex = "" Then For $f = 1 To UBound($aOwnTab, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aOwnTab[$f][0], $sFunc) Next Else If $iIndex < 1 Or $iIndex >= UBound($aOwnTab, 1) Then Return SetError(1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aOwnTab[$iIndex][0], $sFunc) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_SetOnEvent ;~ Func _OwnTab_OnEvent() ;for example ;~ For $a = 1 To UBound($aCtrlTab, 1) -1 ;~ If @GUI_CtrlId = $aCtrlTab[$a][0] Then ExitLoop ;~ Next ;~ If $a < UBound($aCtrlTab, 1) Then _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, $a) ;~ EndFunc Func _OwnTab_OnExit() _GDIPlus_Shutdown() If $hTimerAlarm Then _Timer_KillTimer($hOwnTabGui, $hTimerAlarm) If $hTimerHover Then _Timer_KillTimer($hOwnTabGui, $hTimerHover) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_OnExit Func _GetTextSize($nText, $sFont = 'Microsoft Sans Serif', $iFontSize = 8.5, $iFontAttributes = 0) ;Author: Bugfix ;Modified: funkey If $nText = '' Then Return Local $hGui = GUICreate("Textmeter by Bugfix") ;~ _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hFormat = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate(0) Local $hFamily = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate($sFont) Local $hFont = _GDIPlus_FontCreate($hFamily, $iFontSize, $iFontAttributes, 3) Local $tLayout = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate(15, 171, 0, 0) Local $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGui) Local $aInfo = _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureString($hGraphic, $nText, $hFont, $tLayout, $hFormat) Local $iWidth = Ceiling(DllStructGetData($aInfo[0], "Width")) Local $iHeight = Ceiling(DllStructGetData($aInfo[0], "Height")) _GDIPlus_StringFormatDispose($hFormat) _GDIPlus_FontDispose($hFont) _GDIPlus_FontFamilyDispose($hFamily) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) ;~ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() GUIDelete($hGui) Local $aSize[2] = [$iWidth, $iHeight] Return $aSize EndFunc ;==>_GetTextSize Func _ProcessHover($hWnd, $Msg, $iIDTimer, $dwTime) If $OwnTabHoverSwitch > 1 And $OwnTabHoverCtrl <> "" Then If $aOwnTabHoverCount < $OwnTabHoverSwitch Then $aOwnTabHoverCount += 1 If $aOwnTabHoverCount >= $OwnTabHoverSwitch Then ControlClick($hOwnTabGui, "", $OwnTabHoverCtrl) $aOwnTabHoverCount = 0 $OwnTabHoverCtrl = "" EndIf EndIf $ControlID = _HoverCheck() If IsArray($ControlID) Then If $ControlID[0] = "AcquiredHover" Then $OwnTabHoverCtrl = $ControlID[1] $aOwnTabHoverCount = 0 If $OwnTabHoverSwitch = "1" Then Return ControlClick($hOwnTabGui, "", $OwnTabHoverCtrl) Else _HoverFound($ControlID[1]) EndIf Else If $ControlID[1] <> "" Then _HoverLost($ControlID[1]) $OwnTabHoverCtrl = "" EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ProcessHover Func _HoverLost($ControlID) If _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($ControlID) Then Return GUICtrlSetBkColor($ControlID, $OwnTabHoverCol[1]) If GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 2) <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($ControlID + 1, $OwnTabHoverCol[1], GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 2), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 3), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 4), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 4)) EndFunc ;==>_HoverLost Func _HoverFound($ControlID) If _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($ControlID) Then Return GUICtrlSetBkColor($ControlID, $OwnTabHoverCol[0]) If GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 2) <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($ControlID + 1, $OwnTabHoverCol[0], GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 2), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 3), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 4), GUICtrlRead($ControlID + 4)) EndFunc ;==>_HoverFound Func _OwnTab_IsAlarmed($hCtrl) Local $iSearch = _ArraySearch($aOwnTabAlarm, $hCtrl) If $iSearch = -1 Then Return 0 Return SetExtended($iSearch, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_IsAlarmed #Region _MouseHover.au3 ;==================================================================================================================================== ; UDF Name: _MouseHover.au3 ; ; Author: marfdaman (Marvin) ; ; Contributions: RazerM (adding SetText parameter to _HoverFound and _HoverUndo). ; ; email: marfdaman at gmail dot com ; ; Use: Enable hover events for controls ; ; Note(s): If you want to use this i.c.w. an AdlibEnable in your current script, make your Adlib call "_HoverCheck()" as well. ; In this case, _HoverOn must NOT be called. ;==================================================================================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; Description: _HoverAddCtrl ; Parameter(s): $___ControlID -> Control ID of control to be hoverchecked ; ; Requirement: Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): None ;=============================================================================== Func _HoverAddCtrl($___ControlID) _ArrayAdd($HoverArray, $___ControlID) EndFunc ;==>_HoverAddCtrl ;=============================================================================== ; Description: Checks whether the mousecursor is hovering over any of the defined controls. ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement: None ; Return Value(s): If a control has matched, an array will be returned, with $array[1] being either ; "AcquiredHover" or "LostHover". $array[2] will contain the control ID. ; It is recommended that you put this function in an AdlibEnable, since it's EXTREMELY ; resource friendly. ;=============================================================================== Func _HoverCheck() $HoverData = GUIGetCursorInfo() If Not IsArray($HoverData) Then Return $Temp_Found = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($HoverArray) - 1 If $HoverData[4] = $HoverArray[$i] Or $HoverData[4] = $HoverArray[$i] + 1 Then $Temp_Found = $i EndIf Next Select Case $Temp_Found = 0 And $HoverActive = 1 Or $Temp_Found <> 0 And $Temp_Found <> $Global_I And $HoverActive = 1 $HoverActive = 0 $Temp_Found = 0 $szTemp_Array[0] = "LostHover" $szTemp_Array[1] = $HoverArray[$Global_I] Return $szTemp_Array Case $Temp_Found > 0 And $HoverActive = 0 $Global_I = $Temp_Found $HoverActive = 1 $Temp_Found = 0 $szTemp_Array[0] = "AcquiredHover" $szTemp_Array[1] = $HoverArray[$Global_I] Return $szTemp_Array EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_HoverCheck #EndRegion _MouseHover.au3 Func _SetBkIcon($ControlID, $iBackground, $sIcon, $iIndex, $iWidth, $iHeight) ;Yashied ; Const $STM_SETIMAGE = 0x0172 Local $tIcon, $tID, $hDC, $hBackDC, $hBackSv, $hBitmap, $hImage, $hIcon, $hBkIcon $tIcon = DllStructCreate('hwnd') $tID = DllStructCreate('hwnd') $hIcon = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'PrivateExtractIcons', 'str', $sIcon, 'int', $iIndex, 'int', $iWidth, 'int', $iHeight, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tIcon), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tID), 'int', 1, 'int', 0) If (@error) Or ($hIcon[0] = 0) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf $hIcon = DllStructGetData($tIcon, 1) $tIcon = 0 $tID = 0 $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(0) $hBackDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) $hBitmap = _WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap(0, $iBackground, $iWidth, $iHeight) $hBackSv = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hBackDC, $hBitmap) _WinAPI_DrawIconEx($hBackDC, 0, 0, $hIcon, 0, 0, 0, 0, $DI_NORMAL) ;~ _GDIPlus_Startup() $hImage = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hBitmap) $hBkIcon = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, 'int', 'GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap', 'hWnd', $hImage, 'int*', 0) $hBkIcon = $hBkIcon[2] _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) GUICtrlSendMsg($ControlID, $STM_SETIMAGE, $IMAGE_ICON, _WinAPI_CopyIcon($hBkIcon)) _WinAPI_RedrawWindow(GUICtrlGetHandle($ControlID)) ;~ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() _WinAPI_SelectObject($hBackDC, $hBackSv) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hBackDC) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBkIcon) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hIcon) Return SetError(0, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_SetBkIcon Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)! 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martin Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 You could add this line before your return line in the exitsizemove handler _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($MainForm) and add WINAPI.au3 to your includes. It looks like it could be a limitation of the way Funkey creates the tab. I don't like the way that the tab items resize with the window; I think Funkey should have set the resizing for those. This is a quick attempt, just a mod to the one function expandcollapse popupFunc _OwnTab_Create($hWnd, $aTabText, $xPos, $yPos, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iItemHeight = -1, $nColNoSel = -1, $nColSel = -1, $nColBg = -1, $aIcons = "") Local $aSize, $aSize2[UBound($aTabText)][2], $xLast = 0, $aCtrl[UBound($aTabText) + 1][11], $iOffset = 0 Local $setsizemode,$tabitemresize = $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKTOP+ $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+ $GUI_DOCKWIDTH If Not IsArray($aIcons) Then Local $Icons[UBound($aTabText)][2] Else Local $Icons = $aIcons EndIf If Not IsArray($aTabText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $setsizemode = opt("guiresizemode",$tabitemresize);to stop the size of the tabs changing when th ewindow is resized. For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $aTabText[$i] = "" Then Return SetError(2, $i + 1, "") $aSize = _GetTextSize($aTabText[$i]) $aSize[0] += Ceiling($aSize[0] / 10) ;make it 10% longer for bold text $aSize2[$i][0] = $aSize[0] $aSize2[$i][1] = $aSize[1] If $iItemHeight = -1 Then $iItemHeight = $aSize[1] If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight $aTabText[$i] &= " " Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][7] = $Icons[$i][0] ;filename for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][8] = $Icons[$i][1] ;index for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] = $aSize[0] + 5 + $iOffset ;labelwidth $aCtrl[$i + 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aTabText[$i], $xPos + $xLast + 5, $yPos + 2, $aCtrl[$i + 1][9], $iItemHeight, 0x411201 + ($Icons[$i][0] <> ""), $OwnTab_Style) _HoverAddCtrl($aCtrl[$i + 1][0]) If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateIcon("", 0, $xPos + $xLast + 8, $yPos + 5, $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) Else $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() EndIf ;~ If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aCtrl[$i + 1][6], $nColNoSel, $aCtrl[$i + 1][7], $aCtrl[$i + 1][8], $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][7], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][8], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($iItemHeight - 6, -200, -200) ;For information $aCtrl[$i + 1][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[$i + 1][3] = $nColSel $xLast += $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] Next GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos, $yPos + $iItemHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0x411000, $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1,$GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKLEFT);allow the main tab to resize width and height GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ;$GUI_DISABLE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColBg) $xLast = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos + $xLast + 6, $yPos + $iItemHeight - $OwnTab_Style, $aSize2[$i][0] + 3 + $iOffset, 2 + 2 * $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColSel) $xLast += $aSize2[$i][0] + 5 + $iOffset Next $aCtrl[0][1] = $iItemHeight $aCtrl[0][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[0][3] = $nColSel $aCtrl[0][9] = $yPos + 2 $hOwnTabGui = $hWnd opt("guiresizemode",$setsizemode);set resizing mode back as it was Return $aCtrl EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Create Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lsakizada Posted February 13, 2010 Author Share Posted February 13, 2010 You could add this line before your return line in the exitsizemove handler _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($MainForm) and add WINAPI.au3 to your includes. It looks like it could be a limitation of the way Funkey creates the tab. I don't like the way that the tab items resize with the window; I think Funkey should have set the resizing for those. This is a quick attempt, just a mod to the one function expandcollapse popupFunc _OwnTab_Create($hWnd, $aTabText, $xPos, $yPos, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iItemHeight = -1, $nColNoSel = -1, $nColSel = -1, $nColBg = -1, $aIcons = "") Local $aSize, $aSize2[UBound($aTabText)][2], $xLast = 0, $aCtrl[UBound($aTabText) + 1][11], $iOffset = 0 Local $setsizemode,$tabitemresize = $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKTOP+ $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+ $GUI_DOCKWIDTH If Not IsArray($aIcons) Then Local $Icons[UBound($aTabText)][2] Else Local $Icons = $aIcons EndIf If Not IsArray($aTabText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $setsizemode = opt("guiresizemode",$tabitemresize);to stop the size of the tabs changing when th ewindow is resized. For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $aTabText[$i] = "" Then Return SetError(2, $i + 1, "") $aSize = _GetTextSize($aTabText[$i]) $aSize[0] += Ceiling($aSize[0] / 10) ;make it 10% longer for bold text $aSize2[$i][0] = $aSize[0] $aSize2[$i][1] = $aSize[1] If $iItemHeight = -1 Then $iItemHeight = $aSize[1] If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight $aTabText[$i] &= " " Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][7] = $Icons[$i][0] ;filename for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][8] = $Icons[$i][1] ;index for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] = $aSize[0] + 5 + $iOffset ;labelwidth $aCtrl[$i + 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aTabText[$i], $xPos + $xLast + 5, $yPos + 2, $aCtrl[$i + 1][9], $iItemHeight, 0x411201 + ($Icons[$i][0] <> ""), $OwnTab_Style) _HoverAddCtrl($aCtrl[$i + 1][0]) If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateIcon("", 0, $xPos + $xLast + 8, $yPos + 5, $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) Else $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() EndIf ;~ If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aCtrl[$i + 1][6], $nColNoSel, $aCtrl[$i + 1][7], $aCtrl[$i + 1][8], $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][7], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][8], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($iItemHeight - 6, -200, -200) ;For information $aCtrl[$i + 1][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[$i + 1][3] = $nColSel $xLast += $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] Next GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos, $yPos + $iItemHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0x411000, $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1,$GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKLEFT);allow the main tab to resize width and height GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ;$GUI_DISABLE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColBg) $xLast = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos + $xLast + 6, $yPos + $iItemHeight - $OwnTab_Style, $aSize2[$i][0] + 3 + $iOffset, 2 + 2 * $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColSel) $xLast += $aSize2[$i][0] + 5 + $iOffset Next $aCtrl[0][1] = $iItemHeight $aCtrl[0][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[0][3] = $nColSel $aCtrl[0][9] = $yPos + 2 $hOwnTabGui = $hWnd opt("guiresizemode",$setsizemode);set resizing mode back as it was Return $aCtrl EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Create Mertin thanks, this is not solving the problem. gui still dissapears. but I like the fix that you put tothe resizing of the tabs, definetely improvment to the UDF. I am still looking for solution and help Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martin Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 (edited) Mertin thanks, this is not solving the problem. gui still dissapears.but I like the fix that you put tothe resizing of the tabs, definetely improvment to the UDF.I am still looking for solution and helpYou need to explain a bit better for me then. You said The problem is once I resize the main GUI all GUI controls disapearsand the example you gave had a button which reappeared with the mod I posted. Now you say the gui is disappearing. What Gui is disappearing?BTW it's either martin or Merlin, I can't remember which, but not Mertin. Edited February 13, 2010 by martin Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lsakizada Posted February 14, 2010 Author Share Posted February 14, 2010 You need to explain a bit better for me then. You said and the example you gave had a button which reappeared with the mod I posted. Now you say the gui is disappearing. What Gui is disappearing?BTW it's either martin or Merlin, I can't remember which, but not Mertin.Martin, I apologize for misspell your name.In addition, I did not describe well the problem. With your mode the button is dissapear once resizing the main form ,$MainForm, and and reapeared on exiting the resize.I do not expect this behavior. Actually, I expected to see the button control at any time.Regards Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martin Posted February 14, 2010 Share Posted February 14, 2010 (edited) Martin, I apologize for misspell your name. In addition, I did not describe well the problem. With your mode the button is dissapear once resizing the main form ,$MainForm, and and reapeared on exiting the resize. I do not expect this behavior. Actually, I expected to see the button control at any time. Regards The reason the controls disappear is that you have set the style to $WS_EX_COMPOSITED when you start resizing. If you don't do that the controls stay but the flickering returns. (Because with WS_EX_COMPOSITED windows decides to draw controls in the order it wants, ie labels last over other controls.) So, the solution is shown below in the rather hasty fix. It is not well written but just done to show how. The idea is that you need to have a label which has the style $WS_CLIPCHILDREN so that it doesn't draw over the area occupied by visible controls. But that only works if you create the main label for the tab after all the other controls. So I think it needs a mod the the _OWNTab_End function to do something like I have done, though I didn't make the change in _OwnTab_End. You need this modified version of the _OwnTab_Create function expandcollapse popupGlobal $maintablabel;<----------------add this line to the top of the script ;use this version of the function Func _OwnTab_Create($hWnd, $aTabText, $xPos, $yPos, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iItemHeight = -1, $nColNoSel = -1, $nColSel = -1, $nColBg = -1, $aIcons = "") Local $aSize, $aSize2[UBound($aTabText)][2], $xLast = 0, $aCtrl[UBound($aTabText) + 1][11], $iOffset = 0 Local $setsizemode,$tabitemresize = $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKTOP+ $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+ $GUI_DOCKWIDTH If Not IsArray($aIcons) Then Local $Icons[UBound($aTabText)][2] Else Local $Icons = $aIcons EndIf If Not IsArray($aTabText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $setsizemode = opt("guiresizemode",$tabitemresize);to stop the size of the tabs changing when th ewindow is resized. For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $aTabText[$i] = "" Then Return SetError(2, $i + 1, "") $aSize = _GetTextSize($aTabText[$i]) $aSize[0] += Ceiling($aSize[0] / 10) ;make it 10% longer for bold text $aSize2[$i][0] = $aSize[0] $aSize2[$i][1] = $aSize[1] If $iItemHeight = -1 Then $iItemHeight = $aSize[1] If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight $aTabText[$i] &= " " Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][7] = $Icons[$i][0] ;filename for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][8] = $Icons[$i][1] ;index for icon $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] = $aSize[0] + 5 + $iOffset ;labelwidth $aCtrl[$i + 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aTabText[$i], $xPos + $xLast + 5, $yPos + 2, $aCtrl[$i + 1][9], $iItemHeight, 0x411201 + ($Icons[$i][0] <> ""), $OwnTab_Style) _HoverAddCtrl($aCtrl[$i + 1][0]) If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateIcon("", 0, $xPos + $xLast + 8, $yPos + 5, $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) Else $aCtrl[$i + 1][6] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() EndIf ;~ If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then _SetBkIcon($aCtrl[$i + 1][6], $nColNoSel, $aCtrl[$i + 1][7], $aCtrl[$i + 1][8], $iItemHeight - 6, $iItemHeight - 6) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][7], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($aCtrl[$i + 1][8], -200, -200) ;For information GUICtrlCreateLabel($iItemHeight - 6, -200, -200) ;For information $aCtrl[$i + 1][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[$i + 1][3] = $nColSel $xLast += $aCtrl[$i + 1][9] Next $maintablabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos, $yPos + $iItemHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0x411000, $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1,$GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKLEFT);allow the main tab to resize width and height GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ;$GUI_DISABLE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColBg) $xLast = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTabText) - 1 If $Icons[$i][0] <> "" Then $iOffset = $iItemHeight Else $iOffset = 0 EndIf $aCtrl[$i + 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $xPos + $xLast + 6, $yPos + $iItemHeight - $OwnTab_Style, $aSize2[$i][0] + 3 + $iOffset, 2 + 2 * $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $nColSel) $xLast += $aSize2[$i][0] + 5 + $iOffset Next $aCtrl[0][1] = $iItemHeight $aCtrl[0][2] = $nColNoSel $aCtrl[0][3] = $nColSel $aCtrl[0][9] = $yPos + 2 $hOwnTabGui = $hWnd opt("guiresizemode",$setsizemode);set resizing mode back as it was Return $aCtrl EndFunc ;==>_OwnTab_Create then you need this version of your script expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include "OwnTab.au3" Global $MainForm = GUICreate("App Template", 800, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), 0) GUISetBkColor(0xbbbbbb, $MainForm) Local $aTabText[5] = ["Tab1", "Tab2 ", "Tab3", "Tab4", "Tab5"] Local $aTabIcons[5][2] = [[""],[""],[""],[""],[""]] Global $aCtrlTab = _OwnTab_Create($MainForm, $aTabText, 5, 40, 785, 460, 30, 0xD5D5D5, 0xCFE0E7, 0xCFE0E7, $aTabIcons) #Region Tab1 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab1 Local $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("aaa", 50, 150, 50, 50) #EndRegion Tab1 #Region Tab2 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab2 #EndRegion Tab2 #Region Tab3 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab3 #EndRegion Tab3 #Region Tab4 _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab4 #EndRegion Tab4 #Region Tab5 and "Tab in Tab" _OwnTab_Add($aCtrlTab) ;Start controls tab5 #EndRegion Tab5 and "Tab in Tab" _OwnTab_End($aCtrlTab) ;new: end control-definition AND inizialize the OwnTab _OwnTab_Hover($aCtrlTab, 0xFFFFFF) ;start hover-function if you want GUISetState() Global $GUI_Section1 = GUICreate("Configuration", 400, 300, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_MDICHILD), $MainForm) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI_Section1) ;;ANTIFLICKER START Global Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232 Global $g_IsResizing = False GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZING, "WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE") GUISwitch($MainForm) $lp = ControlGetPos("App Template", "", $maintablabel) GUICtrlDelete($maintablabel) $maintablabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $lp[0], $lp[1], $lp[2], $lp[3], BitOR(0x411000, $ws_clipsiblings), $OwnTab_Style) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKLEFT);allow the main tab to resize width and height GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ;$GUI_DISABLE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xCFE0E7) Func WM_SIZING($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If Not $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing begins $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitOR($GUIStyle[1], $WS_EX_COMPOSITED), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = True EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING Func WM_EXITSIZEMOVE($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing ends $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitAND($GUIStyle[1], BitNOT($WS_EX_COMPOSITED)), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = False EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_EXITSIZEMOVE ;;ANTIFLICKER END Local $msg While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $msg[1] Case $MainForm Switch $msg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_Section1) Case $aCtrlTab[1][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 1) Case $aCtrlTab[2][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 2) Case $aCtrlTab[3][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 3) Case $aCtrlTab[4][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 4) Case $aCtrlTab[5][0] _OwnTab_Switch($aCtrlTab, 5) EndSwitch Case $GUI_Section1 Switch $msg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI_Section1) EndSwitch EndSwitch Sleep(15) WEnd So I think it's best to post a request in funkey's thread for a mod. Of course you can always make the changes yourself in a better way than I did. You might also see if funkey would consider the tab sizing change I made. Edited February 14, 2010 by martin Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lsakizada Posted February 15, 2010 Author Share Posted February 15, 2010 Martin, I have got a lesson fom you, its terrific! I would never thinking of that way! thank you. Its works like champ, creating label and using $ws_clipsiblings style is smart. I will post a request to Funkey to integrate your mode with OwnTab UDF. Now , I will go and try to add GUIFrame to the application. I hope i will not face other issues related to the $WS_EX_COMPOSITED style. Regards! Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lsakizada Posted February 20, 2010 Author Share Posted February 20, 2010 Martin, I have tried to simplify the case with the default tab control that came with autoit functions according to your suggestion. but I was unable to recreate the case. Can you please see why this is not working: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <TabConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Global $MainForm = GUICreate("App Template", 600, 400, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), 0) #Region Tab $Tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(16, 40, 400, 301) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) $TabSheet1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("TabSheet1") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $TabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("TabSheet2") Local $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exist after resize?", 20, 150, 150, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($TabSheet2,$GUI_SHOW) #Region ANTIFLICKER Global Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZING, "WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE") Global $g_IsResizing = False Func WM_SIZING($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; add $WS_EX_COMPOSITED to the extended window style #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If Not $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing begins $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitOR($GUIStyle[1], $WS_EX_COMPOSITED), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = True EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING Func WM_EXITSIZEMOVE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; reset the extended window style to previous values #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing ends $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitAND($GUIStyle[1], BitNOT($WS_EX_COMPOSITED)), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = False EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_EXITSIZEMOVE #EndRegion ANTIFLICKER $lp = ControlGetPos("App Template", "", $MainForm) $maintablabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $lp[0], $lp[1], $lp[2], $lp[3], BitOR(0x411000, $ws_clipsiblings), 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKLEFT) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martin Posted February 20, 2010 Share Posted February 20, 2010 Here is one approach. The idea is that when you start sizing you set the tab height to be only big enough for the tab labels. You create a label the same size as the full size tab as before. So that the tab doesn't revert to the full size when resizing the window you have to create it small then change the size with controlmove. The example gets close. Maybe you can make something of it. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <TabConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Global $MainForm = GUICreate("App Template", 600, 400, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), 0) OPt("GuiResizeMode",$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT +$GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKLEFT) #Region Tab $Tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(16, 40, 400, 22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1,$GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) $TabSheet1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("TabSheet1") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $TabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("TabSheet2") Local $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exist after resize?", 20, 150, 150, 20) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($TabSheet2,$GUI_SHOW) #Region ANTIFLICKER Global Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232 ;GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZING, "WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0231, "WM_SIZING") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE") $labh = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",16,62,400,280,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1,$GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0xffffff) Global $g_IsResizing = False controlmove($MainForm,"",$Tab1,16, 40, 400, 301) Func WM_SIZING($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; add $WS_EX_COMPOSITED to the extended window style #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle ;controlmove($MainForm,"",$Tab1,16, 40, 400, 22) If Not $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing begins $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitOR($GUIStyle[1], $WS_EX_COMPOSITED), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = True EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING Func WM_EXITSIZEMOVE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; reset the extended window style to previous values #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam Local $GUIStyle If $g_IsResizing Then ; resizing ends $GUIStyle = GUIGetStyle($MainForm) GUISetStyle(-1, BitAND($GUIStyle[1], BitNOT($WS_EX_COMPOSITED)), $MainForm) $g_IsResizing = False EndIf $lp = ControlGetPos($MainForm,"",$Tab1) controlmove($MainForm,"",$Tab1,16, 40, $lp[2], 22) Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_EXITSIZEMOVE #EndRegion ANTIFLICKER $lp = ControlGetPos("App Template", "", $labh) $maintablabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $lp[0], $lp[1], $lp[2], $lp[3], BitOR(0x411000, $ws_clipsiblings), 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKLEFT) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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