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Errors with ControlSend

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When I run the script below with an open outlook mail message

ControlSend("Untitled Message", "", "[CLASSNN:_WwG1]", "***************************************************************************************************",1)

I get different strings like


it is causing all sorts of problems when i try and input data into my emails from the clipboard.

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Not positive if this is your problem, but sending text using symbols such as !@#$&^&*( change the letter/key after. For example, some are shown below. (All of these are found in the help file for auto it under (*Send*)

This tells AutoIt to send an ALT keystroke, therefore Send("This is text!a") would send the keys "This is text" and then press "ALT+a".

N.B. Some programs are very choosy about capital letters and ALT keys, i.e. "!A" is different to "!a". The first says ALT+SHIFT+A, the second is ALT+a. If in doubt, use lowercase!

This tells AutoIt to send a SHIFT keystroke, therefore Send("Hell+o") would send the text "HellO". Send("!+a") would send "ALT+SHIFT+a".

This tells AutoIt to send a CONTROL keystroke, therefore Send("^!a") would send "CTRL+ALT+a".

N.B. Some programs are very choosy about capital letters and CTRL keys, i.e. "^A" is different to "^a". The first says CTRL+SHIFT+A, the second is CTRL+a. If in doubt, use lowercase!

The hash now sends a Windows keystroke; therefore, Send("#r") would send Win+r which launches the Run dialog box.

You can set SendCapslockMode to make CAPS LOCK disabled at the start of a Send operation and restored upon completion.
However, if a user is holding down the Shift key when a Send function begins, text may be sent in uppercase.
One workaround is to Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{SHIFTUP}") before the other Send operations.

Certain keyboard as the Czech one send different characters when using the Shift Key or being in CAPS LOCK enabled and sending a char. Due to the send AutoIt implementation the CAPS LOCKed char will be sent as Shifted one so it will not work.

Certain special keys can be sent and should be enclosed in braces:
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