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FileGetType UDF


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I needed this func in my TreeViewBrowse, so i though someone may find it useful..

Func _FileGetType($hFile) 
    Local $hGetExt = StringRight($hFile,3)
    Local $hGetAttrib = FileGetAttrib($hFile)

    If (StringInStr($hGetAttrib,"D")) Then
        Return "Directory"
;/// Program files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "exe" Then 
        Return "Program" 
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "bin" Then 
        Return "BIN-file"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "dll" Then 
        Return "Program extension"
;/// Text files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "txt" Then 
        Return "Text-document"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "au3" Then 
        Return "AutoIt V3 Script"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "RTF" Then 
        Return "RTF-document"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "htm" Then 
        Return "HTML-document"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "html" Then 
        Return "HTML-document"
;/// Picture files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "jpg" Then 
        Return "jpg-picture"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "jpeg" Then 
        Return "jpeg-picture"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "gif" Then 
        Return "GIF-picture"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "bmp" Then 
        Return "BMP-picture"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "png" Then 
        Return "PNG-picture"
;/// Sound files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "wav" Then 
        Return "Wav-Sound"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "mp3" Then 
        Return "mp3-Sound"
;/// Packed files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "rar" Then 
        Return "RAR Archive"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "zip" Then 
        Return "ZIP Archive"
;/// Other files
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "url" Then 
        Return "Internet shortcut"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "chm" Then 
        Return "Compiled HTML Help-file"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "hlp" Then 
        Return "Help-file"
    ElseIf $hGetExt = "pdf" Then 
        Return "Acrobat Reader file"
;/// No match, Set Default Ext
        Return $hGetExt & "-file"
EndFunc;FileGetType End
Edited by Wb-FreeKill
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Cool, but you know that those returns look similar to rhe default classes in registry.

MsgBox(0, '', RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.url', ''))

This maybe an option to use also? The extention could be a variable in the regread() line?

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Cool, but you know that those returns look similar to rhe default classes in registry.

MsgBox(0, '', RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.url', ''))

This maybe an option to use also? The extention could be a variable in the regread() line?


thx, but only very few has an actual descryption, like the url.. most of them just returns "exefile,dllfile,txtfile" and so on, think mine is better :( but you have to code em your self :(
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Firstly, you're assuming that all files have an extension, and that it's always exactly 3 characters. Secondly, if you look up an extension in HCR and then look up that value, you'll usually get a better description.



Func _FileGetExt($sFileName)

Dim $DotPos, $Other

$DotPos = StringInStr($sFileName, '.', 1, -1)

If $DotPos = 0 Then Return ''

$Other = StringInStr($sFileName, '\', 1, -1)

If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''

$Other = StringInStr($sFileName, ':', 1, -1)

If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''

Return StringTrimLeft($sFileName, $DotPos)


Func _FileGetType($sFileName)

Dim $Ext = _FileGetExt($sFileName), $Type, $Type2

$Type = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.' & $Ext, '')

If $Type = '' Then

$Type = $Ext & ' file'


$Type2 = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\' & $Type, '')

If $Type2 <> '' Then $Type = $Type2


Return $Type


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Func _FileGetExt($sFileName)

Dim $DotPos, $Other

$DotPos = StringInStr($sFileName, '.', 1, -1)

If $DotPos = 0 Then Return ''

$Other = StringInStr($sFileName, '\', 1, -1)

If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''

$Other = StringInStr($sFileName, ':', 1, -1)

If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''

Return StringTrimLeft($sFileName, $DotPos)


Func _FileGetType($sFileName)

Dim $Ext = _FileGetExt($sFileName), $Type, $Type2

$Type = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.' & $Ext, '')

If $Type = '' Then

  $Type = $Ext & ' file'


  $Type2 = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\' & $Type, '')

  If $Type2 <> '' Then $Type = $Type2


Return $Type


slightly edited, now calls directories for........ directory :(

Func _FileGetExt($sFileName)
    Dim $DotPos, $Other
    $DotPos = StringInStr($sFileName, '.', 1, -1)
    If $DotPos = 0 Then Return ''
    $Other = StringInStr($sFileName, '\', 1, -1)
    If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''
    $Other = StringInStr($sFileName, ':', 1, -1)
    If $Other > $DotPos Then Return ''
    Return StringTrimLeft($sFileName, $DotPos)

Func _FileGetType($sFileName)
    Dim $Ext = _FileGetExt($sFileName), $Type, $Type2
    $Type = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.' & $Ext, '')
    If $Type = '' Then 
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFileName),"D") Then 
            $Type = "Directory"
            $Type = $Ext & '-file'
        $Type2 = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\' & $Type, '')
        If $Type2 <> '' Then $Type = $Type2
    Return $Type
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I think you put that IF in a bad place - if you have a folder named C:\MyFolder.Txt for example, the whole directory check will be skipped. Try this instead:


Func _FileGetType($sFileName)

Dim $Type

If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFileName),"D") Then

$Type = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder', '')


Dim $Ext = _FileGetExt($sFileName)

$Type = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.' & $Ext, '')

If $Type = '' Then

$Type = $Ext & '-file'


Dim $Type2 = RegRead('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\' & $Type, '')

If $Type2 <> '' Then $Type = $Type2



Return $Type


Edited by blindwig
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