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convert local time to GMT

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you mean on your PC clock, on a text file, or just to have something popup and say what GMT time it is?


also would you want it in a tool tip, message box, splach screen, ect...?


also do you want the 12 or 24 hour format?

Edited by gamerman2360
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Use _DateAdd() to add or subtract some hours to get GMT.

__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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you mean on your PC clock, on a text file, or just to have something popup and say what GMT time it is?


yes to have something popup and say what GMT time it is? Edited by ghareeb

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Id just do this, but i dont have you time zone (or know how to find it using auto it) so it could be wrong.

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

While 1
    Tooltip("GMT " & @hour + -6 & ":" & @min, 10, 10)

Func Terminate()
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