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Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:


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#include <ExcelCOM_UDF.au3>

    $file = @ScriptDir & "\resource\Subnets.xlsx"
    $oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($file, 0) 

    $ip1 = ""
    $ip2 = StringSplit($ip1, ".")
    $sFindWhat = $ip2[1] & "." & $ip2[2] & "." & $ip2[3]
    $sRangeOrRowStart = "A1"
    $iRowEnd = "500"
    $StrRow = _ExcelFindInRange($oExcel, $sFindWhat, $sRangeOrRowStart,$iRowEnd)
    $check = StringLen($StrRow[1][0])
    If $check < 1 Then
        MsgBox(1,"","doesnt Exist")
    $check = StringLen($StrRow[1][0])
    $result = StringTrimLeft($StrRow[1][0], 1)
    $read = "C" & $result
    $match = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $read, 1)
    _ExcelBookClose($oExcel, 0, 0)

I am getting the above error when i am trying to search for an ip address from an excel sheet, the excel sheet has a list of subnets and matching locations.

If the ip address exists on the subnets list then it works fine and returns the corresponding location, however when the ip address is not on the list then i get the Error.

Can anybody help with either a solution or some sort of error capture to stop the script from crashing. i have tried a simple IF statement but it also errors before the error can be captured.

NB - the extra msgbox's are just there to try and capture the error.

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

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At which line does this error occur? Shouldn't be too hard to solve then.

Btw I see you only search for the first 3 bytes of the IP address ($sFindWhat), which you can also extract from $ip1 without an extra variable $ip2:

$ip = ""
$First3Bytes = StringRegExpReplace($ip, "(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})", "\1.\2.\3")
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At which line does this error occur? Shouldn't be too hard to solve then.

Btw I see you only search for the first 3 bytes of the IP address ($sFindWhat), which you can also extract from $ip1 without an extra variable $ip2:

$ip = ""
$First3Bytes = StringRegExpReplace($ip, "(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})", "\1.\2.\3")

Thanks for the reply, I figured it out, right after i posted this topic.

I added the following line of code and it works a treat.

$check1 = $StrRow[0][0]
If $check1 = 0 Then

This basically looks at the number of results returned and if it is 0 then ends the check.


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