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Search text file, return with partial string


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I'm trying to search for a portion of a string in a file, split that string, returning it for use to search an ini file, so I can retrieve yet another value.

Everything works fine, but if it doesn't find "game name" in mame32.lst, it tries to pass a bunk variable to the IniRead. I tried setting variables $isgame 1 and 0 to determine if it exists in mame32.lst, but then I get all sorts of other problems. Kinda stumped here, so anything to push me along.

$file = FileOpen("mame32.lst", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



Dim $array

; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached

While 1

$line = FileReadLine($file)

If @error = -1 Then

$isgame = 0



If StringInStr($line, "game name") Then

$found = 0

For $x = 0 To UBound($array) - 1

If $line == $array[$x] Then

$found = 1




If Not $found Then

If IsArray($array) Then

ReDim $array[uBound($array) + 1]


Dim $array[1]


$array[uBound($array) - 1] = $line




For $x = 0 To UBound($array) - 1

$aarayread = StringSplit($array[$x], @TAB)

$blah = $aarayread[1]

$hasgame = IniRead(@scriptdir & "/ini/games.ini", $aarayread[1], "hasroms", "0")


If $hasgame = "0" Then

MsgBox(0, "", "has file")


MsgBox(0, "", "doesn't have file")



Edited by mud409
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Your topic seem to be at a borderline between legal and ilegal.

Emulators are generaly related to console games to be run on PCs which is often considered ilegal.

I know, you might own the original game and you might be entitled to do such a thing, that's why I said it is between legal and ilegal.

Ilegal stuff is not tolerated around here.

It would be the best idea to not continue this thread, to let it die.

-friendly advice-

SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script

wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe

Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :)

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