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possible to add background color to a tab?

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well??? is it possible to add background color to tabs?

when i put this in my script...

$background = GUICtrlCreatePic(@DesktopDir & "\key\config\test.jpg", 0, 0, 560, 490)

the tabs dont show at all. this was all i could think of. also, i tried setting the gui color, but it did not effect the tabs.

ALSO... i use this for a few pictures on my gui.

GUICtrlCreateAvi(@DesktopDir & "\key\config\fire.avi", 0, 0, 440, 32, 32, $ACS_AUTOPLAY)

but it shows on all of the tabs.

is there a way to put a picture on only one tab, and not have it be on them all?

Edited by t0ddie

Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.

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I have two great ideas .....but

First.... did this work for you?


Second.... did this work for you?


you should let people know if things helped you



first link, actually, i was more or less wondering if there was any way to detect what tab a user is on.

for second link,

i updated since, i want to know if there is a way to "force" hiding the window, and not use the macro.

ty for your ideas so far. i am eagerly waiting to hear youyr other ideas! :(

Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.

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First i use this******

$Favorites_jpg = @HomeDrive & "\Temp\Favorites-bk.jpg"

FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Favorites-Backgnd-jpg.jpg", $Favorites_jpg)

then this*********

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" My Favorites ")

GUICtrlCreatePic($Favorites_jpg, 10, 31, 491, 321, $SS_SUNKEN)

GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) ; will display this tab first

........ bla...bla...bla

and this is my result************

This pic only shows on this tab and i have the same setup with a different pic in every tab

i think this will fix your problem with tabs and pictures

also ******************* for color

1. when i accidently did not install the pic correctly "wrong name".. but did the above

it changed the color to tan

2. recently i did this for color

GuiCreate("*XPClean Menu* )

GUISetBkColor ("")

did all my set up

and put it in again here*******


GUISetBkColor ("")

While 1

* the background was black

thanks for responding...and



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#include <GUIConstants.au3>
$Favorites_jpg = @DesktopDir & "\key\config\test2.jpg"
FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\key\config\test.jpg", $Favorites_jpg)

$GUI = GUICreate("testing", 510, 390)

GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 22, 510, 390)

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" My Favorites ")
GUICtrlCreatePic($Favorites_jpg, 0, 22, 200, 200, $SS_SUNKEN)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON); will display this tab first

while 1

i did this to test it out, and i dont get any picture displaying at all.

also, i was wondering if there is a way to "detect" what tab the user is on.

global $tabdetect ; or something.......

like, they click tab 3 out of 5 tabs.. for example,

the variable $tabdetect would have a value of 3

and they click tab 1 out of 5 tabs..

the variable $tabdetect would have a value of 1

anything like that?

and i cant get the picture to display, whats wrong with the code?

Edited by t0ddie

Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.

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this goes just before

"While 1"


in previous versions of autoit there was'nt much for tab controls

but in ver 3.1.1+++

there is an "include" called

#include <GuiTab.au3>.... i'm not sure wjhat all it can do...but

i found this under 3.1.1+++ help

Sets the interval frequency for tick marks in a slider.

_GUICtrlTabDeleteAllItems Removes all items from a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabDeleteItem Removes an item from a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabDeselectAll Resets items in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetCurFocus Returns the index of the item that has the focus in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel Determines the currently selected tab in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetExtendedStyle Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for the tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetItemCount Retrieves the number of tabs in the tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetItemRECT Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a tab in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetRowCount Retrieves the current number of rows of tabs in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabGetUnicodeFormat Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control.

_GUICtrlTabHighlightItem Sets the highlight state of a tab item.

_GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus Sets the focus to a specified tab in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabSetCurSel Selects a tab in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabSetMinTabWidth Sets the minimum width of items in a tab control.

_GUICtrlTabSetUnicodeFormat Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control.

good luck


Edited by Valuater


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my lil mistake cant beleive i did it...

winsetstate() yeah... i put it in the wrong place didnt i!! lol

thanks, works beautifully

*tear rolls down cheek

as for the beta...

_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel Determines the currently selected tab in a tab control.

looks like exactly what i need!

very helpful, very fast response!

kudos to you val!


Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.

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