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Excel: Copying data from one cell to a range of other cells

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I can't figure out how to Copy data from one cell to a range of other cells.

For example, there's a formula in cell G2 and I want to copy it cells G3:G7.

Not knowing how this is done I turned on the macro recorder to see what's happening behind the scenes when you do this manually. Here's the VBA code that gets generated....

Example 1


Now the question - how is this done in AutoIT.

I checked the AutoIT forum, but didn’t find anything directly relating to this.

I checked MSDN and found the following VBA code...

Example 2

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D4").Copy _

So with above VBA examples in mind, I tried the following for AutoIT....

Method #1, based on Example1 above

Error: "The requested action with this object has failed". Arrow pointing to Copy


Method #2, based on Example1 above

Error: "The requested action with this object has failed". Arrow pointing to Paste


Method #3, based on Example1 above

Error: "The requested action with this object has failed". Arrow pointing to Paste

With $oExcel.ActiveSheet.range("G2" )

Method #4, based on Example2 above

Error: "The requested action with this object has failed". Arrow pointing to Copy


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sample code would be even better.

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$oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application")

$oExcel.Visible = 1

$oExcel.WorkBooks.Open ("C:\123.xls")





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