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Hello, I have the user input three integers, I would then convert those integers into hex. I would like to concatenate them together and add a header string to it. Hope I didn't lose you.

$r = 124 
$g = 10  
$b = 234 

;Attempting to store values as strings.
$r = hex($r,2); Yields 7C
$g = hex($g,2); Yields 0A
$b = hex($b,2); Yields EA

;Now I'd like to combine the 3 strings to 7C0AEA. I'd like to also add a "0x" in front of that string but that would be simple as soon as I figure out how to "add" strings together.

Thank You



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MsgBox(0, "", _Color_RGBtoHex(124, 10, 234))
MsgBox(0, "", _Color_RGBtoHex_Ex(124, 10, 234))

Func _Color_RGBtoHex($iR, $iG, $iB)
    Local $aArray[16] = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
    Return "0x" & $aArray[$iR / 16] & $aArray[Mod($iR, 16)] & $aArray[$iG / 16] & $aArray[Mod($iG, 16)] & $aArray[$iB / 16] & $aArray[Mod($iB, 16)]

Func _Color_RGBtoHex_Ex($iR, $iG, $iB)
    Return "0x" & Hex($iR, 2) & Hex($iG, 2) & Hex($iB, 2)

Something like this?

EDIT: Updated code.

Edited by AlmarM


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$hexrgb = "0x" & $r & $g & $b ; <== the "&" is used to concantenate

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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There is also _ColorSetRGB(), see help file.

#include <Color.au3>

$r = 124
$g = 10
$b = 234

Dim $aColor[3] = [$r, $g, $b]

$nColor = _ColorSetRGB( $aColor )
MsgBox( 4096, "AutoIt", " Red=" & Hex($aColor[0],2) & " Blue=" & Hex($aColor[1],2) & " Green=" & Hex($aColor[2],2) & @CRLF & _
                "Color=" & Hex($nColor))


Edited by PsaltyDS
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