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science project on newton's laws

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I'm making a simulation using autoit about newton's first law of motion. basically, the truck looks like it's moving but its the background that is. But i've run into a problem, i have the background created many times and each background is supposed to be moving together but if you notice after moving the truck for about 15-20 seconds the background ends and if you keep going it begins again. I can't think of why my images are separated and was hoping someone could help me figure this out. if you have any suggestions i am completely open because right now i think it kinda sucks :mellow:

below is the link to my zipped file with project and data in it. there is no virus and i really need some help. thanks in advance!


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Looking over your code, you could just use a Power Point presentation instead. If you don't have PP I suggest you download Open Office. You code has no math functions what-so-ever.

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For this to be an accurate portrayal of Newtonian Science you need the math. Otherwise your program is just a slide show. Since this is for a science fair, I would suggest you dedicate more time to fancy physic models like Newtons cradle can be purchased at Spencers for $10.

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And some well documented panels. Then use a power point slide show. Trust me I have been to enough conventions to know what attracts attention. Hands on stuff, thing that people can play with.

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being totally honest, I don't think this is the best way to go about things as moving an image control causes alot of flickering and tearing, and just doesn't look good. you could make a simple avi video that can be looped, and just have that as a background control that plays over and over, would stop the flickering/tearing, would be easy to do, and would just better overall.

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