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Automating internet explorer using AutoItX3.dll

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Hi All,

I wrote an au3 script which makes several actions on IE7.

The script succeeds to perform what I wanted.

Here is the opening lines of the script:


#include <IE.au3>

ShellExecute ("iexplore")

Sleep (4000)


;If ie creation fails - open first an instance of ie and try again


$oIE = _IECreate ("")


$title = _IEPropertyGet ($oIE, "title")

If StringCompare($title, "Communications Center") = 0 Then

$id = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "TextboxUsername")

_IEDocInsertText ($id,"lruser100014")

$pw = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "TextboxPassword")

_IEDocInsertText ($pw,"Aa111111")


My aim is to perform those actions on remote PCs, to check actions that are performed between 2 or more applications on remote PCs.

For that, I built C++ client and server apps which by using sockets should pass my requests to the servers.

So I am thinking on two options how should the server app perform the task:

One, to send the name of the script to server, and then the server app will load and execute the script which will be on some network directory.

Two, translate the script I wrote to AU3_*** commands and put it inside a function in the server app code and the server app will run it.

My questions are:

1. In general - I didn't find any reference for the DLL exported functions. Is there such reference?

2. Is there a way I can run operations on web sites using the DLL functions?

3. Is there a way to execute an au3 script with the DLL functions?


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Why use c++?

AutoIt has TCP functionality and numerous examples of such, both client and server style programs. You're making something complicated when it doesn't need to be. :mellow:

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Why use c++?

AutoIt has TCP functionality and numerous examples of such, both client and server style programs. You're making something complicated when it doesn't need to be. :mellow:

That is because I would like to build some kind of a control center to my testers and developers to manage their tests and to spend them from writing scripts. I would like to give them GUI infrastructure to build the tests.

I would like to use GUI to control the tests and to automate them.

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AutoItX only runs native functions, it doesn't have the interpreter. Your only choice is to either use AutoItX or "something else". Not both, at least not like that.

And what's wrong with building a GUI in AutoIt?

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