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using hotkeys to start, end, and restart and func

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hello everybody, i'm new to AutoIt, it's only been about 2 weeks since i started, but i understand most of the basics

so i was trying to create a script to play this armorgames called Podz. it involves click on all the green balls before the time runs out. i was trying to make it so everytime you press "s" it would do the function. this is because you have to press a button in between each level. i also wanted to make so you could press "e" to end the function

so this is what i have so far:

#include <misc.au3>

$xcor = 259

$ycor = 200

$da = 1

Func podz()


while $ycor < 593

If _IsPressed("45") Then ExitLoop

While $xcor < 727

MouseMove( $xcor, $ycor,0)

If PixelGetColor($xcor,$ycor) = 10870552 Then MouseClick("left")

$xcor += 2



mousemove(0, $ycor,0)

$xcor = 0



While 1

if _IsPressed("53") then podz()


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