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Check if already installed help


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Hi, I have a script that installs windows updates, and here is a snippet

Run("high-pri1\Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (KB978207)\X86-en-ie8-windowsxp-kb978207.exe /q /norestart")


Run("high-pri1\Security Update for Jscript 5.8 for Windows XP (KB971961)\X86-en-ie8-windowsxp-kb971961.exe /q /norestart")


How can I make it check if the update is already installed first?


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I just posted this one that checks the registry entry prior to running the KBs


RegRead(path to update entry in registry)

if @error > 0 Then

runwait (KB123456.exe)


sleep (2000)

Edited by iamtheky

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'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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